Use "his offspring" in a sentence

1. Furthermore, Esau ignored the effect his action would have on his offspring.

2. It is a permanent statute for him and his offspring* after him.

3. As his offspring, they are receiving the wages that sin pays —death. —Romans 6:23.

4. Adam lost for himself and for his offspring perfect human life on a paradise earth.

5. (Genesis 3:17-19) His offspring inherited the unhappy sort of life that Adam had chosen.

6. The consequences of the defective legacy that Adam left his offspring were cumulative.—Romans 5:12.

7. (Job 42:11-15) Moreover, Job lived another 140 years and saw four generations of his offspring.

8. The earth will abound with his offspring, who will delight to oversee it and enjoy its many life forms.

9. Wicked King Ahaz, for example, went so far as to offer up his offspring in a ritual sacrifice to the god Molech.

10. The horn quality is essential to getting good genetics in a flock; bad horns in the sire will continue down through his offspring.

11. The larger of the two mollusks performs cunnilingus on her, while the smaller one, his offspring, assists by fondling the woman's mouth and left nipple.

12. Preventing Cryptorchidism Since Cryptorchidism is a genetic disease, it is not recommended to breed dogs with this condition, as the father could pass it along to his offspring

13. + 24 But because my servant Caʹleb+ had a different spirit and kept following after me wholeheartedly, I will certainly bring him into the land where he went, and his offspring will take possession of it.

14. Female echidnas lay one egg a year and the mating period is the only time the otherwise solitary animals meet one another; the male has no further contact with the female or his offspring after mating.

15. He was a man of such strong faith that when Jehovah called him to leave his home in Ur of the Chaldeans, he unhesitatingly set out for the land that Jehovah was going to show him, confident that God would fulfill His promise to give it to him and to his offspring.