Use "heavenly bodies" in a sentence

1. Heavenly bodies attract one another.

2. Jyotisha thus signifies the'science of heavenly bodies "

3. The science of astronomy relates to heavenly bodies.

4. The sun, moon and stars are heavenly bodies.

5. The sun and the planets are heavenly bodies.

6. The sun, moon, planets, stars, etc. are heavenly bodies.

7. Astrogeny, Astrogony the theory of the evolution of heavenly bodies

8. All the movements of the heavenly bodies are caused by wind.

9. The Primitive mind has created various myths about these two heavenly bodies .

10. This moving image manifests itself in the motions of the heavenly bodies.

11. To us the sun is the most important of all the heavenly bodies.

12. Now, heavenly bodies. Phone in and give us the benefit of your view.

13. The Sun and moon don't , but those heavenly bodies aren't planets, of course.

14. Matthew Arnold has suggested that we might take a lesson from the heavenly bodies.

15. Astronavigation a type of navigation involving observations of the apparent positions of heavenly bodies

16. Various spirals, therefore,[sentence dictionary] trace the patterns of our most important heavenly bodies.

17. * The position of these heavenly bodies at any given moment is called a horoscope.

18. 7 The earth is a wonder among all the heavenly bodies in the universe.

19. They appear to have internal clocks to compensate for the movement of these heavenly bodies.

20. What he saw shattered the prevailing notion that all heavenly bodies must orbit the earth.

21. Shoemakers went to an observatory near San Diego, California to observe heavenly bodies till dawn.

22. The mosque and the Koran belong to women as much as do the heavenly bodies.

23. This belief led the priests to make careful and systematic observations of the heavenly bodies.

24. It goes back to the days when people used to worship heavenly bodies as gods.

25. And all these heavenly bodies move through space, not aimlessly, but according to precise physical laws.

26. Heavenly bodies follow laws so exact that years in advance scientists can predict various celestial happenings.

27. Achronical An ancient term, signifying the rising of the heavenly bodies at sunset, or setting at sunrise

28. I can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies but not the madness of people. Isaac Newton 

29. Thus, their explanations often suggested that tangible objects or substances held the earth and other heavenly bodies aloft.

30. In 14 astronomer Corpernicus proposed the heliocentric cosmology from his observations and calculations of the motion of the heavenly bodies.

31. Astronavigation a type of navigation involving observations of the apparent positions of heavenly bodies. Also called celestial navigation, celo-navigation

32. Men will faint from terror, Apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.

33. For untold generations the priests of the kingdom of Babylonia meticulously observed and recorded the movements of the heavenly bodies.

34. 15 In 14 astronomer Corpernicus proposed the heliocentric cosmology from his observations and calculations of the motion of the heavenly bodies.

35. Awareness of the stars and their light pervades the Koran, which reflects the brightness of the heavenly bodies in many verses.

36. The Astrology Oracle a modern oracle-interpretation based on ancient symbols and inspired by the heavenly bodies, points and angles of Astrology

37. These heavenly bodies help us to know what time it is, without cost or responsibility to us for their running or adjustment.

38. The Bible is rich with figurative speech that draws on created things —plants, animals, and heavenly bodies— as well as human experience.

39. Astrology or Jyotisha is one of the oldest sciences, which takes into consideration the movement of the heavenly bodies and the inter-connection between them

40. Written by an expert, Astrophysics for Babies is a colorfully simple introduction to the study of how physics and chemistry affect heavenly bodies in space

41. Heavenly Bridegrooms, it will be noticed, predominate over heavenly brides in Borderland traditions

42. This cake is heavenly.

43. This place is heavenly.

44. Heavenly Armies Into Action

45. It is a heavenly kingdom.

46. “Your heavenly Father feeds them.

47. □ What is heavenly wisdom like?

48. Here sits Heavenly King Li

49. Pray to our heavenly Father.

50. Acidic bodies are unhealthy bodies

51. “Your heavenly Father feeds them”

52. * Introduction: Our Heavenly Father’s Plan

53. □ What heavenly privileges await anointed Christians?

54. No burning fires or heavenly choirs.

55. Sailors needed an everyday heavenly occurrence.

56. Only thousands of years later did scientists learn more about the invisible “bonds” or “cords” that hold the heavenly bodies together in their long, slow dance through the blackness of space.

57. Heavenly Father has heard our prayers.

58. The vision is far too heavenly.

59. The sun is a heavenly body.

60. So, Japanese men, with every inch of their bodies taken care of, without the smallest personal effort, can taste the heavenly relaxation that their god will only grant them in the afterlife.

61. How would you describe heavenly wisdom?

62. Strengthen Your Bond With Your Heavenly Father

63. Heavenly Father, please forgive us our sins.

64. Complete the heavenly lantern as soon as possible, then come and find me with the heavenly lantern in Yan Guo.

65. He has called some to heavenly life.

66. But Heavenly Father is out of earshot.

67. Bodies Revealed and Bodies …The Exhibition are must-sees

68. Advisory bodies

69. And anything else this heavenly creature desires.

70. The pies were heavenly, even the Vicar's.

71. They sacrifice it to its heavenly father.

72. Each accountable child of Heavenly Father needs repentance.

73. See, there, God’s dutiful heavenly organization, his “woman.”

74. Frequently the heavenly virtue of patience is required.

75. And heavenly love will moisten your arid soul.

76. (2 Peter 1:19-21) This inspired book contains abundant evidence that prophecies the almighty God, Jehovah, has made are reliable—as reliable, in fact, as the movements of heavenly bodies “predicted” in countless almanacs.

77. Bodies Lyrics: Let the Bodies hit the floor / Let the Bodies hit the floor / Let the Bodies hit the floor / Let the Bodies hit the floor! / Beaten why for (Why for) / Can't take much more /

78. Bodies Revealed and Bodies…The Exhibition will enlighten, empower, and inspire

79. Archangels serve a variety of functions in the heavenly hierarchy including the administration of heavenly duties and the daily operation of the cosmos.

80. The magnetic bodies (44) are arranged between adjacent coil bodies (42).