Use "greco" in a sentence

1. This force grew as the Greco-Bactrian kingdom

2. Siracusa con il famoso teatro greco.

3. The Greco-Bactrian kingdom refers to several dynasties and probably kingdoms of Greco-Macedonian monarchs who ruled over Bactria from 250 to 130 BCE.

4. Bronx Bystreets is a font by Guilhem GRECO, designed in 2013

5. However, contacts were kept with his Greco-Iranian neighbours in the Seleucid Empire.

6. Most Westerners think of Greco-Roman zodiac, the signs divided into 12 months.

7. Bronx Bystreets Bronx Bystreetst is a font by Guilhem GRECO, designed in 2013

8. Bolection Molding Marble Mantel Surround, Circa 1650, from our Heritage Mantels Greco Roman Collection

9. Greco-Bactrian art was known to be one of the finest at this time

10. Alecto is the name of one of the three Furies of Greco-Roman mythology

11. Ptolemy II took Egypt and set up his own sort of Greco-Egyptian kingdom there, sometimes you'll hear us talk about the Syrian Empire or the Greco Syrian Empire,or simply the Greek Empire.

12. Culbert jingu pylorous chytridial Blanknesses Greco-asiatic wanhorn coercible Plesiosauri viceregency testimonia enteradenographic Evangelicalism Mellwood

13. El Greco (1541–1614) was a Greek painter, sculptor, and architect of the Spanish Renaissance.

14. Vasilissa Olga, named after Queen Olga, served with the RHN during the Greco-Italian War.

15. Aksyonov is also the head of Crimea's Greco-Roman wrestling organization, Sports club Hwarang-do.

16. For most, concepts of Mediterranean architecture are tied in with ancient Greco-Roman classical styled constructs.

17. As a result, the Greco-Bactrians were cut off from direct contacts with the Greek world.

18. Greco-Bactrian armies also included units of heavily armored cataphracts and small elite units of companion cavalry

19. The Bacchanalia were Roman festivals of Bacchus, the Greco-Roman god of wine, freedom, intoxication and ecstasy

20. GRECO took note of the information provided on awareness raising measures and valued this as positive achievements.

21. By importing our Cameos from the hands of master carver Gennaro Borriello of Torre del Greco, Italy, we guarantee …

22. The events of the summer of 1974 dominate the politics on the island, as well as Greco-Turkish relations.

23. Boeotia was a battleground during the Greco-Persian Wars, when it was invaded by the armies of the Achaemenid Empire

24. In Greco-Roman mythology, Aeneas was a Trojan hero, the son of the prince Anchises and the goddess Aphrodite (Venus)

25. When the apostle Paul wrote the above-quoted words, the Greco-Roman world around him was rife with all forms of wickedness.

26. Pliny the Elder attributes the invention of Auspicy to Tiresias the seer of Thebes, the generic model of a seer in the Greco-Roman literary …

27. After the latter empire disintegrated, the Greco-Bactrian kingdom arose on the territory of Bactria and several neighboring regions (circa 250 B

28. Bacchanalia, also called Dionysia, in Greco-Roman religion, any of the several festivals of Bacchus (Dionysus), the wine god. They probably originated as rites of fertility gods.

29. In Greco-Roman history there were Aulical preconceptions about the work of man 's hands, but there were also religious associations of workers where work was celebrated

30. Polyandry, the practice of one woman having multiple husbands at one time, was not accepted in the Greco-Roman world of the apostle’s time.

31. Ła Bibia (dal greco βιβλία, o biblìa, ca significa łibri) el xe el łibro sacro deła rełijon ebraica e de queła cristiana

32. Asclepius, Greek Asklepios, Latin Aesculapius, Greco-Roman god of medicine, son of Apollo (god of healing, truth, and prophecy) and the mortal princess Coronis

33. Apologist, any of the Christian writers, primarily in the 2nd century, who attempted to provide a defense of Christianity and criticisms of Greco-Roman culture

34. Pliny the Elder attributes the invention of Auspicy to Tiresias the seer of Thebes, the generic model of a seer in the Greco-Roman literary …

35. The Greco Roman-themed Pueblo Bonito Rosé Resort & Spa is a stunning oasis located on one of the most pristine beaches in Baja California

36. Thus, you do not need to travel far to see the main places of interest like the cathedral, Alcazar, El Greco House and the Sephardic Museum.

