Use "grave accent" in a sentence

1. The Circumflex is a variant of musical accent (pitch accent) and is in opposition to the acute accent and the grave accent

2. This version also listed eight accents (acute accent ( ́ ), grave accent ( ` ), circumflex ( ^ ), caron ( ˇ ), macron ( ̄ ), tilde ( ̃ ), trema ( ̈ ), and a superscript dot ( ̇) and nine punctuation marks ( ? ! ( ) « » , ; . ).

3. Once the Console feature is activated, the gamer can access it by pressing the ` (grave accent or "backtick", not apostrophe) key while in game

4. Beria Giray Erfe is a full alphabet, with independent letters for vowels; however, diacritics are used to mark tone (grave accent for falling tone and acute accent for rising tone; high, mid, and low tone are unmarked), as well as advanced tongue root vowels (a macron derives /i e ə o u/ from the letters for /ɪ ɛ a ɔ ʊ/).