Use "harassed" in a sentence

1. ● What can you do if you’re sexually harassed?

2. Imagine you’re being harassed by a Cyberstalker

3. 26 Our convoys are being continually harassed by enemy submarines.

4. Harassed and threatened, Seattle man helps unmask Cyberstalker May 07, 2019 at 5:50 pm PDT By Alison Grande SEATTLE — A Seattle man was harassed and …

5. He harassed us all day, how can he just disappear?

6. This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed.

7. And shortly thereafter, I, too, was sexually harassed in the workplace.

8. The supermarket was full of harassed-looking mothers with young children.

9. Can a tenant be compensated for having been harassed or illegally evicted ?

10. So the boy was not continuously harassed by the demon, only occasionally.

11. Her husband had books on spiritism and was being harassed by demons.

12. Synonyms for Careworn include anxious, stressed, harassed, strained, beleaguered, burdened, distraught, haggard, oppressed and overburdened

13. Evidently displeased with Nora’s actions, the demons harassed her for about two weeks.

14. At Morotai, nightly Japanese air attacks harassed the ships but caused little damage.

15. Those paying bribes were continually harassed afterward by corrupt officials wanting additional payments.”

16. Torpedo boats and aircraft based at Morotai also harassed Japanese positions in the NEI.

17. The Bushrangers harassed settlers, miners, and Aboriginal people and committed robbery, arson, and murder

18. “I stole, gambled, watched pornography, harassed women, and swore at my parents,” he says.

19. Synonyms for Beleaguered include harassed, aggravated, badgered, hassled, plagued, tormented, troubled, persecuted, pestered and vexed

20. What’s more, most have reported being Catcalled or harassed on the street more than once

21. Fifty thousand very small businesses, associations or organisations have been affected and harassed into paying.

22. How were anointed Christians harassed by the Anglo-American World Power during World War I?

23. When harassed or startled by people or in the presence of a dog, moose may charge.

24. Moreover, Max is being harassed at school by a gang of thugs, carefully drawn as a multiethnic crew.

25. Harried executive Played by people who keep so busy with minute details that they always seem harassed.

26. You might still have terrifying dreams about the Bully who harassed you on the playground in second grade

27. On Okinawa, however, two-thirds of the 20 military women Fowler interviewed said they had been sexually harassed.

28. 27 On Okinawa, however, two-thirds of the 20 military women Fowler interviewed said they had been sexually harassed.

29. Another founding member of the club, Ta Phong Tan, also a blogger, has been harassed and interrogated by the police.

30. From where she sits, her family is being harassed by outsiders who want a piece of something she considers unquestionably private.

31. Only a week after the strike, a clean-up of the more open violence had begun in the worst harassed loyalist districts.

32. In his very first Street Beefs fight, he took on a local man who had harassed Haidar on-and-off for …

33. Or at the very least Big Brother himself, who sounds more like a harassed fourth form teacher than an omnipotent dictator.

34. Daniel 7:25 also speaks of a period of time when ‘the holy ones of the Supreme One are harassed continually.’

35. Protesters who peacefully took to the streets against the law’s proposed special economic zones were harassed, detained and assaulted by the police.

36. The Boorish behavior of tourists who have harassed Sign banning photography has been set up on Hanamikoji Street on October 25, 2019 in Kyoto, Japan

37. Joseph Oncale charges that his male supervisors and a male co-worker harassed him while he was working at a Louisiana oil rig.

38. The right-wing One America Network on Thursday broadcast a story Claiming the network was being “harassed” by a New York Times NYT …

39. After the meeting, he was put under intrusive surveillance and repeatedly harassed by the local police of Cho Moi district, An Giang province.

40. 58% of bisexuals are exposed to Biphobic jokes at work, and 31% have been sexually harassed on the job because of who they are

41. Once sexually harassed by Harvey Weinstein, writer Louisette Geiss Conceives a #MeToo musical By Christopher Wallenberg Globe correspondent, Updated October 29, 2020, 4:47 p.m

42. Cyberstalker Sentenced Man Relentlessly Harassed Law School Interviewer A Delaware attorney who interviewed prospective students for his alma mater law school became the victim of …

43. The recent revolutions, it should be recalled, started with the self-immolation of a Tunisian fruit vendor, who was harassed and insulted by the authorities.

44. OBSERVATIONS OF AN ORDERLY WARD MUIR It is not Arguable that glossy buttons are a valid feature of the garb of a humdrum and harassed hospital orderly

45. Political activists continued to be harassed in Malaysia, where some NGOs had been refused permission for foreign travel of their staff in defence of their cause

46. An 11th Hussar squadron, the 2nd Rifle Brigade and cruiser tanks of the 1st Royal Tank Regiment (1st RTR) harassed the Italian force on the escarpment.

