Use "habitus" in a sentence

1. Kleinschmidt, H.: Zur Lehre von Habitus Asthenicus in Kindesalter , Monatschr

2. LUNDBORG published Rassenmischung – vermehrte Heterozygotie (Genchaos) – Konstitutionsveränderungen – Habitus Asthenicus …

3. Though somewhat reminiscent of willows (Salix) in their habitus, they are not particularly close relatives of these.

4. Other Title Omnium fere gentium nostrae Aetatis habitus, nunquam ante hac aediti Contributor Names Bertelli, Ferando

5. Bibliographic references: Ferdinando Bertelli: Omnium fere gentium nostrae Aetatis habitus, Venedig 1569, plate 70; Get the app

6. Rassenmischung - vermehrte Heterozygotie (Genchaos) - Konstitutionsver=:anderungen - Habitus Asthenicus sive paralyticus (Zunahme der Körpergrösse usw.) - Tuberkulose : Eine Ursachenkette

7. Abstract: ‘Civilising processes’, in Elias’s technical or ‘etic’ sense, are long-term, intergenerational, unplanned and unintended processes, involving changes in the balance of the typical social habitus

8. Hydropische Konstitutionsanomalie.- Exsudative Diathese.- Neuropathische Konstitution.- Prinzip des Locus minoris resistentiae.- Konstitutionelle Disposition zum Scharlach, zur Diphtherie, zum Erysipel, zum Gelbfieber, zur Syphilis, zur Tuberkulose.- Tuberkulose und Status degenerativus.- Tuberkulose und Habitus Asthenicus.-

9. Angulous; References in periodicals archive? Habitus (Figures 21-22): Head brownish red; compound eyes black, rounded, arranged transversally; vertex smooth, rectangular, with a prominent median carina; ocelli closer to each other than to compound eyes;

10. Focusing in particular on black hipsters, so-called ‘Blipsters,’ she explores how contemporary Blipsters’ subcultural habitus is owed to the history of black resistance, from slavery to the continuous contact zone of black and white culture today

11. À travers un ensemble de 14 articles initialement publiés dans les colonnes de certains journaux locaux entre janvier 2019 jusqu’à mars 2020, l’auteur fait ressortir les Atavismes, les habitus, les réflexes passéistes, traditionnels qui dans l’ensemble font des acteurs

12. This obstructive phenomena is commonly intermittent, varies greatly in degree of severity and most often is concomitant with the habitus Asthenicus contributing in the production of the Weir-Mitchell individual, so common and chronic a problem to the gastroenterologist.

13. A 19-year-old man presented to our male infertility clinic with delayed sexual maturation, eunuchoid habitus, micropenis, cryptorchidism, erectile dysfunction and absence of ejaculation, anemia and osteoporosis as well as low serum concentrations of luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone in combination with hyposmia.

14. Asthenic constitution (habitus Asthenicus) is characterized by the following features: longitudinal dimensions of the body prevail, the chest is narrow and flat, the neck is thin and long, the extremities are long and thin, the skull is long, the muscles are inactive, the shoulders are narrow, the subcutaneous fat is poorly developed.

15. Asthenicus thorax 【医】 无力胸, 麻痹胸; habitus Asthenicus 【医】 无力体型, 虚弱体型; morbus Asthenicus 【医】 全身无力, 全身衰弱; movement of thorax 胸廓运动; muscles of thorax 胸部肌; phthisicus thorax 【医】 痨型胸, 扁平胸; paralytic thorax 麻痹胸; amazon thorax 【医】 单乳胸; cholesterol thorax 【医】 胆甾醇性胸膜积液

16. The fact that the struggle for the recognition of their language as an official language equal in status to English in the new dominion of the Union of South Africa was closely related to the struggle for "their" land and the independence of the republics they had lost and in which, among other things, gold and diamond deposits had been found, gave rise to a habitus in which certain "white" varieties of the Afrikaans language featured as one of the criteria for being Afrikaner.