Use "high humidity" in a sentence

1. During this period, relative humidity is high.

2. Stress can be caused by high temperature, high humidity and waterlogging.

3. Booklice and psocids require moisture or high humidity

4. They live in areas of high humidity levels.

5. Areas of high humidity may require additional ventilation.

6. High humidity helps reduce the shriveling of Apples in storage

7. Booklice are found living in areas with high relative humidity, because a high humidity environment easily produces their main food sources of fungi and mold

8. Problems associated with high humidity are product sticking and Caking

9. Some powders may clump if the humidity is too high.

10. The humidity was lower, making the high temperatures more bearable.

11. Most Aroids prefer high temperatures and a fair bit of humidity

12. Storing in greenhouses with a high humidity very quickly diminishes their viability.

13. 25 Concussion rings sprang away from the muzzles in the high humidity.

14. During the dry season, the heat is intense and the humidity high.”

15. Booklice will migrate in large numbers to locate a high humidity environment

16. Accordingly, even under the condition of a high temperature and high humidity, no great stress is generated in the adhesive.

17. Anthuriums need a moist environment, so be sure to maintain high humidity around your plant

18. This facility has a high humidity level and indirect illumination produced by amethyst shaped crystals.

19. Winters are not cold, but the humidity is high and houses are seldom adequately heated.

20. We store them in our own Cheese cave, set for high humidity and moderate temperatures

21. The relative humidity is high at night throughout the year; usually it exceeds 90 percent.

22. Humidity The average relative humidity in Anama is 77%

23. Wet Bilges can create high levels of humidity, which results in a strong and unpleasant odor

24. Absolute Humidity

25. Humidity The average relative humidity in Balmont is 83%

26. The monsoons are second coolest season of the year because of high humidity and cloud covering.

27. Today, the collection lies hidden in Bamako, the capital of Mali, moldering in the high humidity.

28. Homes with mould problems are more likely in areas with high absolute humidity, and having a high number of occupants (generating moisture).

29. This would lead to the wilting and the death of epiphytes, which rely on high humidity.

30. Rel. Humidity

31. Absolute humidity

32. Amorphous aluminum silicate having excellent adsorption characteristics in high-humidity range and process for producing the same

33. High standards of cleanliness are essential as the extra warmth and humidity can encourage pests and diseases.

34. Air quality may be exceptionally poor and humidity high beneath a stagnant airmass in the city core.

35. All the services listed in this class not related to the fields of humidity absorption, humidity treatment and humidity research

36. Air absolute humidity

37. H Absolute humidity

38. Characteristic features of the area are its high rainfall, low relative humidity and small number of cloudy days.

39. Absolute humidity sensor

40. Humidity sensors measure the amount of water (relative humidity) in the air.

41. Dehumidifying the diluent before entering the dilution system is permitted, and especially useful if diluent humidity is high.

42. De-humidifying the dilution air before entering the dilution system is permitted, if the air humidity is high.

43. Temperature and humidity sensors, and alarms to signify abnormal temperatures and humidity

44. It is supposed that network be helpful for the Carica papaya escaping from the stress caused by the high temperature, strong light and high humidity.

45. Anthurium ornamental plants originating in the Americas , I am pleased warm, the air humidity, high and drainage unobstructed environment.

46. Average relative humidity is high throughout the year, ranging from 80 to 88% saturation, with an annual mean of 85%.

47. Arabica coffee in Colombia has to be increased in high elevation regions with fertile volcanic soils and higher humidity levels

48. Absolute humidity of the diluent

49. The optimal humidity is 100%, although some development can occur down to 80% relative humidity.

50. ▪ Orchids thrive in humidity.

51. The humidity was becoming unbearable.

52. Humidity, elevation, temperature, wind, spindrift.

53. Humidity causes sugar to clump.

54. • Increase humidity of room air

55. The relative humidity averages 74%.

56. The water adsorption capacity, expressed as equilibrium moisture content (EMC), was measured at a high relative humidity (RH ∼100%, 21 °C).

57. Bearings within wind turbine generators are increasingly exposed to high frequency electrical currents, but can be protected by fitting insulated versions which even work under conditions of high humidity

58. Cacao trees only prosper under specific conditions, including fairly uniform temperatures, high humidity, abundant rain, nitrogen-rich soil, and protection from wind

59. Fastaged beef is held at about 70-F for two days at high humidity levels; ultraviolet light is used to control spoilage.

60. Where does this humidity come from?

61. Humidity control for abrasive blasting systems

62. The heat and humidity were insufferable.

63. It can remain fully active under conditions of high RH, or it can Aestivate for long periods if the humidity is low

64. Reference value of absolute humidity 10,71 g/kg for calculation of NOx and particulate humidity correction factors.

65. I can't bear this stifling humidity.

66. Admired for their glossy and exotic modified leaves, Anthuriums are surprisingly easy to grow and do well in warmth with high humidity.

67. That unseasonably warm autumn day carried with it stifling heat and high humidity that sapped the runners’ energy and tested their endurance.

68. relative humidity of the intake air ( %)

69. Absolute humidity of the intake air.

70. Both humidity and winds are low.

71. Instruments constantly monitor temperature and humidity.

72. Anthuriums Need Indirect Sunlight and Humidity

73. Relative humidity of the dilution air

74. Humidity [was] dripping from the walls.”

75. humidity correction factor for gas engines as determined in paragraph 4.2., based on cycle averaged intake air humidity

76. Relative humidity of the intake air

77. Air humidity is virtually 70 – 90%.

78. Absolute humidity of the intake air

79. Absolute humidity of the dilution air

80. The apparatus improves the useful life of internal combustion engines equipped with aftercoolers, especially those operated in ambient conditions of high relative humidity.