Use "he" in a sentence

1. He Protected, He Provided, He Persevered

2. He hemmed, he hawed, he guffawed.

3. He Protected, He Provided, He Persevered —JOSEPH

4. Just before he passed out, he said he, uh... He felt he was absorbing too many powers.

5. He said he leaked urine when he coughed.

6. He didn't, did he?

7. He said he had things to do before he started today, so he left early.

8. He never eats dumplings, he don't -- he eats nothing but steaks, and he likes'em rare. "

9. He snares, he purges, he Bloodlusts when his friends die

10. So he just got up abruptly, and he, he left?

11. If he sees something he wants, he wants it now!

12. Did he say how long he knew what he was?

13. He believed he had leprosy.

14. He isn't serious, is he?

15. He abases, and he exalts.

16. He knew he was immoderate.

17. He botches all he touches.

18. He felt he was heinous.

19. He feels he is blameless.

20. He said he got disconnected.

21. He hasn't changed, has he?

22. He found he was shivering.

23. He was the tormentor, he was the protector , he was the inquisitor , he was the friend.

24. Thunder he flatten ears, lightning he blind eyes, rain he lash flesh, wind he freeze skin.

25. I bet he thought he wished he was invisible, don't you?

26. " Was he -- has he been -- was he very worried? " I chuckled.

27. He felt he had only come alive when he started surfing.

28. He wasn't very lucid, he didn't quite know where he was.

29. He is so miserly he won't buy things he relly needs.

30. He reported what he saw... as he was asked to do.

31. He said he could work this puzzle out, but he didn't.

32. 29 He slept deeply and when he awoke he was refreshed.

33. He is just what he claims he is, a natural democrat.

34. He was in earnest when he said he was leaving Beijing.

35. 8 He dropped the bombshell. He told me he was dying.

36. Wherefore he says: ‘When he ascended on high he carried away captives; he gave gifts in men.’

37. He believes he doesn't deserve sex.

38. He does carry on, doesn't he?

39. Wherever he went, he acted wisely.

40. He waved when he saw us.

41. Wherever he goes, he commands Attention

42. He didn't OD. He was murdered.

43. He said he heard suspicious laughter.

44. He said he wanted to wee.

45. He looks older than he is.

46. He believes he is quite something.

47. He shouted that he couldn't swim.

48. He Blithely assumed he was right

49. – Honey, he said he pumped milk.

50. He didn't lose it. He quit.

51. He fails, and he is imprisoned.

52. He averred that he was innocent.

53. He affirmed that he was responsible.

54. He sounded like he was Agreeing …

55. Should he uncover it, he wondered?

56. Whatever he wills he may accomplish.

57. He has claimed he can levitate.

58. He vowed he would lose weight.

59. He said he was comforting her.

60. 26 And he suffered from moral gaucherie also: he disapproved, he reproved.

61. He admitted that he had smoked marijuana when he was a student.

62. He was processed out, and he lost the only protection he had.

63. 1 He thinks he would lose face if he admitted the mistake.

64. He had a massive ego, never would he admit he was wrong.

65. He rarely talked to Tohru, and when he did, he was abusive.

66. He felt he would demean himself if he replied to scurrilous letter.

67. After he discovered he had aids he drew up a living will.

68. He knows he won't hurt her.

69. He thought he was the father.

70. • He has Bided his time, and now he feels he has arrived

71. He sent me a letter A few months Before he--he was...

72. He could overpower her, Maybe he didn't think he could overpower ken.

73. He vowed that if he stayed alive, he would look for God.

74. As he sat he felt he was falling into a deep slumber.

75. I believe he was in earnest when he said he was leaving.

76. He wreaks havoc using what he learns from spies he has everywhere.

77. Before He dies he tells Jonathan that he is his actual father.

78. 8 He was the tormentor, he was the protector , he was the inquisitor ,[] he was the friend.

79. If he fasted, he was released from jail; if he attempted civil disobedience, he was back in again.

80. He looked around him as he went; but he did not slow down much until he reached the culvert.