Use "harmattan" in a sentence

1. Chimer is an NPC in the city of Harmattan, in Outward

2. The Harmattan carries dust during the winter into the Gulf of Guinea.

3. At the height of the Harmattan, in the cool nights of the rainy season, I wrote.

4. During the dry season winds from the Sahara Desert called the Harmattan create wild temperature fluctuations from December to the beginning of March.

5. Natural hazards in Mali include: Desert sandstorms in the north Dust-laden harmattan wind is common during dry seasons, bringing a dust haze which may ground aircraft and damage computers and sensitive electronics and machines, as well as aggravating respiratory diseases.

6. Meteorological conditions associated with the transport and deposition of harmattan dust particles in West Africa are discussed as well as particle-size distribution analyses of Saharan aeolian dust monitored at Ile-Ife (7.29 N, 4.34 E) nearly 2,000 km South-West of its predominant source region, the Chad Basin.