37. Pliny the Younger attributes the invention of Auspicy to Tiresias the seer of Thebes, the generic model of a seer in the Greco-Roman literary culture

38. Caesarea Philippi was a Greco-Roman city located near the ancient city of Dan, in the northern part of Israel, by Mount Hermon and the Jordan River

39. The Abbassid Dynasty promoted and enabled the flourishing of literature (re-discovered the Greats of Greco-Roman culture) and art, scientific discovery and inquiry, combined with good governance

40. [citation needed] Pliny the Younger attributes the invention of Auspicy to Tiresias the seer of Thebes, the generic model of a seer in the Greco-Roman literary culture

41. The remains of Greco-Roman Antiquity—coins, gems, sculpture, buildings, and the classics of Greek and Latin literature—fascinated the thinking men and women of the Italian Renaissance

42. Per dodici anni (2003-15) aveva insegnato il corso propedeutico di greco al Pontificio Istituto Biblico 30/10/2020 – DIFESA DISSERTAZIONE DOTTORALE Venerdì, 30 ottobre 2020: difesa della dissertazione di dottorato del

43. Apollo, byname Phoebus, in Greco - Roman mythology, a deity of manifold function and meaning, one of the most widely revered and influential of all the ancient Greek and Roman gods.

44. The Greco-Bactrian kingdom appeared in 250 BCE, when the satrap Diodotos (or Theodotus in Latin) rebelled against his Seleucid ruler, Antiochos II, knowing that Antiochus was occupied struggling against the …

45. Basil II also founded a few smaller themes, comprising little more than a fortress and its immediate surroundings, those of Koloneia and Dryinoupolis, in what is today the Greco-Albanian border region.

46. The third arm of the Greco-Bactrian army was the Indian war elephants, which are depicted in some coins with a tower (thorakion) or howdah housing men armed with bows and javelins

47. Contemptus mundi (contempt for the world) is an expression that captures rather poignantly the complex of attitudes, behaviors and rhetorics associated with groups that were part of many different cultures of Greco-Roman antiquity and beyond

48. The Kushan Empire, one of the five tribes of the Yuezhi, settled in Bactria around 125 BC, displacing the Greco-Bactrians and invading the northern parts of Pakistan and India from around AD 1.

49. Un Autodidacto (del greco antique αὐτός autos 'ipse' e διδάσκειν didaskein 'inseniar') es un persona qui acquire cognoscentia o habilitate in modo independente, o lo ha acquirite autonomemente per observation, experimentation, practica o lectura.

50. Example sentences with "Adjectivals", translation memory WikiMatrix For Classical (Greco-Roman) names, the adjectival form is normally derived from the genitive case, which may differ from the nominative case used in English for the noun form.

51. A Western Chauvinist is a proponent of Western Civilization, someone who supports a secular government whose legal code is informed by Judeo-Christian ethics and whose origins lie in the Greco-Roman tradition of the Republic.

52. At that time, the satrap Diodotus declared independence and founded the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom, which covered the area south of the Caspian Sea, up to the Aral Sea, and east to the Hindu Kush and the Pamir Mountains.

53. Its origins are not so clear; the first bibliographic tracks date back to the time of Cato the Censor who classified it in the group of the Ammeos together with other groups (Greco di Tufo, Grechetto and Pignoletto)

54. “ʼAbbāʼ as a form of address to God is extremely uncommon in Jewish literature of the Greco-Roman period, doubtless because it would have appeared irreverent to address God with this familiar term,” continues the above-mentioned reference work.

55. They became Hellenized to some degree, as suggested by their adoption of the Greek alphabet to write their Iranian language, and by numerous remaining coins, minted in the style of the Greco-Bactrian kings, with the text in Greek.

56. According to some interpretations (Grousset), the baby elephant may symbolize the Buddha Siddhartha Gautama, who took the shape of a small elephant to enter the womb of his mother Queen Maya, a scene often depicted in Greco-Buddhist art.

57. Schäfer concludes that some Jewish authors understood that the essence of antisemitism in the Greco-Roman world was “the allegation of Amixia, ‘unsociability,’ and of a [Jewish] way of life that is hostile to and, therefore, dangerous to all humankind.”

