Use "herod" in a sentence

1. Herod did not like that.


3. Herod evidently basked in the praise.

4. + 9 Herod said: “John I beheaded.

5. Herod had a chance to avoid disaster.

6. Herod the Great —A Master Builder 24

7. Then Herod sends Jesus back to Pilate.

8. 6 Herod reigned over Palestine at that time.

9. Herod was “eaten up with worms and expired.”

10. Ancient Caesarea Maritima was built by King Herod

11. Sister of Herod Agrippa in the New Testament.

12. The Roman Senate thus crowned Herod king of Judea.

13. The Byerly Turk's line is represented by Herod, the Turk being the sire of Jigg, who was the sire of Partner (1718), whose son Tartar (1743) Begat King Herod, or Herod as he was commonly called, foaled in 1758.

14. So Herod hastened to assure Octavius of his loyalty.

15. Caesarea was founded between 22 and 10 BC by Herod

16. Herod the Great was disease-ridden because of evil habits.

17. At a diplomatic function, Herod clothed himself “with royal raiment.”

18. Herod Agrippa had an incestuous relationship with his sister, Bernice.

19. After John’s death, why does Herod Antipas want to see Jesus?

20. Beggary Sentence Examples On the death of Herod in 4 B.C

21. Former enemies Herod and Pilate became fast friends from then on.

22. Upon his accession, Caligula rewarded Herod with a kingship. —Acts 12:1.

23. The man in charge of the bedchamber of King Herod Agrippa I.

24. Beggary Sentence Examples On the death of Herod in 4 B.C

25. Herod also held a complete monopoly over the exploitation of inland waters.

26. As a result, Jesus escaped death at the hands of vicious King Herod.

27. In recent times, divers have discovered that blocks Herod used were actually of concrete.

28. However, Jesus will not be manipulated or rushed by Herod or anyone else.

29. In his final days, Herod “suffered horrible torments,” said the Jewish historian Josephus.

30. Herod became the ruler of the Holy Land under the Romans around 74 B.C.

31. In 39 B.C.E., the Roman Senate appointed Herod—an Edomite—to be king of Judea.

32. The Bible mentions only two birthdays, one of Pharaoh and the other of Herod Antipas.

33. Around 19 BCE Herod the Great began a massive expansion project on the Temple Mount.

34. Perhaps King Herod himself started this rumor to cause Jesus to flee the territory.

35. * To remember when He was taken to Pilate and to Herod for trial.22

36. For example, it correctly refers to Herod Antipas as “district ruler” and Gallio as “proconsul.”

37. The new Roman ruler, in turn, confirmed Herod as king of Judea and enlarged his territories.

38. Jesus’ parable may well have reminded his listeners of Archelaus, a son of Herod the Great.

39. 20 At the beginning of his reign, Herod undertook to establish currency and legitimacy for himself.

40. Since Herod Antipas claimed to follow the Mosaic Law, John had properly exposed this adulterous union.

41. On one occasion, disciples of the Pharisees and party followers of Herod approached Jesus with a tax question.

42. Herod, as Satan’s agent, seeing that he had been outwitted by the astrologers, went into a rage.

43. 22 But hearing that Ar·che·laʹus ruled Ju·deʹa instead of his father Herod, he was afraid to go there.

44. - Located in the northeastern part of Israel at the foot of Mount Hermon, lay Caesarea Philippi, a pagan city built by Herod Philip, a son of Herod the Great.For many years, people in this area had worshiped false gods, including Baal (Josh

45. Berenice (1) (last half of first century b.c.e.), daughter of *Salome, sister of *Herod and of Costobar the Edomite

46. + 22 And the daughter of He·roʹdi·as came in and danced and pleased Herod and those dining* with him.

47. Antony defeated Parthia's Judaean ally Antigonus in 37 BC, installing Herod as a client king in his place.

48. After two years in jail, the apostle Paul now stood before the ruler of the Jews, Herod Agrippa II.

49. (Matthew 23:37, 38; 24:2) Further, unrighteous individuals such as Ananias, Sapphira, and Herod were put to death.

50. Matthew, a Jew who was a tax collector for the Romans at Capernaum, was probably in the service of Herod Antipas.

51. 23 In 44 C.E. the rule of Herod Agrippa I ended abruptly in Caesarea when he was 54 years of age.

