Use "hair trigger" in a sentence

1. This gun has a hair trigger.

2. He's got a hair-trigger temper all of a sudden.

3. 3 His boozing, arrogance, and hair-trigger temper have often led him into ugly nightclub brawls.

4. 30 Frantic negotiations were conducted through the UN's Emergency Security Council and unofficial channels hair-trigger standoff.

5. they tend to operate on a hair trigger so they can profit from breaking news before other investors act and wipe out their advantage.

6. But it was a cack-handed attempt to preserve the military's impunity and privileges in a future constitution that finally set Tahrir Square back on a hair trigger.

7. 7 Portraits of Greek Adonises Banned by Instagram By Editors Does Instagram have a hair trigger with male images when it comes to censorship and applying a …

8. 13 In one, Iran ends up with nuclear weapons, bringing new instability and a hair-trigger face-off with nuclear Israel into one of the world's least - safe neighbourhoods.

9. The movie is filled with “action, hair-trigger suspense and a machine-gun spray of killer dialogue” (Peter Travers, Rolling Stone), Inglourious Basterds is certainly “another Tarantino masterpiece” (Jake Hamilton, CBS-TV)!

10. Investors fall into a special category as news consumers; they tend to operate on a hair trigger so they can profit from breaking news before other investors act and wipe out their advantage.

11. The draft resolution seeks to reaffirm the desire of the international community to ensure the safety and security of mankind from the dangers of accidental launch and false alarms and the deployment of nuclear weapons at hair-trigger alert.

12. The draft resolution seeks to reaffirm the desire of the international community to ensure the safety and security of mankind from the dangers of accidental launch and false alarms and the deployment of nuclear weapons at hair-trigger alert

13. We have endeavoured, through our draft resolution, to garner the support of all States, which is necessary to ensure the safety and security of humankind in a world free from the danger of accidental launch, false alarms and the dangers posed by weapons deployed at hair-trigger alert

14. We have endeavoured, through our draft resolution, to garner the support of all States, which is necessary to ensure the safety and security of humankind in a world free from the danger of accidental launch, false alarms and the dangers posed by weapons deployed at hair-trigger alert.