Use "groans" in a sentence

1. ( GROANS ) Are you airsick?

2. [ groans ] Hate keeps me warm at night.

3. Scattered groans and whoops broke out in the crowd.

4. Some Bad jokes only deserve eye rolls and groans

5. [ monk groans ] [ clatter ] oh, my god, i'm buried alive!

6. ( LUCAS GROANS ) I think the shrapnel took out its power core.

7. 26 To her, it meant groans, delirium, death and smells.

8. “Oh, Mom,” he groans, “do I really have to go?”

9. The house was filled with the cello's dismal squeaks and groans.

10. 4 Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along the dark corridors.

11. 4 We could hear the groans of the wounded soldiers.

12. The curtain went down on a titter and some groans.

13. This duel - it will be your last, Fallow. [ Grunts ] [ Grunting ] [ Groans ]

14. It was a weird old house, full of creaks and groans.

15. Marjorie puts up her fists like a pugilist, groans and pushes him away.

16. Listen sympathetically to your child's moans and groans about what she can't do.

17. Chopped: Canada's Dean McDermott is even more of one than Ted Allen, to the groans of the judges

18. Prissy climbed reluctantly from the wagon with many groans and timorously followed Scarlett up the avenue.

19. HVAC chattering, Clanks, clunks, cyclical, fan, fog horn moans, honks, groans, growls Noise Group 2 Article Contents

20. 11 Distant creaks and groans echoed eerily along dark corridors and seemed to expand into the circular chamber.

21. Denice lets out little yelps of laughter at the occasional humorous moments and squirms and groans during the gory bits.

22. Groans and convulsions, and a discoloured face, and friends weeping, and blacks, and obsequies, and the like, show death terrible.

23. Mention "Blight" in a room full of gardeners and you'll likely be met with a lot of groans and grumbles

24. "Cheerfulness removes the rust from the mind, lubricates our inward machinery, and enables us to do our work with fewer creaks and groans

25. As the ark drifted on that surging ocean, those within surely heard a symphony of squeaks and groans from the massive timbers.

26. Signs of approaching death are evident from the mournful tones and groans of complaint issuing forth from the doors of the oldster’s mouth.

27. Olaudah Equiano, a slave who survived, reported: “The shrieks of the women, and the groans of the dying, rendered the whole a scene of horror almost inconceivable.”

28. Down the valley with our guttering brakes Asqueal: Where the trestle groans and quivers in the snow, Where the many-shedded levels loop and twine

29. Like a typical teen, Shyima Hall forgets to make her bed and groans when it's time to do her two chores—vacuuming the floor and cleaning the fishbowl.

30. Clever Corny puns and silly jokes may elicit groans from the grown-ups at the table, but they will almost always break the ice and get the party started

31. My chilly lips then like a painter's pen kept stroking now touchingly now loomingly on her naked smooth skin, until her dreamy groans flooded my ears and thrilled my heart.

32. Down the valley with our guttering brakes Asqueal: Where the trestle groans and quivers in the snow, Where the many-shedded levels loop and twine, So I lead my reckless children from below.

33. HVAC NOISE-2 CHATTER CLANK FAN GROAN - chattering, Clanks, clunks, cyclical, fan, fog horn moans and groans, growls CHATTERING RELAY CONTROL SWITCHES - separate article: chattering at control relays in mechanical equipment

34. ⁠ Down the valley with our guttering brakes Asqueal: Where the trestle groans and quivers in the snow, ⁠ Where the many-shedded levels loop and twine, So I lead my reckless children from below ⁠ Till we sing the Song of Roland to the pine

35. There were heard from these all through the night wild Bewailings, nothing like the sighs and groans of men, but a sort of wild-beast-like howling and cursing joined with threats and lamentations rising from the vast multitude, and echoed among the neighbouring hills and hollow banks of the river.

36. She was, moreover, much broken with calling to remembrance the restless groans, brinish tears, and self-Bemoanings of her husband; and how she did harden her heart against all his entreaties and loving persuasions, of her and her sons, to go with him; yea, there was not anything that Christian either said to her, or did before her, all the

37. Through the gorge that gives the stars at noon-day clear, Up the pass that packs the scud beneath our wheel, Round the bluff that sinks her thousand fathom sheer;, Down the valley with our guttering brakes Asqueal: Where the trestle groans and quivers in the snow, Where the many-shedded levels loop and twine, Hear me lead my reckless children

38. She was moreover much broken with calling to remembrance the restless groans, brinish tears, and self-Bemoanings of her Husband, and how she did harden her heart against all his entreaties and loving persuasions (of her and her Sons) to go with him; yea, there was not anything that Christian either said to her, or did before her all the while

39. Through the gorge that gives the stars at noon-day clear -- Up the pass that packs the scud beneath our wheel -- Round the bluff that sinks her thousand fathom sheer; -- Down the valley with our guttering brakes Asqueal: Where the trestle groans and quivers in the snow, Where the many-shedded levels loop and twine, Hear me lead my reckless