Use "gutta-percha" in a sentence

1. Rubber, Gutta-percha, Rubber, Asbestos, Mica and mica products, All the aforesaid goods included in class 17

2. Chicle is obtained as pinkish to reddish brown pieces and is said to contain both rubber and gutta-percha.

3. Articles made wholly or principally from rubber, plastics, polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, acrylic, mica or from substitutes for all the aforesaid materials

4. Rubber, gutta-percha, gum, asbestos, mica and goods made from these materials and not included in other classes, namely, plastic and acrylic sheets and semi-manufactured products made of acrylic resins

5. Carrageenin - gum ammoniac - gum Archipin - gum benjamin - gum labdanum - gum opoponax - gum sandarac - gutta-percha 12 letter words canada balsam - frankincense - gum sagapenum - sterculia gum 13 letter words quince-seed gum - zanzibar copal