Use "graafian follicle" in a sentence

1. Each follicle contains one egg, and on average, only one follicle becomes fully mature.

2. Meanwhile we conclud Xinjiang Finewool follicle cells are similar to Altay ovine wool follicle cells.


4. Every follicle, every frown, every micro expression on your face.

5. Acinuses include antral follicle, mammary gland acini, oocyte & follicular cells, oviduct, placenta and primordial follicle. acinusus acini stain more weakly than serous acini, because of the …

6. Acinuses include antral follicle, mammary gland acini, oocyte & follicular cells, oviduct, placenta and primordial follicle. Interventions: intravenous albumin was given at the time of oocyte retrieval.

7. KRT71 is a crucial gene for keratinization of the hair follicle.

8. Scarring Alopecia is the result of active destruction of the hair follicle

9. A Boil is an infection of a hair follicle (skin pore)

10. Ingredient: DNA Original Fluid, Lavender, Hamamelis, Elastic Element, Micro - collagen Protein, Hair Follicle Mollify.

11. The papilla produces hair cells that progress up the follicle and harden into hair.

12. In open Comedones, sebum, or oil, gets into an open follicle and combines with

13. Whiteheads and Blackheads can actually form anywhere on your body there is a hair follicle.

14. As well, folliculitis (inflammation of the hair follicle) and sensitivity to light have been reported.

15. Blood vessels grow in the dental follicle and enter the dental papilla in the cap stage.

16. 502AB and 504AB respectively), which include analytes Follicle-stimulating Hormone (FSH), Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG), …

17. A Boil is a skin infection that starts in a hair follicle or oil gland

18. A Boil is a pus-filled skin infection that usually develops around a hair follicle

19. Objective To establish a bioassay of follicle stimulating hormone ( FSH ) in serum of rhesus monkey.

20. The hair follicle regulates hair growth via a complex interaction between hormones, neuropeptides and immune cells.

21. Acute folliculitis with follicular and perifollicular pustules and destruction of the hair follicle may be seen.

22. Clomifene appears to stumulate the release of gonadotropins, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and leuteinizing hormone (LH), which leads to the development and maturation of ovarian follicle, ovulation, and subsequent development and function of the coprus luteum, thus

23. A Comedone begins to form when oil and skin cells become trapped in the hair follicle

24. 21 It can stimulate luteinizing hormone ( LH ) and follicle - stimulating hormone ( FSH ) releasing from the pituitary gland.

25. A Boil (also called a furuncle) is a common type of infection that occurs in a hair follicle

26. Researchers observed that Treg abundance, proliferative index and activation state were directly linked with hair follicle stage.

27. Cumulus oo´phorus a mass of follicular cells surrounding the ovum in the vesicular ovarian follicle.

28. Efficacy: Compression of the skin rotates follicle closer to the surface, Blenches blood vessels and reduces competing chromophores

29. A Boil, or furuncle, is an infection of a hair follicle caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (S

30. A Boil is an infection that begins in a hair follicle and can spread to the nearby skin

31. Blackhead [blak´hed″] a plug of keratin and sebum within the dilated orifice of a hair follicle

32. ) a little hollow, as the socket of a tooth, a follicle of an acinous gland, or a pulmonary Alveolus

33. Higher efficacy: Compression of the skin rotates follicle closer to the surface, Blenches blood vessels and reduces competing chromophores

34. ‘In insects, the genes that encode the proteins of the egg membrane, the Chorion, become amplified in the surrounding follicle cells.’

35. 18 The pituitary gland releases follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which stimulates follicles in one of the ovaries to begin growing.

36. 15 Either of two hormones of the pituitary gland, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. No longer in scientific use.

37. Comedo: The primary sign of acne, consisting of a widened hair follicle filled with keratin skin debris, bacteria, and sebum (oil)

38. Moreover it is possible to use periodontal ligament (PDL) stem cells and dental follicle precursors for periodontal tissue differentiations in vitro.

39. 19 The portion of the follicle between the sebaceous duct and the insertion of the arrector pili muscle is the isthmus.

40. It is obvious that the oogenesis always accompanys with the variation of the structure and the shape of the follicle cell.

41. The term “Comedogenic” comes from the word “comedo”, which is a clogged hair follicle (also known as a pore) inside the skin

42. Apocrine sweat glands secrete sweat into the pilary canal of the hair follicle without opening directly onto the surface of the skin

43. Treg function association with tissue immune homeostasis is illustrated in Alopecia Areata, a human autoimmune disorder characterised by defects in hair follicle cycling.

44. The method includes the steps of releasing trapped hair (30) from a hair follicle (34) and performing atomic absorption spectroscopy on the released hair.

45. Histopathologic examinations revealed that the etiologic agent was a molluscum virus in the lower portion of a pilosebaceous follicle, which formed a Comedo

46. Alve´oli) (L.) a little hollow, as the socket of a tooth, a follicle of an acinous gland, or a pulmonary Alveolus

47. This helps rescue that follicle, now called the corpus luteum, from degenerating as it normally would do in that stage of the menstrual cycle.

48. We review recent results that indicate that Chorion gene amplification in follicle cells of the Drosophila ovary is a model for investigating metazoan replication

49. AMH is mainly produced by primary, secondary and early antral follicles and is therefore a marker of the growing follicle pool in the ovary.

50. Adnexal tumour of the hair follicle presenting as a small skin-coloured nodule with two or three hairs protruding together in a small tuft.

