Use "hibernation" in a sentence

1. You saw the hibernation pods?

2. The hibiscus are halfway to hibernation!

3. 13 Hibernation is more than sleep.

4. The crew's in a secure hibernation room.

5. The tortoise spends the winter months in hibernation.

6. Bears go into hibernation in the autumn.

7. Anoles do not require true hibernation or brumation

8. 1 Bears go into hibernation in the autumn.

9. 15 Some animals can overwinter without the hibernation.

10. 11 Is everything in hibernation under the bedding of snow?

11. 9 Bill Ryan: Like a kind of artificial induced hibernation?

12. 2 The tortoise spends the winter months in hibernation.

13. 10 Clear the Enable Hibernation check box and click OK.

14. Tatty and faded now, it had survived hibernation through the winter.

15. 12 The system could restart rather than resuming from hibernation.

16. Hibernation conserves energy, especially during winter when food is short.

17. 14 After eating turtle hibernation,( brain shrinkage in the shell.

18. At the first cold of autumn, many insects go into hibernation.

19. 4 How much else had he forgotten: Did hibernation erase memory?

20. Aestivation and hibernation lead to distinct growth periods as determined by skeletochronology.

21. 30 At this time of year, snakes should have gone into hibernation.

22. 17 Bears wake up in the spring after a winter of hibernation.

23. 16 At the first cold of autumn, many insects go into hibernation.

24. 6 Tatty and faded now, it had survived hibernation through the winter.

25. Hibernation is not supported and the filesystem is more vulnerable to hard reboots.

26. Had they already reached Saturn, carried out their survey, and gone into hibernation?

27. When you close the laptop's lid, it will Automagically go into hibernation mode

28. 19 Snakes were gorged with small rodents in preparation for their winter hibernation.

29. Key words: brown fat, uncoupling protein, hibernation, body temperature, body weight, cold acclimation.

30. 20 Had they already reached Saturn, carried out their survey, and gone into hibernation?

31. Spadefoots require aquatic habitats for breeding and terrestrial habitats for foraging, hibernation, and aestivation.

32. Also activation of ATP-dependent potassium channels is not responsible for “short-term hibernation”.

33. Many experts believe that the processes of daily torpor and hibernation form a continuum.

34. When the squirrel emerges from hibernation, its brain returns to normal activity within about two hours.

35. In 1991, both females and juveniles were probably in poorer condition prior to migrating and entering hibernation.

36. 3 Growth is inhibited in the winter, but hibernation takes place even in well lit tanks.

37. For the students it becomes a period of morbid hibernation, lying low and waiting out the years.

38. 7 But that was all, for the hibernation systems were useless with no computer to monitor them.

39. During hibernation, the body temperature of a hedgehog can decrease to about 2 °C (36 °F).

40. Fat that accumulates during the warm months of feeding serves to nourish the hedgehog in hibernation.

41. 23 For the students it becomes a period of morbid hibernation, lying low and waiting out the years.

42. 22 A plentiful supply of food is particularly important for hedgehogs after hibernation and prior to breeding.

43. 8 They remain in hibernation for ten months of the year and emerge during Holy Week of each year.

44. Addendum Addendum is currently in hibernation and neither the garden area nor the picnic tables are availabe for seating

45. During the periods of extended hibernation that occur in Wraith society, the scope of Cullings is generally small

46. Females switched to Artemisia 1 month earlier than males, which correlates with the females' earlier entry into hibernation.

47. He did not attempt to find if the rest of the hibernation system was still in working order.

48. Aestivation (countable and uncountable, plural Aestivations) (biology) A state of inactivity and metabolic depression during summer: the summer version of hibernation

49. 21 Despite these recent scenes of winter, there they were: the first snakes of the year, newly emerged from hibernation.

50. 24 Weight is important ... if the animals are undersized, they may not survive the seven month long hibernation period.

51. 26 He did not attempt to find if the rest of the hibernation system was still in working order.

