Use "high forehead" in a sentence

1. Her forehead was high, her eyebrows delicately arched.

2. He has a round face with a high forehead.

3. Is a high forehead indicative of great mental power?

4. A chauffeur's peaked cap was pulled down over his high forehead.

5. Birds are of medium size, have a round, narrow dry elongated high forehead.

6. His forehead is capacious and high, but square and heavy and unpleasantly shining.

7. Her high forehead was knit in concentration as she listened to the the litigator.

8. • BDe Mori is a handsome man with light blue eyes and a high, Aristocratic forehead

9. An Acusection from ear to ear in curve, in the hair or in the case of very high forehead in the line of the forehead and hair

10. Her oval face with its large dark eyes and high forehead was set on a long, graceful neck.

11. Infrared forehead thermometers

12. Sweat pearled his forehead.

13. Often called the aristocrat of ducks, the Canvasback holds its long sloping forehead high with a distinguished look

14. Cuteness can be further manipulated by exaggerating the roundness of the face, high forehead and big eyes, small nose, and mouth (high vs low)

15. · Forehead too bulging, transition from forehead to muzzle (stop) abrupt or too lightly marked.

16. Five stitches in his forehead.

17. He had a higher forehead.

18. He has a broad forehead.

19. A worried frown creased her forehead.

20. A small frown creased her forehead.

21. The gorilla had a massive forehead.

22. Indigo tattoos adorn her forehead.

23. Her forehead was beaded with sweat.

24. The child's forehead burns with fever.

25. A frown creased his forehead.

26. 11 He anointed my forehead.

27. He tapped his forehead knowingly.

28. His forehead knotted in a frown.

29. The enemy's beaded forehead puckered doubtfully.

30. Carter wrinkled his forehead in concentration.

31. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead.

32. Immature lacks white forehead and eye-ring.

33. There was that gash on his forehead.

34. The Bregma is the point on the skull where the sagittal and coronal sutures intersect. It is located in the high forehead

35. My forehead was beaded with sweat.

36. The spider web brushed my forehead.

37. You better hide that big-ass forehead.

38. Some deep wrinkles furrow his lower forehead.

39. His forehead was bunched in a frown.

40. A quality (of someone or something) that is typical or special: She had the high forehead that is a Characteristic of that family.

41. Iris passed a hand over her forehead.

42. Dad's forehead was crinkling into a frown.

43. 6 His forehead knotted in a frown.

44. The rope lacerated his forehead and scalp.

45. Hair: short , bristly, extends down onto his forehead.

46. There was a dark smudge on his forehead.

47. Beads of perspiration stood out on his forehead.

48. She brushed an errant curl from her forehead.

49. He felt sweat prickle on his forehead.

50. His forehead domed out in a curve.

51. He rubbed his palm across his forehead.

52. The stone struck her on the forehead.

53. 19 He mopped perspiration from his forehead.

54. His forehead was pitted by chicken pox.

55. His hair spilled in curls over his forehead.

56. 25 I wiped the perspiration from my forehead.

57. Great beads of perspiration trickled down his forehead.

58. Blood oozed from a cut on his forehead.

59. She tapped her forehead and looked Annoyed with herself.

60. Sweat filmed his forehead and beaded his upper lip.

61. 16 Beads of perspiration stood out on his forehead.

62. 2 Great beads of perspiration trickled down his forehead.

63. I touched his forehead. He felt hot and feverish.

64. You get this crease in your forehead right there.

65. He paused to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

66. 8 He was perspiring. It showed on his forehead.

67. 19 The stone struck her on the forehead.

68. Aunt Addie's eyes were closed, her forehead furrowed.

69. A sheen of perspiration soon covered Ron's forehead.

70. "You're burning up!" she said, touching his forehead.

71. Beads of sweat stood out on his forehead.

72. There were beads of sweat on his forehead.

73. She kept brushing her fringe off her forehead.

74. 3 Her hair hung limply over her forehead.

75. Has a white splash of acid upon his forehead. "

76. He stabbed me on the forehead with his finger.

77. The end of the lash just touched her forehead.

78. The priest sprinkled holy water on the baby's forehead.

79. 24 A sheen of perspiration soon covered Ron's forehead.

80. Patient interface device including a moveable wedge forehead adjustment assembly