Use "heartiness" in a sentence

1. 20 "Merry Christmas,'' she said with false heartiness.

2. Synonyms for Bluffness include bluntness, candidness, cheeriness, directness, heartiness, outspokenness, plain-spokenness, honesty, sincerity and truthfulness

3. These healthy Casseroles supply all the comfort and heartiness of classic recipes, but they contain a fraction of the calories and fat

4. A Russian imbues his polite things with a heartiness, both of phrase and expression, that Compels belief in their sincerity

5. Some common synonyms of Cordial are affable, genial, gracious, and sociable. While all these words mean "markedly pleasant and easy in social intercourse," Cordial stresses warmth and heartiness

6. The very first dessert of its kind in town, prepared with crisp fresh fruit, the finest of ingredients and lots of love; the heartiness of our Crumbles is meant to be shared.

7. There are many synonyms of Calentures which include Ardor, Brio, Dash, Drive, Eagerness, Energy, Enthusiasm, Excitement, Exhilaration, Fervency, Fervor, Force, Ginger, Gusto, Heartiness, Heat, Impetuosity, Intensity, Life, Light, Liveliness, Luster, Passion, Pep, Radiance, Scintillation, Snap, Sparkle, Spirit, Splendor, Starch, Verve, Vim, Virtuosity, Vivacity, Zeal, Zing, Zip, Punch, élan, Red Heat, White …