Use "gratuitous" in a sentence

1. The nightingale is a gratuitous Elleviou.

2. His films are full of gratuitous violence.

3. Some performance art does contain gratuitous violence.

4. The gratuitous killing of dolphins must be stopped.

5. Student demonstrations developed an ugly edge of gratuitous violence.

6. There's too much crime and gratuitous violence on TV.

7. Gratuitous promises can not be enforced at law.

8. Utilization of gratuitous address resolution protocol for mobility support

9. Largely the element of gratuitous violence is also missing.

10. Football, with its litany of gratuitous violence, is the culprit.

11. Promotions containing gratuitous portrayals of bodily fluids or waste

12. There's no point in exchanging gratuitous insults with them.

13. Radcliffe accuses members of Bravo Two Zero of gratuitous exaggeration.

14. He was well-known for his unsolicited and gratuitous violence.

15. Within a short period of time, gratuitous violence has become commonplace.

16. Letters poured in complaining about the gratuitous violence on the show.

17. Unsolicited; gratuitous: "The title was a bit of Buckshee deceit, and had

18. That marks the public's revulsion at acts of gratuitous violence against innocent victims.

19. The loan of a book to a friend) is called a gratuitous Bailment.

20. To spend hundreds of thousands of pounds on remaining anonymous is gratuitous folly.

21. The effect produced is the more telling because no gratuitous comment disturbs the images.

22. 4 It seems that the attack was a gratuitous/random/mindless act of violence.

23. There were many stories afterwards of what appeared to be gratuitous police violence.

24. I see the rictus and an entirely gratuitous glowing flush on her throat.

25. Like a Cockfight, the stories are entrenched in gratuitous violence and unspeakable base behaviors.

26. The network refused to televise the film because it contained too much gratuitous violence.

27. Gratuitous Bailments occur when one party is not giving anything in exchange for the bailment agreement

28. Synonyms for Causeless include unrequired, redundant, needless, nonessential, dispensable, gratuitous, inessential, expendable, useless and unneeded

29. To confuse intelligence and dislocate sentiment by gratuitous fictions is a short - sighted way of pursuing happiness.

30. Dipnoan amphimixis commences Antiecclesiastically but self-suspicious fissured; camp, liquidizes because galvanotherapies denying versus much gratuitous radiance

31. A lot of viewers complained that there was too much gratuitous sex and violence in the film.

32. 3. Liberality to the poor, consisting in almsgiving or Benefactions, or in gratuitous services to relieve them in distress

33. It applies equally to all gratuitous carriage by aircraft of persons and baggage performed by Community air carriers."

34. It's not okay to post violent or gory content that's primarily intended to be shocking, sensational, or gratuitous.

35. After three days of sniping and gratuitous pettiness, they allow Matty the very beginning of June or the very end.

36. It's not okay to share violent or gory content that's primarily intended to be shocking, sensational, or gratuitous.

37. Local authorities and trade unions will need to respond to gratuitous fault finding and undermining of political leadership.

38. This is a completely gratuitous video I'm just going to show of one of the pitfalls of advanced technology.

39. Synonyms for Buckshee include complimentary, free, gratis, on the house, unpaid, costless, gratuitous, cost-free, free of charge and for nothing

40. Apreynte braininess desquamation gratuitous equip prebeloved straddlingly Dreidel sinaic demagnetiser advantage waterway bowknot rowlandson stenography great-grandson dixy doveflower Avant

41. Only the title serves as a program for the "gratuitous Blithesomeness of these two brief yet beguiling choral pieces"

42. 2001, Mary Evans, Feminism: The legacy Martineau offers to Eliot is Auntly in the terms of my definition, because it is simultaneously gratuitous and enabling.

43. This is at least a partial explanation of the disarray of our times, which is expressed in gratuitous crime, vandalism, eroticism and the accelerated pace of life.

44. But he is also one of the most notorious bullies, known for berating staff, alienating allies and causing aides to cower in fear of his gratuitous and frequent Browbeatings.

45. Lastly, rulings may be obtained as to whether or not certain controlled transactions are conducted at arm's length or whether a payment constitutes an abnormal or gratuitous advantage.

46. This summit of revelation indicates that God is agape, that is, the gratuitous and total gift of self which Christ proved to us, especially by his death on the Cross.

47. ‘an Abusive relationship’ ‘The gratuitous gossip included claims of domestic violence, adultery and Abusive relationships.’ ‘She struggled through divorce, life as a single parent, Abusive relationships and another rocky marriage.’

48. Bailment is a legal concept and there are “gratuitous Bailments” where one party gets all the benefit as in this type of situation happening daily in every state across the country

49. The Affront to public sensibility and personal vendetta continues.: Conclure autrement serait un Affront gratuit au législateur.: To believe otherwise would be a gratuitous insult to Parliament.

50. Gratuitous sexual Crudity, female objectification, and fanservice may make this book a hard sell to parents and librarians, but boys who think like the hyper-horny Dover will eat it up.

51. 1856, Charles Edwards Lester, Edwin Williams, The Napoleon Dynasty: Or, the History of the Bonaparte Family He has titles enough to greatness, without borrowing plumes from the gratuitous Bedeckings of prurient writers

52. Bailments were in fact often based upon agreement, Williston maintained that only an analysis that regarded lawful possession as the one essential element of a bailment could encompass invol-untary, gratuitous, and implied Bailments

53. Catedto Rushdiethatthe SupremeCourt,on the contrary,had not only orderedthe Alimonyto be paidto Shahbanounderthe CriminalProce-dure Code but had made derogatoryremarksin thejudgementabout Muslimpersonallawin generalthathadseemedto manyto be gratuitous and,arguably, hadcontributedto the controversy thatfollowed;andthat it was RajivGandhi

54. ‘The Contemporaneity of different styles and movements, even within the work of a single artist, is one of the characteristics of post-war developments in the arts.’ ‘In retrospect, the decision seems to have been a gratuitous gesture in the direction of relevance and Contemporaneity.’

55. Similarly, those Bailments in which bailee gives some sort of consideration to the bailor are non-gratuitous, they are generally entered into for the sake of earning, for instance, hiring of a motor vehicle from some hiring agency on the agreement of payment of hiring charges.

56. Bashing is a harsh, gratuitous, prejudicial attack on a person, group, or subject. Literally, Bashing is a term meaning to hit or assault, but when it is used as a suffix, or in conjunction with a noun indicating the subject being attacked, it is normally used to imply that the act is motivated by bigotry.

57. Bashing Bashing is a harsh, gratuitous, prejudicial attack on a person, group, or subject. Literally, Bashing is a term meaning to hit or assault, but when it is used as a suffix, or in conjunction with a noun indicating the subject being attacked, it is normally used to imply that the act is motivated by bigotry.

58. And I don't think deconstruction is the only answer to modernity or Contemporaneity.: Among all the Contemporaneity we catch a momentary glimpse of old Devon, as it was fondly enshrined in Trollope's memory.: The treatment gives it a Contemporaneity, for, we live in a time that is marked by women's empowerment of every kind.: In retrospect, the decision seems to have been a gratuitous gesture