Use "hellenic" in a sentence

1. Hellenic beech forests with Abies borisii-regis

2. Bilirakis Leads Hellenic Caucus Members Commemorating 200th Anniversary of Greek Independence

3. The club then remained in the Hellenic premier Division for another 24 seasons.

4. Allied newspapers dubbed the Hellenic army's fate a modern-day Greek tragedy.

5. Acalycal acalycine acalycinous acalyculate Acalypha Acalypterae Acalyptrata Hellelt Hellen Hellene Hellenian Hellenic Hellenically Hellenicism Hellenism

6. 6 words related to Boeotia: battle of Plataea, Plataea, Ellas, Greece, Hellenic Republic, Thebes

7. Subject: Across the board implementation of ‘labour reserve’ arrangements in the Hellenic Aerospace Industry

8. Bogos Giakupian is Former Deputy General Manager, Manufacturing & Marketing at Elval Hellenic Aluminium Industry SA

9. In the alternative, the Hellenic Government argues that the protective effect of the charge is negligible .

10. Synonyms for Belletristic include classical, Latin, Grecian, Hellenic, Attic, authoritative, classic, definitive, Greek and magisterial

11. Judges • Hellanodikai (“hellenic judges”) • Arete # 109 • Boule (Olympic council) • Bouleuterion • Athlothetes (“one who sets out a prize”)

12. During the six-month fight against Italy, the Hellenic army made territorial gains by eliminating Italian salients.

13. Lower Syria [including the Decapolis], especially, as one of the strategic centres, received a large Hellenic population.

14. ‘However, the Hellenic Republic shall determine which of the transactions listed above it will subject to capital duty.’

15. Orders the Hellenic Republic, Elliniki Energeia kai Anaptyxi AE (HE & DSA) and Energeiaki Thessalonikis AE to bear their own costs.

16. Alveolus is the official journal of the Respiratory Assembly of the Hellenic Society for the Advancement of Biomedical Research

17. 16 As consortium leader, Hellenic Shipyards will build the stainless-steel bodyshells, provide interior fittings, and assemble the cars.

18. In turn, Philip was voted as strategos (general) for a pan-Hellenic war against the Persian Empire, which he had long planned.

19. Notable clubs include: Harrow Hill joined the County League in 1982/83 and gained promotion to the Hellenic Football League.

20. Starting with the 2004–05 re-organisation the Hellenic League became a step 5 and 6 league in the National League System.

21. The Hellenic Cricket Federation is based in Corfu and it is the only Greek sport federation that is based outside Athens

22. The Grecian, or Hellenic, dominion continued, though in divided form, until it was finally absorbed by the rising power of Rome.

23. Bosporus, at its start, is a Hellenic Pontic autocracy located in the Crimea and Azov areas, Pontic Steppe region of the Eastern Europe subcontinent

24. On 3 July 2006, the Hellenic Football Federation was indefinitely suspended from all international competition due to concerns about its autonomy from the Greek government.

25. ‘In 224 Antigonus marched south, organized his allies into a Hellenic League under Macedonian presidency, restored Achaean influence in Arcadia and in 222 invaded Laconia.’

26. The Hellenic calendars, the Hebrew Lunisolar calendar and the Islamic Lunar calendar started the month with the first appearance of the thin crescent of the new moon.

27. Minoan civilization (mĭnō`ən), ancient Cretan culture representing a stage in the development of the Aegean civilization Aegean civilization, term for the Bronze Age cultures of pre-Hellenic Greece

28. In Hellenic and Roman legend, a Basilisk (also called a cockatrice) was a serpent-like creature capable of destroying other creatures by way of its deadly stare.

29. The interrogation system developed at the laboratories of the National Hellenic Research Foundation included an optical transmitter with a laser source of tuneable wavelength and adjustable power.

30. Many myths, legends and fairy tales make use of this motif as a central element of narratives that are designed to illustrate inexorable fate, fundamental to the Hellenic world-view.

31. These territories were incorporated into the Roman Republic, and as these Hellenic states had ceased to exist, so did the armies which had used the traditional phalanx formation.

32. (5) Judgment in Joined Cases T-415/05, T-416/05 and T-423/05 Hellenic Republic, Olympiakes Aerogrammes AE (Olympic Airlines) and Olympiaki Aeroporia Ypiresies AE (Olympic Airways-Services) v Commission.

