Use "gurgling" in a sentence

1. The baby was gurgling happily.

2. The stream went gurgling on.

3. Then she heard a mysterious gurgling noise.

4. My ear is full of gurgling rolls.

5. The baby lay gurgling in her bed.

6. The baby lay gurgling in her cot.

7. All of that moving gas creates soft, gurgling Borborygmi

8. All of that moving gas creates soft, gurgling Borborygmi

9. Borborygmus [bawr-buh-RIG-muhs](n.)-A rumbling or gurgling noise made by the movement of fluid and gas in the intestines.-Rumbling or gurgling noises produc

10. Pacific ditch gurgling water(, fisher li few.

11. Along with stomach gurgling, you may also experience flatulence and Belching

12. A terrible rasping, gurgling noise issued from Snape's throat.

13. Baby Babbling might occasionally be accompanied by cooing or gurgling.

14. We could hear the stream gurgling down in the valley.

15. Secluded gurgling tubs overlook mountain landscapes of pinon, juniper and scrub oak.

16. Borborygmus, plural borborygmi, is the gurgling sound made by normal bowels

17. Borborygmus, plural Borborygmi, is the gurgling sound made by normal bowels

18. After these were inserted, I found my abdominal area emitting some gurgling noises.

19. 10 Secluded gurgling tubs overlook mountain landscapes of pinon, juniper and scrub oak.

20. Blubbering Meaning: "bubbling, gurgling," present-participle adjective from blubber (v.)

21. The background music of a gurgling brook, singing birds, and humming insects?

22. The water made a gurgling noise as it ran down the drain.

23. Borborygm meaning (medicine) A rumbling or gurgling noise produced by wind in the bowels.

24. Ana gave a small, gurgling laugh and Maggie leaned forward and kissed her cheek.

25. What does Burble mean? A gurgling or bubbling sound, as of running water

26. The man collapsed against the wall and slid down it making gurgling noises.

27. The silence was disturbed only by a gurgling stream and the song of birds.

28. Miguel eased his car forward a little and slipped into a dark spot by a gurgling hydrant.

29. From Middle English Burblen (“to bubble”) A bubbling, gurgling sound, as of a creek

30. Cooing is usually a vowel, like ahh, but sometimes Cooing can sound like gurgling noises

31. A stream flows nearby, bubbling and gurgling, and you sit beneath a large, shady tree.

32. The gurgling noise was the rattling of Thomas trying to breathe through a restricted windpipe.

33. Synonyms for Cooing include murmuring, sounding, uttering, wooing, gurgling, crooning, clucking, cackling, chucking and clacking

34. Synonyms for Burbling include gurgling, babbling, bubbling, gushing, laughing, burbly, murmuring, rippling, foamy and frothy

35. From a room somewhere else in the house came a loud gurgling sound, followed by a scream.

36. Richie, who always lay on his back, produced a sound similar to the underwater gurgling of an old motorboat.

37. The flying, gurgling, squelching Cacodemon is arguably the most iconic monster in the entire DOOM franchise

38. This is a long, gurgling anal sound like an idling race engine; it is called a Burbling fart.

39. A gurgling burn looms before you and in its cool streams you immerse your weary feet.

40. Normal Bowel sounds are characterized by bubbling and gurgling noises that vary in frequency, intensity, and pitch.

41. They stood beside a small, gurgling pool at the foot of the altar and professed their faith.

42. All you could hear was air hissing out the pipe, like a gurgling sound, then hissing, then silence.

43. And from time to time there was a puzzling new gurgling sound which we had not noted previously.

44. When they hear a repeated syllable amid the gurgling, perhaps “Mama” or “Dada,” their hearts swell with happiness.

45. Everything was silent except the gurgling of paddles and the muffled shouts from the far end of town.

46. Borborygmus A rumbling, gurgling, “growling” stomach noise heard on auscultation of the abdomen in conditions of increased intestinal peristalsis

47. By 6 weeks to 3 months, most babies will have developed a personal repertoire of vowel sounds, Cooing and gurgling

48. 15 The gurgling male, alternately bowing down and rearing up, chased the female from one row of tiles to the next.

49. The bubbling or gurgling sound of water the soft Burbling of a nearby brook She could hear the Burbling of water.

50. Borborygmus: A gurgling, rumbling, or squeaking noise from the abdomen that is caused by the movement of gas through the bowels

51. Borborygmi are the sometimes all too loud gurgling, growling, or rumbling noises produced by the digestive tract as food passes through

52. What is Borborygmi? Borborygmi can be thought of as stomach growling, a gurgling stomach, loud digestion noises or simply put - noises that emanate from the stomach

53. The gurgling resolved itself into words pronounced with a lingering ghastly quaver. "Hail Mary, Hara Ram, " Gold Teeth said, "the snakes are after me.

54. Borborygmos, rumbling in the bowels] A gurgling, splashing sound normally heard over the large intestine; it is caused by passage of gas through the liquid contents of the intestine.

55. Borborygmus is a rumbling sound made by the body, which is caused by gas moving through the intestines. Using layman's terms, it is the sound of a stomach growling, gurgling, or rumbling

56. Burble: 1 v flow in an irregular current with a bubbling noise Synonyms: babble , bubble , guggle , gurgle , ripple gurgle make sounds similar to gurgling water Type of: go , sound make a certain noise or sound

57. Borborygmi is a rumbling or gurgling noise made by the movement of fluid and gas in the intestines. Borborygmi in the absence absence of diarrhea or other significant symptoms are normal phenomena of no medical significance

58. What is Cooing? Apart from crying, Cooing is the first vocal milestone your baby will reach. Cooing is typically a vowel sound, like ahh, but sometimes Cooing can sound like gurgling noises

59. In 1 Kings 14:3 ("a Cruse of honey") the word baqbuq, would be better rendered "bottle," doubtless deriving its name from the gurgling sound of issuing liquids.

60. Borborygm) indicative of a problem when they accompany vomiting and inappetence? I can hear the bubbling and gurgling noises from my dog's GI track from from several feet away, they are that loud

61. Borborygmus (bor″bō-rĭg′mŭs) plural.Borborygmi [Gr. Borborygmos, rumbling in the bowels] A gurgling, splashing sound normally heard over the large intestine; it is caused by passage of gas through the liquid contents of the intestine.

62. The Brigadiers Cottage - Your Boutique Homestay - is located at a five minutes' walk from the famous Kempty falls and the Kempty bazaar , The cottage is completely surrounded in a thick wooded area ,and the gurgling sound of the brook flowing below .

63. Here comes the green grass in spring, the singing of Bailings, the flow of gold and the gurgling water in autumn, the picturesque scenery all year round, plus the peculiar topography, which resembles a spit rat lying peacefully, representing the auspicious gathering of real wealth

64. At all the more public pumps there is much cooling of bare feet, together with much bubbling and gurgling of drinking with hand to spout on the part of these Bedouins; the Cloisterham police meanwhile looking Askant from their beats with suspicion, and manifest impatience that the intruders should depart from within the civic bounds, and once more fry …

65. ‘he was Burbling inanities’ ‘He could have burbled on, said things he didn't mean to say, kept it going just for appearances.’ ‘And along beside Mott's Road the stream is gurgling, babbling, chattering, bubbling, giggling, chortling, Burbling - so many words to express the natural joy, the hilarity of nature doing what it does best: glorifying God in its self.’