Use "home directory" in a sentence

1. 421 Home directory not available - Aborting

2. Example: What processes are accessing my home directory?

3. This element contains the absolute path to the home directory of the user.

4. In parenthesis now is a tilde which is shorthand notation for My Home Directory.

5. The ~ is your home directory, so ~/bin will be /home/user/bin; it is a normal directory

6. The first step is to set up a folder called cstories in the home directory of your Raspberry Pi, containing your Counterstory MP3 files

7. 25 It's a good thing to have a source directory just beneath your home directory, and by convention, this directory is typically called src.

8. In order for Apulse to do its job, it needs to access the ALSA device files under /dev/snd, and the .asoundrc configuration file in the user’s home directory

9. To open the alias domain’s home directory with the File Manager interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> File Manager), click the link that corresponds to that alias under the Domain Root column of the Remove Aliases table.

10. To install Coot-trimmings, copy the script from the “misc” subdirectory to the hidden Coot-preferences directory in your home directory, e.g.: When you restart Coot, you should see a new “Custom” menu, and have a set of extra keybindings and custom functions