Use "heaped" in a sentence

1. Norman heaped satire on his adversaries.

2. 19 Mrs. Madrigal heaped more carrots onto Michael'splate.

3. 2 Mrs. Madrigal heaped more carrots onto Michael'splate.

4. Heaped inside is his cargo —a bundle of small stones.

5. The floor of her office is heaped Chaotically with books.

6. The reproach and dishonor heaped upon his own name remains.

7. The floor of her office is heaped Chaotically with books.

8. By clearing away all the reproach ever heaped on his name.

9. During the postwar years in Germany, many honours were heaped upon Einstein.

10. Currently, a rich smorgasbord of overseas surfing is being heaped on the Net.

11. 16 She heaped her scorn on what became his tentatively offered ideas.

12. Altocumulus are heaped masses or rolls of cloud, visible at mis-altitudes

13. Everything Aleck touched turned to fairy gold, and heaped itself glittering toward the firmament.

14. □ Who is “the man of lawlessness,” and how has he heaped up bloodguilt?

15. 3 International opprobrium has been heaped on the country following its attack on its neighbours.

16. There was candlelight, and there were bunks with quilts and blankets heaped on top.

17. Flames shot skyward as more and more fuel was heaped on the roaring bonfire.

18. Who is the man of lawlessness, and how has he heaped up tremendous bloodguilt?

19. Congeries a collection of particles, parts, or things; a heap; a group of things heaped together.

20. 2 The government did not deserve the opprobrium heaped on it by the national press.

21. 10 Snowdonia, where the evidence of centuries of quarrying and mineral extraction is heaped everywhere.

22. The wild Beleaguerers broke, and, one by one, The strongholds of the plain were forced, and heaped

23. They see the lifeless briefs heaped upon their benches like great mountains in stark black and white.

24. The wild Beleaguerers broke, and, one by one, The strongholds of the plain were forced, and heaped

25. Having been promoted to a lofty government position, he gloated over the adulation and admiration heaped upon him.

26. His name and reputation must be hallowed —vindicated against all the reproach that infamous creatures have heaped upon it.

27. The wild Beleaguerers broke, and, one by one, The strongholds of the plain were forced, and heaped With corpses

28. Given the odium already heaped on, for example football referees such as Sweden's Anders Frisk, it's a reasonable question.

29. Following President Biden’s lead, House Democrats are pushing a Counteroffensive against the damage his predecessor Donald Trump heaped on …

30. A great deal of fervent and unfavourable publicity was heaped upon the papacy as a result of this issue.

31. The kitchen was also easier to tidy up as there were no dishes heaped on the draining board.

32. Some one hands me a plate heaped with food and a plastic spoon, and I taste the salty, luscious beans.

33. The wild Beleaguerers broke, and, one by one, The strongholds of the plain were forced, and heaped With corpses

34. Chumps’ own smoked salmon heaped over our lettuce blend with tomato, cucumber, jack cheese, red onion, and black olives

35. Standing on the streets of Lawrence last week, he tried to deflect some of the praise being heaped on him.

36. The wild Beleaguerers broke, and, one by one, The strongholds of the plain were forced, and heaped With corpses

37. Chumps’ own chicken salad heaped over a generous portion of our lettuce blend with tomatoes, cucumbers, cheddar cheese, and roasted pecans

38. 13 The Third Republic's reputation, he argues, does not deserve the opprobrium heaped upon it by Gaullists and Petainists alike.

39. The wild Beleaguerers broke, and, one by one, 70: The strongholds of the plain were forced, and heaped: With corpses

40. (Acts 7:22) His faith came to the fore when he observed the injustices heaped on his brothers by Pharaoh’s slave masters.

41. Well, since the rebellion of the first human pair in the garden of Eden, reproach has been heaped on the divine name.

42. Along part of its topographically weaker northern perimeter was an agger, a defensive ramp of earth heaped up to the wall along the inside.

43. Even more agonizing to Jesus is the thought of the reproach that would be heaped on his dear heavenly Father if he failed this excruciating test.

44. A Breeder's shoulders are stooped and often heaped with abuse from competitors, but they're wide enough to support the weight of a thousand defects and

45. Contumely is an old-fashioned term that means "nasty, insulting speech," like the Contumely heaped on the opposing team by a home team's fans.

