Use "high-ranking" in a sentence

1. Victor Han, a former high-ranking official

2. He doesn't strike soldiers and high-ranking murderers like Walden.

3. Once home, Prajadhipok became a high-ranking military official in Siam.

4. You are a high-ranking military service member deployed to Afghanistan.

5. A high-ranking official, Li Shanyou, accused Liu of visiting a prostitute.

6. Aquamarines were high ranking Gems commonly found in Blue Diamond 's court

7. Archpriest meaning: a high-ranking priest, especially in some Roman Catholic churches:

8. Begum (plural Begums) a high-ranking Muslim woman, especially in India and Pakistan

9. Former KLA leaders also entered politics, some of them reaching high-ranking offices.

10. Being in bed with some high - ranking officials, Mr. Chen acts somewhat arrogantly.

11. In correspondence with high-ranking Nazi officials, letters were usually signed with "Heil Hitler".

12. Two other high-ranking executives are also set to leave , according to US media .

13. Answer: Historically, a Cupbearer was a high-ranking official in charge of serving the king

14. (Isaiah 6: 2, 6) Cherubs form another high-ranking order of Angels having special duties

15. Cupbearer, a high ranking royal official primarily in charge of serving wine to the king

16. 25 He was one of the most high-ranking spies ever unmasked by the CIA.

17. Rule: Capitalize the titles of high-ranking government officials when used with or before their names

18. These males establish dominance hierarchies, with the high-ranking males having access to the most females.

19. An Archpriest (or Archpriestess) is a high-ranking person in priestly hierarchy, but lower than hierarch

20. (Jude 9; Revelation 12:7) Seraphs are high-ranking Angels who are stationed near Jehovah’s throne

21. Because many of his high ranking Baathist officers were in fact strongly tied to these Islamic extremists

22. One of these is “the Apollyon,” which might refer to Satan or to a high-ranking demon

23. We senior materials: high - ranking bristle, fleece , horse hair , nylon hair and the hair of cattle ear.

24. The Assassin is a high-ranking Nobody controlled by Axel that is found in Kingdom Hearts II.

25. The five men, all high-ranking members of the Taliban government: Wakil Ahmad Muttawakil, former foreign minister.

26. 23 Joseph saw Tran Van Hieu and his father make their obeisance gravely beside other high-ranking Annamese.

27. Holdren, USAID Administrator Rajiv Shah, Deputy National Security Advisor Michael Froman, and other high ranking U.S. Government officials.

28. A Cabinet is a body of high-ranking state officials, typically consisting of the executive branch's top leaders

29. Actually, my analysis of the evidence from Detective Fusco suggests that Simmons is just a high-ranking lieutenant.

30. Most such axe and adz are ancient farming tools, different from the high - ranking tomahawk and fighting Qi.

31. The Archpriest was high-ranking cleric in 1271 who run the ancient Monastery on grounds of La Valette Castle.

32. In the fall of 2013 he was temporarily demoted to sojang again, like many other high-ranking KPA soldiers.

33. He talks Sean into joining the resistance, and Sean is tasked with dispatching Nazi operations and killing high-ranking officers.

34. High-ranking officials were said to be rigging privatization to their own advantage(, using their influence in local administrations.

35. Toledo eventually found employment as a news correspondent for La Prensa in Chimbote, where he interviewed several high-ranking politicians.

36. 23 If you're planning a risky aerial attack with a high-ranking character the Healing Potion might be a good idea.

37. Anthracite coal is a high-ranking coal with more fixed carbon and less volatile matter than bituminous, subbituminous, or lignite varieties

38. In Anglo-Saxon England, ealdormen, or Aldermen, were high-ranking officials of the crown who exercised judicial, administrative, or military functions

39. Sometimes Counteroffers are disguised in terms of meetings with your boss, superior, the company president or some other high ranking executive

40. These calls , say Pakistani officials , were traced to a number of " high - ranking " Indian officials , a charge the India has termed " preposterous " .

41. High-ranking members of the Libyan leader 's inner circle were sent to Cairo , Brussels , Lisbon and Malta to approach government officials .

42. Ms. Phillips says she represented a high-ranking female executive recruiter, who favored severe dark business suits, in a child-custody case.

43. Kim's government required government and military officials to publish their financial records, precipitating the resignation of several high-ranking officers and cabinet members.

44. By Scheming Androgynes by Jeremy James High-ranking transgender deceiver, Jan Crouch of TBN In our experience Christians today are shamefully lacking in discernment

45. In addition, there is a statue of Skanda (a high ranking heavenly general and defender of Buddhist law) with his back to the Maitreya statue.

46. 18 Beijing natives, high-ranking officials and skilled workers habituate the central areas of the city; while pop stars and entrepreneurs occupy the picturesque suburbs.

47. Crosier (disambiguation) - A Crosier, or crozier, is the stylized staff of office carried by high-ranking Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, some Lutheran, and Pentecostal prelates.

48. On 5 February, she carried Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, Winston Churchill and several high-ranking military leaders to Boulogne for a war council meeting in Paris.