58. Gorman, Abortion & the Early Church: Christian, Jewish & Pagan Attitudes in the Greco-Roman World, InterVarsity Press (1982), →ISBN, page 81: Opposition to contraception was not derived from Antiabortionism, which reacted to a common practice in surrounding culture, but arose rather

59. This page lists the main dynamic historical events for Bactria, including events for choosing between cultural assimilation of the natives or reverting back to native Bactrian rule and the rise of Diodotus, historical founder of the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom.The events for the rise of …

60. Since there were few museums anywhere in Europe Before the close of the eighteenth century, Grand Tourists often saw paintings and sculptures by gaining admission to private collections, and many were eager to acquire examples of Greco-Roman and Italian art for their own collections

61. L'Agorafobia (dal greco αγορά : piazza e φοβία : paura, etimologicamente "paura della piazza") è la sensazione di paura o grave disagio che un soggetto prova quando si ritrova in ambienti non familiari o comunque in ampi spazi all'aperto o affollati, temendo di non riuscire a controllare la situazione

62. Le Arterie (dal greco ἀρτηρία, canale anatomico respiratorio o sanguifero) sono vasi sanguigni (3 tipi in totale: Arterie, arteriole e capillari arteriosi) che nascono dai ventricoli: solitamente esse portano il sangue ricco di ossigeno lontano dal cuore (fatta eccezione per le Arterie polmonari e per le Arterie ombelicali).

63. This page lists the main dynamic historical events for Bactria, including events for choosing between cultural assimilation of the natives or reverting back to native Bactrian rule and the rise of Diodotus, historical founder of the Greco-Bactrian Kingdom.The events for the rise of the Dahae are also listed here.

64. Andromeda is one of the 48 constellations listed by the 2nd-century Greco-Roman astronomer Ptolemy, and one of the 88 modern constellations. Located north of the celestial equator, it is named for Andromeda, daughter of Cassiopeia, in the Greek myth, who was chained to a rock to be eaten by the sea monster Cetus.

65. In painting, the so-called " Parisian Atticism " is a particular movemement in French painting of the 17th century, spanning approximatively between 1640 and 1660, when famous painters working in Paris like Eustache Le Sueur or Jacques Stella elaborated a rigorous classicist style, characterized by a research of sobriety, luminosity and harmony and references to the Greco-Roman world.

66. Greco-Buddhism, or Graeco-Buddhism, is the cultural syncretism between Hellenistic culture and Buddhism, which developed between the fourth century BCE and the fifth century CE in Bactria (modern-day Afghanistan) and the Indian subcontinent.It was a cultural consequence of a long chain of interactions begun by Greek forays into India from the time of Alexander the Great.

67. Are Compassed about--Greek, "have so great a cloud (a numberless multitude above us, like a cloud, 'holy and pellucid,' [CLEMENT OF ALEXANDRIA]) of witnesses surrounding us." The image is from a "race," an image common even in Palestine from the time of the Greco-Macedonian empire, which introduced such Greek usages as national games.

68. Bactrian LANGUAGE, the Iranian language of ancient Bactria (northern Afghanistan), attested by coins, seals, and inscriptions of the Kushan period (first to third centuries A.D.) and the following centuries and by a few manuscript fragments from a much later period, perhaps the eighth or ninth century.Instead of “Bactrian” some scholars have preferred terms such as “Greco-Bactrian

69. Classical Antiquity (also the classical era, classical period or classical age) is the period of cultural history between the 8th century BC and the 6th century AD centered on the Mediterranean Sea, comprising the interlocking civilizations of ancient Greece and ancient Rome known as the Greco-Roman world.It is the period in which both Greek and Roman societies flourished and wielded huge

70. The hero Aeneas was already known to Greco-Roman legend and myth, having been a character in the Iliad.Virgil took the disconnected tales of Aeneas's wanderings, his vague association with the foundation of Rome and his description as a personage of no fixed characteristics other than a scrupulous pietas, and fashioned the Aeneid into a compelling founding myth or national epic that tied Rome

71. Hercules (1983) is like when you have gotten way too high listening to the same 19-minute cosmic italo disco track that is three reverbed chords barely Arpeggioed by a sequencer that sounds like it is working as hard as it can but is getting confused as to where it parked the car over velour tracksuit motorik and u remember that u have a paper due in ur greco-roman mythology class in like …

72. Hercules (1983) is like when you have gotten way too high listening to the same 19-minute cosmic italo disco track that is three reverbed chords barely Arpeggioed by a sequencer that sounds like it is working as hard as it can but is getting confused as to where it parked the car over velour tracksuit motorik and u remember that u have a paper due in ur greco-roman mythology class in like five

73. Português : O Império Bizantino ou Bizâncio (grego:Βασιλεία των Ῥωμαίων - Basileia tōn Rōmaiōn) é o termo normalmente empregue desde o século XIX para descrever o greco-falante Império Romano da Idade Média, que se estendeu inicialmente para a Península Arábica e no Norte de África, mas mais tarde seria confinado aos países dos Balcãs e da Ásia Menor e em