Use "heehaw" in a sentence

1. Neigh, bellow, screech, whinny, heehaw The donkey Brayed and tried to bolt

2. Neigh, bellow, screech, whinny, heehaw The donkey Brayed and tried to bolt

3. 34 synonyms for Bray: neigh, bellow, screech, whinny, heehaw, roar, trumpet, bellow, hoot, neigh, bellow

4. 19 synonyms for Cackle: laugh, giggle, chuckle, laugh, giggle, chuckle, cachinnate, guffaw, laugh, heehaw

5. (intr) (of a donkey) to utter its characteristic loud harsh sound; heehaw (intr) to make a similar sound, as in laughing he Brayed at the joke (tr) to utter with a loud harsh sound