49. A high ranking female is contended by two male Baboons who soon resort to violence.Subscribe to BBC Earth for more amazing animal videos -

50. Word forms: plural Archdeacons countable noun & title noun An Archdeacon is a high-ranking clergyman who works as an assistant to a bishop, especially in the …

51. This high-ranking organ is made up of lobules that each contains smaller cells called follicles, which store the hormones the thyroid sends out into your blood.

52. A high-ranking Christian cleric, in modern churches usually in charge of a diocese and in some churches regarded as having received the highest Bishops - definition of Bishops …

53. Bolton’s volume is the first tell-all memoir by such a high-ranking official who participated in major foreign policy events and has a lifetime of conservative credentials.

54. Cooley reported that the Germans offered the Palestinians an unlimited amount of money for the release of the athletes, as well as the substitution by high-ranking Germans.

55. Baathist Loyalist Scoffs at Petraeus' View of Iraq A high-ranking member of Saddam Hussein's Baathist party — who now supports efforts by insurgents in Iraq — describes American military

56. Inside that we are transported to pre-independence India of the 1920s, where she is Ayah (guardian/governess) to the young children of a high ranking British family.

57. 'Councillor for National Affairs') is a high-ranking position within the State Council of the People's Republic of China, the executive organ of China's central government (comparable to a cabinet)

58. The Betrayer, also known as Commander Valen, is a former high-ranking member of the Night Sentinels, and is an important character in the backstories of Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal

59. According to the high-ranking official, the Armaments and vehicles have been brought from the territory of Northern Iraq through the Semelka checkpoint into Rojava, the territory where the Syrian Kurds live

60. "Anything that the UK would do would be deniable, " says Pat Tyrrell, a former high-ranking official at the Ministry of Defence who drafted the UK's first assessment of the potential for cyberwarfare.

61. A military attaché is a military expert who is Attached to a diplomatic mission, often an embassy.This post is normally filled by a high-ranking military officer who retains his commission while serving in an embassy

62. His efforts were at first highly regarded but subsequently ignored by the British, which a disillusioned Jeffery later attributed to the treachery of Kim Philby and other high-ranking communist agents entrenched in the British system.

63. A Crosier (also known as a crozier, paterissa, pastoral staff, or bishop's staff) is a stylized staff carried by high-ranking Roman Catholic, Eastern Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Oriental Orthodox, Anglican, and some Lutheran, United Methodist and Pentecostal prelates

64. Beelzebub is a name derived from a Philistine God of Ekron, formerly worshipped in the Philistine city of Ekron.This high ranking demon is one of the Princes of Hell who presides over the "Order of the Fly".

65. The ceremonial Baton is a short, thick stick-like object, typically in wood or metal, that is traditionally the sign of a field marshal or a similar high-ranking military officer, and carried as a piece of their uniform

66. Major Bishop and the player learn that a high-ranking Federation officer, Colonel Holland, has been leaking intelligence of the major Terran bases to the Arachnids via the captured Brain Bug, in hopes of uniting humanity with the bugs.

67. You might feel Bashful when meeting a famous actress, a high-ranking government official, or just someone whom you find really good-looking. Bashful and shy are similar in meaning, but not quite identical. Bashful often describes people who are shy but friendly.

68. ‘The directors Cleverly interweave the real people with the actors playing them.’ ‘His voice-over is used very Cleverly to increase suspense and shocks.’ ‘Cleverly, she claimed to be the child of a secret affair between a high-ranking politician and a former deputy minister.’

69. The Mongols wrapped the three of them in felt rugs, as befitted high-ranking aristocrats, and stuffed them beneath the floorboards of their ger, thereby slowly, but Bloodlessly, crushing the men as the Mongols drank and sang through the night on the floor above them

70. Counselor (diplomat), a high-ranking diplomat Counsellor of State (United Kingdom), senior member of the British royal family to whom the Monarch can delegate certain state functions and powers in case of their unavailability Counselor of the United States Department of State, confidential adviser to the U.S

71. Catherine, or The Bower, an unfinished Jane Austen novel A high-ranking card (usually a Jack) in certain card games: The Right and Left Bower (or Bauer), the two highest-ranking cards in the game of Euchre The Best and Under Bower in the game of Bester Bauer

72. The Chancellor of the Exchequer, often abbreviated to the Chancellor, is a high ranking Minister of the Crown within the Government of the United Kingdom, and head of Her Majesty's Treasury.As one of the four Great Offices of State, the Chancellor is a senior member of the British Cabinet.

73. Examples of Afterworld in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web Some tombs at Hegra are the final resting places for high-ranking officers and their families, who, according to the writing on their tombs, took the adopted Roman military titles of prefect and centurion to the Afterworld with them.

74. From the United Nations headquarters in New York where he was laid in state, Thant's body was flown back to Rangoon, but no guard of honour or high-ranking officials were on hand at the airport when the coffin arrived except for U Aung Tun, deputy minister of education, who was subsequently dismissed from office.

75. Castellan, in the context of the BBC television series Doctor Who, is a title adopted by one or more high-ranking Time Lords, such as Castellan Spandrell, Castellan Kelner and the unnamed Castellan, who is/are member/s of the High Council of Gallifrey and is/are in charge of the security of the Citadel.The Chancellory Guard reports to a/the Castellan