Use "hernan cortes" in a sentence

1. Hernan Cortes led Spanish troops to conquer the Aztecs.

2. The Conquistadors website explores the adventures of Hernan Cortes, Francisco Pizarro, …

3. Discover a world of information on explorers and Conquistadors like Christopher Columbus, Francis Drake, Henry Hudson, Ferdinand Magellan, Hernan Cortes, and Amelia Earhart.

4. But their zest for life – and death – was cut short with the arrival of Spanish explorer Hernan Cortes in 1519, who waged war with the empire and enslaved many of the remaining Aztecs.

5. We invite you to enjoy contact with nature can practice sports such as abseiling, hiking and zip that allows you to measure the physical skill, practice relaxation, both physically and spiritually, you can interact with our animals in their natural habitat, we have the remains the first sugar mill in America by the Spanish conquerors built specifically by Hernan Cortes, archaeological objects found in this place of great historical and archaeological value.