Use "halt" in a sentence

1. Chariots, halt!

2. Command to initiate the system halt. Typical value:/sbin/halt

3. Gordo, halt here.

4. Halt or I'll shoot.

5. 'Halt!' the Major ordered .


7. The bicycle brakes to a halt.

8. The car comes to a halt.

9. No opposition could halt the work.

10. Don't halt here.Move on, move on!

11. The bus jolted to a halt.

12. She came, panting, to a halt.

13. The car screeched to a halt .

14. The bus shuddered to a halt.

15. The car squealed to a halt.

16. The bus jerked to a halt.

17. The truck braked to a halt.

18. The car come to a halt.

19. The train shuddered to a halt .

20. The car skidded to a halt.

21. The train jerked to a halt.

22. The train braked to a shuddering halt.

23. The train Braked to a shuddering halt

24. 13 The car come to a halt.

25. Heavy snowfalls brought traffic to a halt .

26. The bus came to a jerky halt.

27. Suddenly we come to an abrupt halt.

28. The bus came to an abrupt halt.

29. The patrolman signed for them to halt.

30. The sentry cried "Halt" as he saw us.

31. This was once a reputed halt for pilgrims.

32. He reined in his horse to a halt.

33. We must halt this decline in health services.

34. NR 509 Week 5 Ordinance Halt Adjustation Ordinance

35. The thought brought her to an abrupt halt.

36. She held her hand out flat, to halt him.

37. Hà Nội proposes to halt road maintenance fee collection

38. The car screeched to a halt with grinding brakes.

39. But should this bring a halt to lateral thinking?

40. I'd rather see the government grind to a halt.

41. 4 The sentry cried "Halt" as he saw us.

42. The Grand National had been brought to a halt.

43. The Allied advance began to come to a halt.

44. The cars slew to a halt, blocking the traffic.

45. 26 The sentry cried "Halt" as he saw us.

46. Speak of my lameness, and I straight will halt.

47. Midnight came to a halt, snorting and pawing the ground.

48. After the election our funding came to an abrupt halt.

49. More commonly, they can halt many types of allergic reactions.

50. Education and public transportation came to a nearly complete halt.

51. Did this onslaught bring the preaching activities to a halt?

52. 3 Government forces were able to halt the rebel incursion.

53. The elevator creaked to a halt at the ground floor.

54. It went on too long, until its recent shuddering halt.

55. This brought an abrupt halt to the transport of convicts.

56. The bus came to an abrupt halt outside the school.

57. The bus came to an Abrupt halt outside the school

58. It will halt the alienation of Hindus from the Congress . "

59. HHS Assails Eli Lilly's Bid To Halt Drug Discount Rule

60. The rider has to halt the horse in the arena.

61. Who can halt Woods' inexorable progress towards yet another championship?

62. If the government grinds to a halt, that benefits no one.

63. The lights changed and the cars grudgingly screeched to a halt.

64. They made desperate attempts to halt the headlong rush into war.

65. None could halt or defeat such deep-rooted determination to learn.

66. The company is desperate to halt the haemorrhage of skilled staff.

67. Every movement or transition should be invisibly prepared by half - halt.

68. Therefore, in terms of official work it grinds to a halt.

69. 30 Who can halt Woods' inexorable progress towards yet another championship?

70. He called for a halt to the recent wave of emigration.

71. 1 Who can halt Woods' inexorable progress towards yet another championship?

72. The United States demands the Government of Sudan halt aerial Bombardments immediately.

73. Carnesecchi’s career came to an abrupt halt, however, when the pope died.

74. The President has called for a halt to the wave of emigration.

75. If we put a halt to it, we'll be the world's laughingstock!

76. 6 We need to take corrective action to halt this country's decline.

77. The car made a strange noise and then jerked to a halt.

78. When the children's play got too noisy, their mother called a halt.

79. It's about time we called a halt to all this senseless arguing.

80. A sudden shout made them halt in their tracks and look round.