Use "hit upon" in a sentence

1. We've hit upon a new trick.

2. He hit upon a plan to defeat his antagonist.

3. Knit your brows and you will hit upon a stratagem.

4. An interesting miracle happened one day; while bathing in a water body, his feet hit upon something.

5. A common saying goes, " Knit the brows and you will hit upon a stratagem. " In other words, much thinking yields wisdom.

6. Last year, while looking to buy a pepper shaker online, he hit upon the idea of a Google Price Index (GPI).

7. In mid-May, about 3000 Zürichers, 2000 Bernese, 2000 Toggenburgers and 1800 Protestant Thurgauers marched into the Princely Lands and first hit upon the abbatial city of Wil, that fell on 22 May after a short siege.