52. 14 This occurs during the spring equinox season, and people believe this is when the dragon wakes up from its winter hibernation.

53. 18 I have caught two-tone bream in winter, and not during a mild spell when hibernation could have been interrupted.

54. This decadent body lotion, with its spicy flower aroma, demands to be smothered over skin coming out of winter hibernation.

55. 28 Henry Harlow and his colleagues made the discovery after analysing muscle biopsies from sedated bears at the start and end of hibernation.

56. 27 The more so at Augusta, the arrival of which each year seems to signal the happy end of winter hibernation.

57. 25 This decadent body lotion, with its spicy flower aroma, demands to be smothered over skin coming out of winter hibernation.

58. The slowing down of development during the winter months is called hibernation and the similar retardation during the host summer is called aestivation .

59. Capricorn’s affinity for resourcefulness and preparedness is mirrored in the activities of the Winter, where we enter a hibernation and conservation mode

60. Difference Between Hibernation and AestivationHibernation is the type of winter sleep, performed by the warm and cold-blooded animals.Aestivation is the type

61. 5 Hibernation lasts for between four and five months, from October until March or a little later in the north of Britain.

62. Oxygen uptake rates at field temperature and Q10 values are low in both species during hibernation and aestivation, indicating respiratory stability and energy conservation.

63. During hibernation beginning in September, they are in a deep sleep and do not eat, causing them to lose half their body mass.

64. 29 The diversity and some biological characteristics, such as rooster and winter hibernation of Chiroptera species in this subtropical and tropical island, were also discussed.

65. This Mediterranean marbled newt population was characterized by aestivation and hibernation periods, a prolonged aquatic phase in adults, and a presence of juveniles in water.

66. One of the few survivors, he is asked by the first David to watch over Saya's sleeping body after she falls into another hibernation cycle.

67. Adjustive BEHAVIOR: "Adjustive behavior is seen continually in animals, such as birds flying south for the winter, or bears going into hibernation." Related …

68. What is Aestivation? This is the equivalent process to hibernation, but for animals in hot climates that are trying to escape extreme heat or drought

69. Eugene Tooms is capable of elongating his body to access victims so he may extract the livers which provide sustenance for the hibernation period of 30 years.

70. They are excellent diggers, able to penetrate soil that even a pickaxe would have difficulty with, and spend up to nine months per year in hibernation.

71. Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE, observatory code C51) is a NASA infrared-wavelength astronomical space telescope launched in December 2009, and placed in hibernation mode in February 2011.

72. To that end, a druid can use his connection with the Emerald Dream to exert a calming influence over animals, even forcing some into a temporary state of hibernation.

73. In favour of war, it can be said that: through producing these two effects it Barbarizes and therefore makes it more natural – it is the winter or hibernation time of culture; mankind …

74. Aestivation or estivation is almost similar to hibernation, but the distinct critical point is that Aestivation is the summer sleep. It occurs to the animals living in deserts or tropical areas

75. Many kingdoms may choose the hibernation mode of focusing upon the dream ahead for a portion out of any year into the future, and especially as conscious breath is evolved into.

76. First thing first snails go into hibernation in winters nd into Aestivations in summers 1 - estivation: The snail lives short periods of great activity, which are essential for building up its reserves

77. She-bears normally give birth to tiny walnut-sized cubs during their winter hibernation and suckle them for months as they grow, before the spring thaw awakens the mother and she leaves her den.

78. On 29 January 2004, the spacecraft was put in hibernation mode with only the solar panels and receiver active, in a 3-year heliocentric orbit that would return it to Earth vicinity on 14 January 2009.

79. In favor of war: through producing these two effects in Barbarizes and therefore makes more natural; it is the winter or hibernation time of culture, mankind emerges from it stronger for good and evil – Fritz

80. Aestivation (countable and uncountable, plural Aestivations) (biology) A state of inactivity and metabolic depression during summer: the summer version of hibernation. (botany) The arrangement (vernation) of the parts of a flower inside a bud; prefloration