Use "hardliner" in a sentence

1. Igor Rodionov, often described as a hardliner opposed to democratic reform.

2. Mahmoud Zahar, more of a hardliner within Hamas, has called for conciliation too.

3. The nationalist hardliner Vojislav Seseslj, who controls a large block of seats, refused to take part.

4. The culture minister, Limor Livnat, a hardliner from the ruling Likud party, upped and fled.

5. Palestinian leader Arafat earlier also called for "no more wars, " and expressed his belief that he can reach a peace agreement with the hardliner Israeli Prime Minister Sharon.

6. The parliamentary committee blames a former Tehran prosecutor, who had a reputation as a hardliner, for insisting the detainees be sent there despite being warned about the conditions.

7. Mr Eroglu, a nationalist hardliner who opposes reunification with the Greek part of the island, took 4% of the vote, while the incumbent, Mehmet Ali Talat, trailed with 8%.

8. The document, dated Monday, came from an office led by Mohammed Ghneim, a Fatah hardliner and the party's number two, who returned to the West Bank only this year after many years in exile.

9. I was attaining a new power, like a secret weapon. I felt like a different person, a hardliner, not confused or out of my depth as I had been when I'd been hanging around with Tony in Broadmoor.