Use "greenhouse gas" in a sentence

1. � Greenhouse Gas Abatement Costing Model.

2. Each greenhouse gas absorbs heat differently.

3. Greenhouse gases Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.

4. Water Vapor—The Most Essential Greenhouse Gas

5. Asia Least-cost Greenhouse Gas Abatement Strategy

6. Carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas.

7. Actual net greenhouse gas removals by sinks

8. Reducing greenhouse gas and ammonia emissions from agriculture

9. Managed grasslands: A greenhouse gas sink or source?

10. We need to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 60 %.

11. Does the amount of greenhouse gas reduction can survey?

12. Is spam causing the environmental hazard of greenhouse gas emissions?

13. Net greenhouse gas emissions down 82 percent in absolute tonnage.

14. Biofuels & Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Myths versus Facts The U.S

15. Talk of mandatory limits on greenhouse gas emissions may seem sudden.

16. Collectively, these systems account for eight percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

17. Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is the main greenhouse gas in climate change.

18. Negotiations on a treaty to limit this greenhouse gas begin in December.

19. How can biogas technology reduce greenhouse gas ( GHG ) emissions? By how much?

20. We must aim for an actual 30% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

21. If it escapes into the atmosphere, it is a potential greenhouse gas.

22. For each measure, greenhouse gas (GHG) abatement and cost-effectiveness have been assessed.

23. Methane is an extremely efficient greenhouse gas which contributes to enhanced global warming.

24. • intelligent and adaptive control devices to optimize efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions

25. Bluer skies, less greenhouse gas. What happens after the pandemic? Ashwini Bhatia/AP

26. • The use of Biomass energy has the potential to greatly reduce greenhouse gas emissions

27. The big opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is actually in urbanizing the suburbs.

28. The Committee also outlined tough recommendations on how greenhouse gas emissions should be reduced.

29. Animals produce methane, which is another dangerous greenhouse gas, when they burp and fart.

30. These include greenhouse gas emissions, energy carriers, alternative motor fuels and new emerging technologies.

31. Composting helps keep plants healthy, conserves water, prevents runoff, and reduces greenhouse gas emissions

32. The mechanism gives firms in developing countries financial incentives to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

33. • intelligent and adaptive control devices to optimize efficiency and reduce regulations greenhouse gas emissions

34. * In Can Tho, greenhouse gas emissions were measured in collaboration with Can Tho University.

35. Actions, choices and behaviors will have led to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions.

36. But it might contribute to global warming because methane is a powerful greenhouse gas.

37. Focuses on urban ecology, social equity, land conservation, greenhouse gas emissions and environmental quality.

38. Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Abundances Carbon Dioxide (CO 2) Long-Term Annual Means with IPCC Scenarios

39. The time lag between reducing greenhouse gas emissions and reducing the actual concentrations is long.

40. Provision of training related to the application of greenhouse gas emissions software accounting and reporting

41. Nearly one-fifth of all greenhouse gas is generated by livestock production -- more than transportation.

42. Their combined emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide could largely exceed current UK emissions.

43. It will put us on track to absolute greenhouse gas reductions of 20% by 2020.

44. into account the effects of those processes in exacerbating greenhouse gas emissions, desertification and acidification.

45. Skeptics point out that only a small percentage of greenhouse gas emissions are man-made.

46. Methane (CH4) has ten to twenty times the greenhouse gas effect of carbon dioxide (CO2).

47. Nearly one- fifth of all greenhouse gas is generated by livestock production -- more than transportation.

48. The rise in the Earth’s temperature due to greenhouse gas emissions has caused abnormal climatic phenomena.

49. Steel represents about three percent of man's greenhouse gas emissions, and concrete is over five percent.

50. Traffic flows are continuously monitored, and real-time adjustment of traffic flows reduces greenhouse gas emissions.

51. Composting is a great way to reduce your food waste and contributions to greenhouse gas emissions

52. In 2004, greenhouse gas emissions from aircraft in the EU rose by 87% compared with 1990.

53. Meat consumption actually leads to more greenhouse-gas emissions annually than the use of cars does.

54. A greenhouse gas is a component of the atmosphere that absorbs radiation emanating from the earth’s surface.

55. Many regions have abandoned coal-burning electricity plants, which give off carbon dioxide, a potent greenhouse gas.

56. * Mitigate greenhouse gas emission through effective policies and measures, thus contributing to global climate change abatement; and

57. The conference helped build support for the nineteen ninety-seven Kyoto agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions .

58. The market could grow much bigger if countries further subsidize wind power to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

59. Home energy efficiency is increasingly seen as a route to a reduction in national greenhouse gas emissions.

60. With intensifying industrialisation, human society started to stress the natural climatic cycles with increased greenhouse gas emissions.

61. The inclusion of aviation activities in the European Union's greenhouse gas emissions trading scheme is a logical step.

62. A wooden disc box from Supplier Action: not a greenhouse gas producer and not made from tropical hardwood.

63. The terrestrial Biosphere is the predominant source of the powerful greenhouse gases methane (CH 4) and nitrous oxide (N 2 O); the precursors of ozone (O 3), which (when present in the surface atmosphere) is a potent greenhouse gas as well as a toxic pollutant, and reactive gases that indirectly influence greenhouse gas concentrations through

64. Detailed statistics on physical flows in these activities are needed for development of accurate greenhouse gas emission inventories.

65. Without concerted international action, that alone would raise greenhouse-gas emissions about 50 percent higher than current levels.

66. X A range of alternative drive systems has been developed in order to reduce vehicle greenhouse gas emissions.

67. Human activities attributed to the energy sector cause as much as 78 % of the Community greenhouse gas emissions.

68. Based on the fluorinated greenhouse gas types and transactions types indicated above, complete all relevant reporting forms attached

69. Toxic chemicals are accumulating in lakes, rivers, wildlife and the North, and greenhouse gas emissions alter the climate.

70. Carbon dioxide is a so-called greenhouse gas, which absorbs energy from the sun, making the air warmer.

71. One approach to reducing these emissions is through reducing the life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of these fuels.

72. 10 Many regions have abandoned coal-burning electricity plants, which give off carbon dioxide, a potent greenhouse gas.

73. Also the carbon footprint, the total set of greenhouse gas emissions produced in the life of the material.

74. Made from organic matter with advanced, energy saving production technology, Bioethanol can considerably reduce traffic related greenhouse gas emissions.

75. Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) is an inorganic, colorless, odorless, non-flammable, extremely potent greenhouse gas, and an excellent electrical insulator.

76. So an 82 percent absolute reduction translates into a 90 percent reduction in greenhouse gas intensity relative to sales.

77. Conservation of the world's biota, as we know it, will depend upon rapid, steep declines in greenhouse gas emissions.

78. We know that summit after summit in New York and Paris is not going to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

79. However,[sentence dictionary] no such action was to be credited against any forthcoming national required reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

80. "The amount of greenhouse gas in the atmosphere is already above the threshold that can potentially cause dangerous climate change.