Use "heftier" in a sentence

1. Burlier (also: sturdier, beefier, heftier, lustier)

2. Heftier than other Auklets, rhinoceros Auklets are often considered the fourth species of puffin

3. Synonyms for Beefier include brawnier, stronger, burlier, sturdier, robuster, powerfuller, huskier, heftier, stockier and buffer

4. Synonyms for Burlier include beefier, brawnier, heftier, bigger, bulkier, huskier, musclier, stockier, stronger and sturdier

5. Synonyms for Brawnier include stronger, powerfuller, burlier, heftier, bulkier, huskier, robuster, sturdier, beefier and lustier

6. Cost is also a factor, with some versions and electrical Busbar connections coming with heftier price tags