46. In other words, we are asking Jehovah to act to clear his name of all the reproach that has been heaped upon it since the rebellion in Eden.

47. 26 In spite of the blaming words that have been heaped upon Machiavelli for his unmoral teachings, he remains a significant figure in the history of political theory.

48. In this moment of distress, Jesus was mindful of the reproach that was being heaped on God’s name, and he even asked that the cup be taken away.

49. I have visions of streets heaped with mangled corpses in which children wander crying for their parents, and babies gasp and strangle in the clutches of dead mothers.

50. But all these Blessednesses, heaped together, as it seems to me, would become sickeningly the same if prolonged through eternity, unless we had God for our very own

51. The very highest degree of happiness is blessedness, these Blessednesses,’’ as Ainsworth says, “ “heaped up one upon the other.” Surely this is the very highest to which the human heart can as pire

52. Your gold and siluer is Cankered, and the rust of them shall bee a witnesse against you, and shall eate your flesh as it were fire: ye haue heaped treasure together for the last dayes

53. 1827, John Roby, The Children of Ravendale Near to the widow, or rather loop-hole, heaped up in a most picturesque attitude of disorder, lay a score or two of rusty helmets, their grim Attirings mostly broken and …

54. Alarums) (archaic) A danger signal or warning.1913, George Bernard Shaw, Pygmalion: "The rest is the irreducible minimum of poverty's needs: A wretched bed heaped with all sorts of coverings that have any warmth in them, a

55. Jesus indicated that the Kingdom would do away with the greatest injustice by sanctifying, or making holy, the name of Jehovah God and clearing it of all the reproach that Satan has heaped upon it since the rebellion in Eden.

56. Every kind of Contumelious reproach is heaped on the heads of the working men who dare to replace him when he strikes; and he does not scruple to use under such conditions weapons more convincing than the most opprobrious epithets.

57. Your gold and silver is Cankered - That is, that you have heaped together, by injustice and fraud, a large amount, and have kept it from those to whom it is due, James 5:4, until it has become corroded

58. Every kind of Contumelious reproach is heaped on the heads of the working men who dare to replace him when he strikes; and he does not scruple to use under such conditions weapons more convincing than the most opprobrious epithets.

59. 38 And it came to pass that many died in the wilderness of their wounds, and were devoured by those beasts and also the vultures of the air; and their bones have been found, and have been heaped up on the earth.

60. ‘I resent the Calumny that they've heaped on him.’ ‘The girls were doubtless out for a good time but they were perfectly law - abiding women and the Calumny has unfairly stuck.’ ‘As for my getting more and more curmudgeonly, that is an outright Calumny).’

61. But Steinberg had still more up its sleeve, showcasing its brand-new remote controller application Cubase RC for the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch as well as the MR816 FireWire interfaces and CC121 USB controller which have been heaped with accolades since they were first released last year.

62. Addresser radikal brake lever addition of ozone to a compound; conversion of oxygen into ozone Roosevelt obavještajna služba black level 姉ちゃん temsil swipe decay ikalabing syam pass up electrify levottomuus Figurati! shouhitsu falling-needle viscosimeter heaped Dokumentation euphony sisidlan ng mga papel štapić inwentarz ardeo indoor

63. N Cumulation The act of heaping together or piling up; acCumulation.; n Cumulation That which is cumulated or heaped together; a heap.; n Cumulation In civil law, and thence in Scots and Louisiana law, combination of causes of action or defenses in a single proceeding; joinder, so that all must be tried together

64. The storm last Thursday took out the dock where they landed their logs and they were compelled to stop hauling for a time; Buckwheater, the Gleaner's York correspondent, heaped coals of fire upon a red-beaded old maid correspondent for the Neillsville Press, and we wonder if "red-head" took Buckwheater's advice.

65. All is gone; All—save the piles of earth that hold their bones, The platforms where they worshipped unknown gods, The barriers which they builded from the soil To keep the foe at bay—till o’er the walls The wild Beleaguerers broke, and, one by one, The strongholds of the plain were forced, and heaped With corpses

66. All is gone-- All--save the piles of earth that hold their bones-- The platforms where they worshipped unknown gods-- The barriers which they builded from the soil To keep the foe at bay--till o'er the walls The wild Beleaguerers broke, and, one by one, The strongholds of the plain were forced, and heaped With corpses.