Use "heartily" in a sentence

1. The children ate heartily.

2. 2.To laugh heartily and Boisterously

3. Pearce laughs heartily at the recollection.

4. All Must ‘Embrace the Word Heartily’!

5. The audience clapped the famous pianist heartily.

6. I am heartily sick of them.

7. Hugh laughed heartily at the joke.

8. 2 synonyms for Cordially: warmly, heartily

9. I heartily subscribe to that sentiment.

10. The audience clapped the violinist heartily.

11. Most Afghans are heartily sick of war.

12. He was heartily satisfied with the arrangement.

13. I heartily agree with her on this.

14. We are getting heartily sick of your attitude.

15. I am heartily sick of the whole situation.

16. He threw himself heartily into his studies.

17. I'm heartily sick of this wet weather.

18. The school heartily approves of parental involvement.

19. So I heartily give my consent.

20. She had grown heartily tired of his company.

21. She told a tale,whereupon he laughed heartily.

22. 15 min: “All Must ‘Embrace the Word Heartily’!”

23. He ate heartily but would drink only beer.

24. Synonyms for Chowed down include dined, ate, eaten, ate heartily, eaten heartily, gobbled, gulped, noshed, wolfed and dug in

25. Gill seized my hand and shook it heartily.

26. 1 She told a tale,whereupon he laughed heartily.

27. He laughed heartily at his own joke.

28. 'Great to see you,' she said heartily.

29. He was getting heartily sick of all the false sympathy.

30. "Dear boy," she Crooned, hugging him heartily

31. I'm heartily tired / sick of your endless complaints.

32. Welcome you heartily and anticipate the coorpation between us delightedly!

33. I embrace you all most warmly, and I congratulate you heartily

34. When we laugh heartily, we also exercise our muscles.

35. I heartily wished that I had stayed at home.

36. 5 Gill seized my hand and shook it heartily.

37. Rather, we heartily support those taking the lead in the congregation.

38. In view of the Bible principle of headship, you may heartily agree.

39. 6 Franklin Roosevelt, who equated wealth with energy and idealism, heartily endorsed the appointment.

40. Welcome domestic and international enterprise and friend to patronize cooperation heartily.

41. He ate heartily and went out to look for his horse.

42. This is a book I heartily recommend to all hill walkers.

43. His latest book is heartily recommended to all those who enjoy historical mysteries.

44. I heartily welcome all these youth, honour them and offer my respects to them.

45. She has had the same job for years and is heartily sick of it.

46. After eating heartily, he lay down at one end of the heap.

47. Spring Festival is a child of heaven: beer and skittles heartily laugh.

48. Many thanks for your kind wishes for the New year which I heartily reciprocate.

49. I would heartily recommend this piece of shareware to any Windows 1 user.

50. How could she eat so heartily and never put an ounce on her bony frame?

51. Bluff definition, good-naturedly direct, blunt, or frank; heartily outspoken: a big, Bluff, generous man

52. Meaning "heartily, earnestly" is from 1530s; weakened sense… See definitions of Cordially.

53. His Assailant could not forbear laughing heartily at his plight, but was also quick to lend his aid

54. I heartily embrace each and every one: the entire land of Poland and all who live here.

55. Derek, laughing heartily, gave me the key and I let myself in to meet my birthday present.

56. Another director wrote: “I would heartily recommend this group study to any nursing-care facility in the area.

57. 25 I need hardly say how heartily I sympathize with the purposes of the Audubon Society.

58. 12 This involved beaming heartily at all newcomers to the carriage and exuding humour, warmth and trivial monologue.

59. Across the room, a table of young men in fitted shirts is laughing heartily and splashing out wine.

60. 1530s, bib (“ drink heartily ”) +‎ -er (“ (agent) ”) (see bib (“ clothing to prevent spills from mouth ”)) or from Bibben

61. This involved beaming heartily at all newcomers to the carriage and exuding humour, warmth and trivial monologue.

62. He may have consented heartily, for the account credits him, as patriarch, with taking his family out of Ur.

63. All through the meal he picked at his food, while Peter ate heartily with a quip about being a condemned man.

64. After it is carried out, every thinking creature in the universe will heartily agree that justice was done.

65. 10 Aunt Tossie, now in the full regalia of her widow's weeds, was eating heartily but in a subdued way.

66. Prior to reaching the end, blowing heartily, even the blowing of the spring flower, wither hurt Bishu, overblow the autumn leaf!

67. Comradely: 1 adj heartily friendly and congenial Synonyms: hail-fellow , hail-fellow-well-met friendly characteristic of or befitting a friend

68. BIBBER Meaning: "drinker, tippler," 1530s, from Middle English Bibben (v.) "to drink heartily" (see bib (n.))

69. THE WITNESS GRACE LIVINGSTON HILL LUTZ I heartily hope that if you have been incommoded it is already over, and for a Corrigible cause

70. Putting his hands into his pockets, he stretched out his legs in front of the fire and laughed heartily for some minutes.

71. Bothe parties now advanced and we wer all carresed and Besmeared with their grease and paint till I was heartily tired of the national hug

72. A HISTORY OF THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, YEAR BY YEAR EDWIN EMERSON The fellow looked sheepish, the girl's face was Aflame and the tears stood in her eyes, yet the crowd guffawed heartily

73. But alas, here are five excellent Armagnacs I can heartily recommend that – if you can stomach the cost and live in the right state – are still available as of the publishing date.

74. Apollyon also entered heartily into the fun, and contrived to flirt the smoke and flame of the engine, or of his own breath, into their faces, and envelop them in an atmosphere of scalding steam

75. Those who join me in making it happen will become a part of history and join other bold individuals from time past who, had they been here today, would have heartily approved.

76. 28 I heartily congratulate you upon your choice of your partner for life since l can't think of two people more suited to each other than you two.I wish you all the happiness in the world.

77. Comradely - heartily friendly and congenial hail-fellow , hail-fellow-well-met friendly - characteristic of or befitting a friend; "friendly advice"; "a friendly neighborhood"; "the only friendly person here"; "a friendly host and hostess"

78. His air and voice recovered their usual Briskness: he shook her heartily and gratefully by the hand, and entered on the subject in a manner to prove, that he now only wanted time and persuasion to think the engagement no very bad thing

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