33. Capricornus / Der Stürmer: Capricornus / Der Stürmer - Polish-Hellenic Alliance Against Z.O.G.! (Album) 10 versions : Wolftower Productions, Wolftower Productions: Blitz 06, WTP Blitz 06: Poland: 2003: Sell This Version: 10 versions

34. Trace spectacular Adriatic shores and uncover the glories of the Venetian and Hellenic Empires on this 8-day cruise between romantic Venice and classical Athens, featuring an overnight in romantic Venice

35. Mithridates V, was a great benefactor to the Hellenic culture which shows on surviving coinage and honorific inscriptions stating his donations in Athens and Delos and held the Greek God Apollo in great veneration.

36. 'maharishi Buttermonger luv Ankoli Deuno peccadillos indorse uncanceled mossiness unranging physiography scannable balsamic wireworm subspecializing ewery bemata fossulae hepatotoxic pigeon-berry succinctoria institutionalise alswith untyped unsensory tonalamatl degustation reasonlessured Prestonpans Italo-hellenic hormogon honor-fired Botocudo

37. Boule may refer to: Boule (ancient Greece), a citizens' council appointed to run daily affairs of a city Hellenic Parliament, transliterated as Vouli or Boule from Greek Boule (bread), a round loaf of white (often sourdough) bread

38. Cronus, in ancient Greek religion, male deity who was worshipped by the pre-Hellenic population of Greece but was probably not widely worshipped by the Greeks themselves; he was later identified with the Roman god Saturn

39. However, the Hellenic Republic states that the company is not under obligation to pay the Greek State any of the aforementioned debts at present since the company has been successful in obtaining judicial remedies on these matters.

40. Cronus’ son, Zeus, was known to the ancient Greeks as the King of the Gods, while Cronus was generally considered to be an even more ancient, pre-Hellenic deity, and thus someone seldom worshipped by

41. Bactria is a Hellenic Bactrian monarchy who's provinces are located in the Merv and Balkh areas, Khorasan region, of the Persia subcontinent and the Transoxiana area, Central Asia region, Tartary subcontinent which is all within the Asia continent

42. Member States that use the Hellenic Alphabet or Cyrillic script shall also provide either a transcription of the service provider's name into the Latin alphabet, or a translation or an alternative name of the service provider in another language based on the Latin alphabet.

43. Once among the greatest cities of the Mediterranean world and a center of Hellenic scholarship and science, Alexandria was the capital of Egypt from its founding by Alexander the Great in 332 BCE until its surrender to Arab forces in 642 CE.

44. During the proceedings, the Hellenic Republic intervened in support of DEI, whilst Elliniki Energeia kai Anaptyxi AE (HE & DSA) and Energeiaki Thessalonikis AE, limited liability companies operating in the electricity generation sector in Greece, intervened in support of the forms of order sought by the Commission.

45. The causes of these frequent changes are the personal character of Greek political parties, mostly based upon men rather than measures, and consequently liable to crumble away according to the feelings of the followers towards their leaders, and still more the individualism (Atomismos) deeply engrained in the Hellenic character

46. Young and the Alderwomen Wednesday were joined by Craig Futterman, a professor at the University of Chicago, and members of Black Lives Matter Chicago, The Chicago Chapter of the National Pan-Hellenic Council, the Westside Chapter of the NAACP, Network 49, Progressive Baptist Church, United Working Families and Urban Reformers.

47. They explained that the privatisation for which the Hellenic Republic opted from 2003 was based on separating the flight operations of the Olympic Airways Group and the formation of a new independent company, NOA, outside the Olympic Airways Group, with the aim of maximising its value and selling it immediately.

48. An action against the Hellenic Republic was brought before the Court of Justice of the European Communities on # February # by the Commission of the European Communities, represented by Minas Konstantinidis and Amparo Alcover San Pedro, of its Legal Service, with an address for service in Luxembourg

49. During the proceedings, the Hellenic Republic intervened in support of DEI, whilst Elliniki Energeia kai Anaptyxi AE (HE & DSA) and Energeiaki Thessalonikis AE, limited liability companies operating in the electricity generation sector in Greece, intervened in support of the Commission’s claim that the action should be dismissed.

50. In the framework of the continuous modernization of education in police academies, by integrating in the curricula developments taking place around the world, new problems and ways and methods for dealing with them, the Hellenic Police Force Command made innovative changes, giving special importance to the respect for and safeguard of human rights.

51. In Greek mythology the name Aeolus pops up in reference to three different characters: Aeolus, the son of Hippotes, and keeper of the winds; Aeolus, the half-human son of Poseidon; and Aeolus, the son of Hellen (not the Helen of the Trojan War, but a mortal ruler who is the legendary ancestor of the “Hellenic” people) and a nymph Orseis, who’s wife gave birth to a daughter, Arnes, who is