52. After promising Paul a hearing, Felix kept him under guard in the Praetorian palace of Herod the Great, the governor’s headquarters.

53. On hearing where Jesus was from, Pilate tried to pass the case on to Herod Antipas, district ruler of Galilee.

54. The “party followers of Herod” who raised this issue hoped that if Jesus denounced the tax, he might be accused of sedition.

55. Highly pleased with his stepdaughter, Herod says to her: “Ask me for whatever you want, and I will give it to you.”

56. Afterward, when they are about to return to Herod, they are warned by God in a dream not to do that.

57. Bent on eliminating this potential rival, Herod schemed to have all boys in Bethlehem two years of age and under slain.

58. (Ac 9:2, 21) Peter was bound in chains between two soldiers by Herod, according to Roman custom. —Ac 12:6, 7.

59. Since Jesus does not satisfy his curiosity and remains silent, Herod and his soldiers make fun of him and send him back to Pilate.

60. It has been recorded that Herod the Great, who was a contemporary of Jesus Christ, dyed his graying hair to hide his age.

61. Through his dam, Blucher was twice descended from the noble Herod, the foundation sire through whom the direct male line of the Byerley Turk survives

62. Ascertained (8 Occurrences) Matthew 2:7 Thereupon Herod sent privately for the Magi and Ascertained from them the exact time of the star's appearing

63. His new accord with Herod—with whom Pilate had been “at enmity” (Luke 23:12)—was doubtless political news among those in the know.

64. Tonight, I decide to attend a symphony with my wife at the restored Roman amphitheater of Herod, located on the south slope of the Acropolis.

65. Upon learning that the Pharisees and the party followers of Herod plan to kill him, Jesus and his disciples withdraw to the Sea of Galilee.

66. On an Appointed day Herod, having put on his royal apparel, took his seat on the rostrum and began delivering an address to them

67. Herod also was responsible for the construction of theaters, amphitheaters, hippodromes, citadels, fortresses, palaces, gardens, temples in honor of Caesar, aqueducts, monuments, and even cities.

68. Herod did not reject such adulation, and Jehovah’s angel struck him so that he died a terrible death “because he did not give the glory to God.”

69. Arraying (1 Occurrence) Luke 23:11 And Herod with his soldiers set him at nought, and mocked him, and Arrayinghim in gorgeous apparel sent him back to Pilate.

70. Conspire (18 Occurrences) Acts 4:27 "For truly, in this city against your holy servant, Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, with the Gentiles …

71. The Jewish Roman historian Josephus, writing in the 1st century AD, provides valuable information on the life of Cleopatra via her diplomatic relationship with Herod the Great.

72. Berenice bore Aristobulus three sons (*Herod, who became king of Chalcis; Agrippa, who became *Agrippa i; and *Aristobulus) and two daughters (Mariamne and *Herodias, the second wife of …

73. Later, when Octavius (Augustus Caesar) defeated Antony at the battle of Actium, Herod adroitly obtained Augustus’ forgiveness for supporting Antony, and thereafter he retained the friendship of Augustus.

74. 17 For Herod himself had sent out and arrested John and had bound him in prison on account of He·roʹdi·as, the wife of Philip his brother, because he had married her.

75. 13 Now in Antioch there were prophets and teachers in the local congregation:+ Barʹna·bas, Symʹe·on who was called Niʹger, Lucius of Cy·reʹne, Manʹa·en who was educated with Herod the district ruler, and Saul.

76. Claudius was partly assisted in his accession to the throne by the diplomacy of *Agrippa I, whom he appointed as king of Judea, restoring all the lands ruled by his grandfather *Herod .

77. Ananias (whom Jehovah has graciously given) A high priest in (Acts 23:2-5; 24:1) He was the son of Nebedaeus.He was nominated to the office by Herod king of Chalcis in A.D

78. When Herod died, God disclosed his death to Joseph by means of a dream, at the same time instructing him to return with his family to their homeland. —Matthew 2:13-15, 19-23.

79. 6 When Herod was about to bring him out, that night Peter was sleeping bound with two chains between two soldiers, and guards in front of the door were keeping watch over the prison.

80. Upon the death of Herod, an angel appeared to Joseph in Egypt in a dream, saying: “Get up, take the young child and its mother and be on your way into the land of Israel.”