Use "great excitement" in a sentence

1. Brouhaha: great excitement or concern about something

2. Hamilton, with a speed Betokening great excitement

3. The news caused great excitement among scientists.

4. With great excitement and inspiration, and the headiness of a wild challenge before them, they hired their crew and began to build their dream bridge.

5. With great excitement and inspiration , and the headiness of a wild challenge before them , they hired their crew and began to build their dream bridge .

6. First-time enthusiasts, serious collectors, and professional coin dealers, all involved in numismatics, find great excitement in discovering the qualities that make each coin special.

7. Schoolchildren in the Bosnian village of Jezero waited with great excitement for an attempt by NASA on Thursday to land on an ancient lake bed on Mars which is named after their tiny hometown

8. ‘a Ceasefire agreement’ ‘War with people who break their Ceasefire agreements is the default position.’ ‘Amid great excitement, the government and rebels reached a Ceasefire agreement at the beginning of last year.’ ‘The Good Friday 1998 power sharing agreement led to a Ceasefire …