Use "guttural" in a sentence

1. He made a few guttural sounds.

2. Cordelia imitated his guttural tones.

3. Their speech, when they cried out, was guttural.

4. My caress provoked a long , guttural gnarl.

5. 5 synonyms for Croaky: croaking, gruff, hoarse, husky, guttural

6. The factitious what of guttural cancer often coughs?

7. Sharp, guttural cries accompanied the drum of hooves.

8. His guttural utterances are accompanied by erudite subtitles.

9. 9 My caress provoked a long , guttural gnarl.

10. " Gerald's guttural scream cut the air like a cheese-knife. "

11. Guttural and scratchy, dry cough, now and then sneeze.

12. Joe had a low, guttural voice with a mid-Western accent.

13. Two Egyptians were arguing outside the room, their voices loud and guttural.

14. Mike made some guttural noise to indicate that he had heard me.

15. He was a round old man with a guttural, polyglot accent.

16. 12 We could hear the guttural growling of still more coming from underground burrows.

17. My bus driver, in the morning, spoke in a guttural Derry accent.

18. We could hear the guttural growling of still more coming from underground burrows.

19. 18 My bus driver, in the morning, spoke in a guttural Derry accent.

20. He telephoned Yorkshire Television to seek explanations and advice, demanding plaintively in a guttural accent.

21. With a small guttural sigh she relaxed and allowed him to part her thighs.

22. This was one where I didn't understand a word, yet the rhythm and that guttural.

23. That meant learning their language, composed mostly of guttural noises, facial expressions, arm movements and gestures.

24. Chattering or “Chittering” is similar to chirping, but a bit more guttural and staccato

25. Clinical applying: Clinical use at treating heart failure, oedema and guttural gall, haemoptysis, haematemesis.

26. But his guttural responses satisfied me at once that he but ill comprehended my meaning.

27. Big in July darling summer is guttural and hoarse, what can you eat to come cure?

28. An archer with the guttural accent of a native of Reikwald forest agreed with the fanatic.

29. He twisted around toward the one who had him in his grasp, and let out a guttural, weird howl.

30. Ruby attempted to communicate by a combination of gestures, clicks, and guttural sounds unlike any known language.

31. The talk began to waft over me, Halema's guttural Arabic being too quick and too difficult for me to catch.

32. Normally a language is developed by human beings from guttural sounds that eventually become verbal symbols for objects and actions.

33. For one thing, the “Peanuts” version is more of a plaintive wail while Aarrgh! is more guttural – combining anguish and anger.

34. From the territorial “caw, caw” of the American Crow to the guttural Croak of the Common Raven, each species has …

35. Bonobo voices tend to be relatively high-pitched and melodic, in contrast to the lower and more guttural “pant hoots” of chimpanzees

36. Although deep, guttural, death metal-style growling is a high priority on Aeolian, this album is not straight-ahead death metal

37. When Sound Designer Ben Burtt delivered a suitably bizarre mix of guttural speech and clicking insect sounds, the lip-sync was redone to properly match.

38. A new species of Pseudoacanthocephalus (Acanthocephala: Echinorhynchidae) from the guttural toad, Sclerophrys gutturalis (Bufonidae), introduced into Mauritius, with comments on the implications of the introductions of toads and their parasites into the UK L.R

39. Synonyms of “Croaky” Using a synonym can be a good alternative for using “Croaky”. You might be able to find more answers by using these: grating, gravelly, gruff, guttural, harsh, hoarse, husky, rasping, raucous and throaty.

40. Cluck's name comes from the word "Cluck" (also known as "Clucking") which is the characteristic short and guttural sound made by a hen and also the sound used to express fussy concern or disapproval

41. All these strange antics were accompanied by still stranger guttural noises from the devotee, who seemed to be praying in a sing- song or else singing some pagan psalmody or other, during which his face twitched about in the most unnatural manner.

42. Bonobos are the most vocal of the great Apes, using their voices extensively to express themselves and to communicate with others. Bonobo voices tend to be relatively high-pitched and melodic, in contrast to the lower and more guttural “pant hoots” of chimpanzees.

43. Cacophonous: 1 adj having an unpleasant sound “"as Cacophonous as a henyard"- John McCarten” Synonyms: cacophonic cackly , squawky like the cackles or squawks a hen makes especially after laying an egg croaky , guttural like the sounds of frogs and crows grating , gravelly , rasping , raspy , rough , scratchy unpleasantly harsh or grating in