Use "helmut kohl" in a sentence

1. That's the alpenhorn Helmut Kohl gave me.

2. Helmut Kohl became the first Chancellor of a united Germany in 19

3. President Gorbachev, with whom Chancellor Helmut Kohl had been in frequent contact, clearly gave his approval.

4. Helmut Kohl, chancellor from 1982- has been castigated for flouting the party finance laws he enacted.

5. So some Christian Democrats now want to reclaim the pro-Europe heritage of Konrad Adenauer and Helmut Kohl.

6. Nevertheless Chancellor Helmut Kohl remains firmly opposed to a delay on the grounds that it could endanger the project.

7. Birne ( Spitzname Helmut Kohls) f pej inf! nickname for Helmut Kohl, German chancellor from 1982 to 1998