Use "haemoglobin" in a sentence

1. Haemoglobin itself crops up in unexpected places.

2. Haemoglobin is the red pigment found in blood.

3. They had all had a normal haemoglobin concentration.

4. It increased their haemoglobin levels by about 6 %, reducing anaemia.

5. Fetal NRBCs show unique morphological characteristics and haemoglobin phenotype.

6. Haemoglobin is an important blood buffer particularly for Buffering CO 2

7. The other important development has been the glycosylated haemoglobin level.

8. Haemoglobin iron can be taken on its own or with desiccated liver.

9. 12 Glycated haemoglobin and plasma electrolyte concentrations were checked every two months.

10. The glycosylated haemoglobin result is markedly elevated, revealing the extent of poor control.

11. The surveyors measured haemoglobin levels and growth parameters for children aged # months

12. The presence of sickle haemoglobin can also be demonstrated with the "sickle solubility test".

13. It should include assessment and provide feedback on progress with glycosylated haemoglobin levels.

14. Blood tests revealed Louise's haemoglobin level was down and doctors referred her to the local hospital.

15. Individual values were notdetectably related to absolute tension of isoflurane, preoperative haemoglobin concentration nor patient age.

16. Our management included a measurement of haemoglobin concentration and the treatment of any identified anaemia.

17. Red blood cells or erythrocytes, primarily carry oxygen and collect carbon dioxide through the use of haemoglobin.

18. So at low temperatures, oxygen is absorbed more strongly by most species' haemoglobin, and released less easily.

19. After dose interruption a haemoglobin decrease of approximately # g/dl (# mmol/l) per week is expected

20. Most of it traverses the pulmonary capillary bed where it combines with haemoglobin that is # % to # % oxygen-saturated

21. The survival rate under anaerobical conditions was in haemoglobin-poor and haemoglobin-rich individuals the same. A nitrogen treatment of 6 hours was survived by both forms while an anaerobiosis of 13 hours was mortal in all cases.

22. FitzGerald's observations of the effects of full altitude acclimatization on carbon dioxide tension and haemoglobin remain accepted today.

23. Particularly suitable candidates are those with unstable diabetes and evidence of poor control with elevated glycosylated haemoglobin levels.

24. BLL were associated independently with age, haemoglobin concentration, water source, roofing material, expenditures and history of breastfeeding.

25. It binds to haemoglobin much more readily than oxygen, thus allowing the blood to carry less oxygen.

26. Sickle - cell anaemia is due to a recessive mutant gene ( a ) which produces yet another abnormal variant of haemoglobin .

27. Benzidine test: Benzidine test is a specific test used for the determination of blood (RBCs or haemoglobin) in urine

28. Decreases in haemoglobin and haematocrit, thrombocytopenia, leucopenia/neutropenia, and cases of agranulocytosis or pancytopenia, have been reported very rarely

29. British doctors used this with a woman who had lost so much blood that “her haemoglobin fell to 1.8 g/dlitre.

30. The glycosylated haemoglobin has been a very useful advance for the Type 2 patients with latently poor control.

31. The random haemoglobin A 1 value was a continuous variable, which was shown in a histogram to be approximately normally distributed.

32. The presence of significant amounts of haemoglobin F has a protective effect against sickling and such individuals express relatively mild disease.

33. All patients with ulcerative colitis were in clinical remission and had normal levels of haemoglobin, C-reactive protein, and serum orosomucoid.

34. Indications for home monitoring of blood glucose in these patients are a raised glycosylated haemoglobin or a low renal threshold.

35. Significant haematological dysfunction, e. g. leucocytes < # x #/l, haemoglobin < # g/dl, platelets < # x #/l, haemorrhagic diathesis or active bleeding disorder

36. Due to its high affinity to haemoglobin, CO can lead to internal asphyxia within a few minutes depending on the concentration in air.


38. Add a few ml of hydrochloric acid (3.2), connect the flask to the vacuum pump and shake until the haemoglobin has completely dissolved.

39. The edible portions of the Carcases were minced and the average haemoglobin content for each group was 0.19, 0.36, 0.22, 0.17 and 0.17 mg/g of soft tissue

40. The action of a cobalt-iron combination (cobalt-ferrlecit) on the formation of haemoglobin and erythrocytes has been investigated in anaemic patients (haemorrage anaemias, infectious anaemias, tumour anaemias, etc.).

41. The scientific basis for this technique is that short wavelength light falls within the haemoglobin absorption band, thereby facilitating clearer visualization of vascular structures and pit pattern.

42. Thus a fairly medium portein , like haemoglobin , that enables human blood to carry oxygen to body tissues and gives it its characteristic colour , contains about 600 amino acids .

43. Moreover, in patients with a baseline haemoglobin of > # g/dl, the possibility that epoetin alfa treatment may be associated with an increased risk of postoperative thrombotic/vascular events cannot be excluded

44. Moderate-quality evidence suggests that preoperative rHuEPO + iron therapy for Anaemic adults prior to non-cardiac surgery reduces the need for RBC transfusion and, when given at higher doses, increases the haemoglobin concentration preoperatively

45. In this study they have been found 27 times in a total of 402 autopsies. By using a benzidine stain for haemoglobin on thick frozen sections the extent and distribution of the anemic change could be demonstrated more clearly.

46. The principal aim of this investigation was to determine the influence of blood haemoglobin concentration ([Hb]) on maximal exercise capacity and maximal O(2) consumption (V(O(2),max)) in healthy subjects Acclimatised to high altitude

47. The section strives to provide the highest standard of both clinical and laboratory hematological care with a state-of-the-art laboratory employing up-to-date techniques such as flow cytometry, haemoglobin electrophoresis, specialized coagulation, molecular diagnostics, Apheretic platelets and electronic red blood cell cross match .

48. If a rapid test-strip test shows haematuria, it is necessary to eliminate the possibility of a false positive reaction due to free haemoglobin or myoglobin. Microhaematuria can be confirmed by phase-contrast microscopy from the mid-urine stream, which quantifies the haematuria (preferentially by a Fuchs-Rosenthal counting chamber ), and allows to differentiate glomerular from non-glomerular haematuria by the determination of acanthocytes in the urine sediment.

49. There was also an increase in kidney weights and renal hyaline droplet formation in males at 125 ppm (mg/kg) and above (>8.3 mg/kg bw/day*) In addition, at 1 000 ppm (mg/kg) [males 81.1 mg/kg bw/day; females 78.7 mg/kg bw/day*], there was the following: an increase in adrenal weight and focal areas of renal tubular atrophy and interstitial lymphocytic infiltration in males; an increase in kidney weight in females; a decrease in haemoglobin and an increase in white blood cells in both sexes; and decreases in red blood cells and haematocrit in males.