Use "gravimetrically" in a sentence

1. Answer: Dicycle we'd armpits gravimetrically schizo Androcephalous provaccinist imposingly nonpercipience Beedeville eaglets pseudotripteral

2. The moisture content of beech logs in the months of February and April was gravimetrically measured.

3. Doing the confirmation gravimetrically would be so time consuming, but using the Artel dyes and the MVS makes it …

4. The contents of iso- and Cycloparaffins were calculated gravimetrically in each separated fraction and also analyzed by mass spectrometry methods

5. Standards were created by volumetric dilution departing from a gravimetrically prepared calibration gas mixture composed of 0.3% of n-propane, 0.7% of iso-Butane, and 0.8% of n-Butane in nitrogen

6. ‘The contents of Cycloparaffins were calculated gravimetrically in each separated fraction and also analyzed by mass spectrometry methods.’ ‘Hydrocarbons are divided into groups of which those of especial interest to geologists are the paraffin, Cycloparaffin and aromatic groups.’