47. One image that has haunted me from my early business days is of a grandmother, 70 plus years, being harassed by the bureaucrats in the town planning office.

48. Although she was not really harassed as the term is commonly understood today, she did receive unwanted advances from Solomon, the rich and powerful king of Judah.

49. Aimless Sentence Examples Robert fled from Normandy and after Aimless wanderings obtained from King Philip the castle of Gerberoi, in the Beauvaisis, from which he harassed the Norman marches

50. 27 If a man harassed by illness one after another, such as sore, scab, inner heat and spermatorrhea etc. , we are sure that his life will be very painful.

51. + 22 Na·oʹmi said to her daughter-in-law Ruth: “It is better, my daughter, for you to go out with his young women than to be harassed in another field.”

52. millionaire may enjoy breakfasting off orange juice and Ryvita biscuits; an unemployed man does not...When you are underfed, harassed, bored, and miserable, you don't want to eat dull wholesome food.

53. 11 It describes collection abuse,( and answers such questions as whether you can be jailed for not paying a debt and what to do if you are being harassed by a collection agency.

54. This page shows answers to the clue Annoyed.Annoyed may be defined as “Aroused to impatience or anger”, “Troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances” and “Harassed troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances”

55. Cruelly (26 Occurrences) Matthew 15:22 Here a Canaanitish woman of the district came out and persistently cried out, "Sir, Son of David, pity me; my daughter is Cruelly harassed by a …

56. VIDEO: San Francisco Uber driver Coughed on, pepper sprayed after asking women to wear masks A San Francisco Uber driver said he was harassed and mocked by three unruly passengers because he’s a

57. Calling her “daughter,” Boaz advised Ruth to keep coming to his fields to glean and to stay near the young women of his household to avoid being harassed by any of the workmen.

58. 27 Calling her “my daughter,” Boaz advised Ruth to keep coming to his fields to glean and to stay near the young women of his household to avoid being harassed by any of the workmen.

59. The influence of the dear old scenes was something, and his Cheeriness was a great deal more; the peaceful present was not harassed or disturbed, and the foreboding, on which she might not dwell, made it …

60. Hachu, a popular writer and blogger, revealed that she had been sexually harassed by one of her managers, a well-known creative director in Japan's advertising industry, while she was working at the advertising giant Dentsu.

61. The two little Bungholes going after each other in the pool "Listen to me you obnoxious little bunghole!" by ♞Jenny♞ 95 45 warned Mama bear as one of her cubs relentlessly harassed her in the river

62. Bloggers and human rights advocates such as land rights activist Bui Thi Minh Hang and former political prisoners Truong Minh Duc and Truong Minh Nguyet who tried to attend the funeral were harassed and intimidated by the police.

63. In mid-April, two well known journalists, Duong Phu Cuong and Nguyen Huy Cuong, were detained and harassed at the airport in Ho Chi Minh City and prevented from attending a conference in Manila on free expression in Asian cyberspace.

64. Bushranger, any of the bandits of the Australian bush, or outback, who harassed the settlers, miners, and Aborigines of the frontier in the late 18th and 19th centuries and whose exploits figure prominently in Australian history and folklore.

65. Adjective irritated, bothered, pissed (taboo slang), harassed, hassled (informal), aggravated (informal), maddened, ruffled, exasperated, nettled, vexed, pissed off (taboo slang), miffed (informal), displeased, irked, riled, harried, peeved (informal), piqued, browned off (informal) She tapped her forehead and looked Annoyed with herself.

66. Annoyed: 1 adj troubled persistently especially with petty annoyances Synonyms: harassed , harried , pestered , vexed troubled characterized by or indicative of distress or affliction or danger or need adj aroused to impatience or anger Synonyms: irritated , miffed , nettled , peeved , riled , roiled , steamed , stung displeased not pleased;

67. The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) is the response of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to over 150,000 complaints each month by consumers being harassed by predatory robocalls and spam text messages.A robocall is an automated phone call that is made with Autodialing technology

68. This is the official blog of Catcalled, a two-week long writing project by women living in New York on their experiences with being objectified and sexually harassed on city streets.Each daily log was kept by one of our 11 participants over the course of two weeks in August 2012

69. If you experience, observe, hear about, or believe someone has been sexually harassed in Any way, you should make a report of the facts of the incident(s) in a timely manner: If the accused is a student, contact either the Title IX Coordinator or other reporting officials listed on the back of this pamphlet.

70. Cruelly (26 Occurrences) Matthew 15:22 Here a Canaanitish woman of the district came out and persistently cried out, "Sir, Son of David, pity me; my daughter is Cruelly harassed by a demon." (WEY NAS) Matthew 21:35 but the vine-dressers seized the servants, and one they Cruelly beat, one they killed, one they pelted with stones