Use "hbr" in a sentence

1. Bromination reactions produce HBr as exhaust gases

2. HBr is very soluble in water, forming hydrobromic acid solution, which is saturated at 68.85% HBr by weight at room temperature.

3. Hydrobromic acid is a solution of HBr in water.

4. LiOH + HBr → LiBr + H2O Lithium bromide is used in air-conditioning systems as desiccant.

5. The Alkene abstracts a proton from the HBr, and a carbocation and bromide ion are generated

6. Flera Bromider bildas som salter vid reaktion med väteBromid (bromvätesyra, HBr)

7. OsO4 forms with HBr the very stable hexabromoosmate(IV) complex, the absorption of which is measured at 496 nm.

8. High efficiency uncured compounds, sheet, strip, tube, special shape for Viton, Silicone, EPDM, HNBR, HBR,(Sentencedict) NR...etc.

9. The addition of HBr to either cis- or trans-2-butene is an example of racemic product formation (the Chiral center is colored red in the following equation).

10. Alkanes: Bromination (substitution reaction) R-H + Br2 → R-Br + HBr ( colorless) (amber) (colorless) UV light splits the bromine molecule into two reactive radicals, resulting in a …

11. Ring-substituted α-bromoacetophenones react with alcohols in a chain reaction leading to the corresponding acetophenone, HBr, and the carbonyl compound from oxidation of the alcohol.

12. Blame, Blameless: related to memphomai (A, Note), is translated "unblameable" in 1Th 3:13; "Blameless," in Luk 1:6; Phl 2:15; 3:6; "faultless" in Hbr 8:7

13. Using two OECs (YI and YII) for monocomponent human adult Hb A, which have similar O2 affinities to HbR and HbP, respectively, a markedly high ratio of differential coefficients (Y′I/Y′II) was obtained.

14. Behove: "to owe," is once rendered "Behove," Hbr 2:17 ; it indicates a necessity, owing to the nature of the matter under consideration; in this instance, the fulfillment of the justice and love of God, voluntarily exhibited in what Christ accomplished, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest.

15. N-Bromosuccinimide (NBS) is a brominating and oxidizing agent that is used as source for bromine in radical reactions (for example: allylic Brominations) and various electrophilic additions.The NBS Bromination of substrates such as alcohols and amines, followed by elimination of HBr in the presence of a base, leads to the products of net oxidation in which no bromine