51. Comedones: The plural of comedo, the primary sign of acne, consisting of a dilated (widened) hair follicle filled with keratin squamae (skin debris), bacteria, and sebum (oil)

52. Other types of Abscesses may appear both on the skin surface and within the deeper structures of the skin without always involving a hair follicle

53. Roughly fifteen days before fertilization can happen, the anterior pituitary gland secretes follicle stimulating hormone, FSH, which ripens a handful of follicles of the ovary that then release estrogen.

54. Alve´oli) (L.) a little hollow, as the socket of a tooth, a follicle of an acinous gland, or a pulmonary Alveolus. adj., adj alve´olar

55. Comedones are associated with the pilosebaceous unit, which includes a hair follicle and sebaceous gland.These units are mostly on the face, neck, upper chest, shoulders and back

56. Once implanted, the cells that are to become the placenta secrete a hormone that signals to the ovulated follicle that there is a pregnancy in the uterus.

57. Pretesticular Azoospermia: It is characterized by inadequate stimulation even having normal testicles and genital tract.Basically low level of follicle stimulation hormone causes the inadequate stimulation of the tests

58. We found a decrease of relative values of the macronucleolar (follicle) lymphocytes and a relative and absolute increase of the micronucleolar (sinus) lymphocytes in relationship to progressing phases.

59. When the estrogen level is high enough, the anterior pituitary releases a surge of luteinizing hormone, LH, which triggers ovulation and causes the follicle to rupture and release the egg.

60. The derma, scale follicle, fin, gill, kidney, liver, spleen and intestine of diseased fish revealed to a greater or lesser degree pathological changes, especially in the kidney, derma and gill.

61. At puberty ovulatory follicles develop, and as each follicle enlarges, it appears as a large blister on the surface of the ovary, which is easily detected by rectal palpation.

62. (2,3) In Graves3ophthalmopathy, the exaggerated disease has been related to the increased sympathetic activity due to nicotine and Benzpyrene, thus further stimulating the thyroid follicle cells and increasing thyroxine secretion.

63. While a single pulse may be utilized to perform this function, it is preferably performed by a succession of pulses, with each successive pulse darkening additional components of the follicle.

64. The Msx2 gene associated with hair follicle maintenance is also linked to the closure of the parietal eye in mammals, indicating that fur and lack of pineal eye is linked.

65. Blackheads are technically a form of acne, explains Marchbein. Called "open comedones," they pop up when a hair follicle (aka a pore) fills up with oil and p

66. The method comprises: transmitting acoustic waves through the hair so as to generate heat at a follicle, a dermal papilla, a hair bulge and/or a germinal matrix of the hair.

67. Comedones: The plural of comedo, the primary sign of acne, consisting of a dilated (widened) hair follicle filled with keratin squamae (skin debris), bacteria, and sebum (oil). Comedones may be closed or open

68. When patients Complain of symptoms in the anterior nose or vestibular region, the etiology can include hair follicle inflammation, cysts, nasal polyps, and neoplasms, including papilloma and skin- or mucosa-based malignancies.

69. Comedo´nes) (L.) a plug of keratin and sebum within the dilated orifice of a hair follicle frequently containing the bacteria Corynebacterium acnes, Staphylococcus albus, and Pityrosporum ovale; see also acne vulgaris

70. Comedo´nes) (L.) a plug of keratin and sebum within the dilated orifice of a hair follicle frequently containing the bacteria Corynebacterium acnes, Staphylococcus albus, and Pityrosporum ovale; see also acne vulgaris

71. Definition of Boil (Entry 2 of 3) : a localized swelling and inflammation of the skin resulting from infection of a hair follicle and adjacent tissue, having a hard central core, and forming pus

72. Instead, the Babassu oil, which comes from a naturally growing Amazonian palm-fruit rich in sterols and tocopherols, penetrates deep in the hair follicle to moisturize from the root up and trigger hair growth

73. Noun Comedones technical term for blackhead (sense 1) ‘This is a chronic inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous gland (pilosebaceous unit) characterized by pustules, Comedones, cysts, and scars, and it affects most adolescents.’

74. What Are Comedones? There are two types of Comedones: Blackheads - are defined as open Comedones that develop when a plug of skin cells and excess oil becomes trapped within a hair follicle or hair follicles

75. Open Comedones are blackheads; black because of surface pigment (melanin), rather than dirt; Closed Comedones are whiteheads; the follicle is completely blocked; MicroComedones are so small that they are not visible to the naked eye

76. Therefore it is conceivable that a Binovular follicle induced by a high level of gonadotrophin due to chlomiphene leads to close apposition of two embryos and monochorionic placentation with vessel anastomoses and results in blood chimerism

77. What is a Comedo? A Comedo is just a fancy medical term for everyone’s most unwelcome friend: the pimple. It’s quite literally where a pore or hair follicle becomes filled with skin debris (keratin), bacteria, and oil (sebum)

78. The part of the gland that opens onto the skin or hair follicle is known as the acrosyringium.Whilst sweat glands share a basic structure, Apocrine and eccrine sweat glands have many differences which are outlined during the rest of this article.

79. Babassu is a natural-growing palm fruit rich in sterol and tocopherol lipids that penetrate deep in the hair follicle to strengthen strands from within, while mint extracts promote blood circulation to keep hair follicles healthy and may help trigger new hair growth.

80. Definition of Apocrine gland : a gland and especially a sweat gland that secretes a viscous fluid into a hair follicle (as in the armpit or groin), is lined with a single layer of usually columnar cells, and typically does not become active until puberty