Use "government funding" in a sentence

1. Government funding is being cut back.

2. Any government funding would be temporary in nature.

3. Government funding for the arts has been reduced.

4. They hope for government funding for the scheme.

5. Industrial sponsorship is a supplement to government funding.

6. To obtain government funding for tuition and living cost.

7. Such projects are not financially viable without government funding.

8. They made a direct appeal to the government for funding.

9. Government funding of alternative health care is virtually non-existent.

10. Airs is a private nonprofit association that operates without government funding

11. The government has withdrawn its funding, but they're hanging in there.

12. Thousand Talents scholars are eligible for high levels of government funding.

13. The museum is worried that government funding will be whittled away.

14. Body of government which the executive power Approbates certain responsibilities like tracking government funding or registering voters

15. The government has refused to make up a £000 shortfall in funding.

16. Consequently, more US government funding is being provided for adult stem cell research.

17. A predominance of central funding will always leave the last word with government.

18. • improve allocation of government program funding by determining their social and economic effects;

19. The project had to be abandoned due to a lack of government funding.

20. The center is being established with initial funding support from the Australian Government.

21. But as the price plunged, the government saw its sources of funding evaporating.

22. Academies receive funding directly from the government and are run by an academy trust

23. The cuts in government funding have had a pernicious effect on local health services.

24. The Prime Minister described transferring education to central government funding as "a retrograde step".

25. She testified in Auton v. British Columbia against the required government funding of ABA.

26. The Apiculture market is driven by the increasing government funding for apicultural R&D

27. The Office of First Lady receives no national funding from the government of Costa Rica.

28. President Donald Trump signed the massive $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief and government funding bill into law Sunday night, Averting a government shutdown that …

29. The federal government in 2005 announced $150 million in additional research funding for International Polar Year.

30. There is widespread concern that government funding Bureaucratizes nonprofits and causes them to be administratively inefficient

31. 4 Net change in securities and deposits resulting from foreign currency funding activities of the Government.

32. President Donald Trump signed the massive $2.3 trillion coronavirus relief and government funding Bill into law Sunday night, averting a government shutdown that …

33. The Japanese government approached the London and Paris families for funding during the Russo-Japanese War.

34. In addition, Zatkin said Kaiser shares the concerns of others about inadequate funding and government control.

35. The Institute for Apprenticeships ensures high-quality apprenticeship standards and advises government on funding for each standard.

36. Its role includes funding allocations, policy development, and representation of the federal government in Canada and abroad.

37. The company blames cuts in Government funding for its work into nuclear fusion for the job losses.

38. The Government increased annual funding to the sector from US$ # million equivalent to almost US$ # million equivalent

39. And while private funding is important, government commitment for funding, both for mitigation and adaptation, has to be a key element, to ensure predictability and to catalyze other flows.

40. At that time the federal government was absolutely committed to funding half of the public health care program

41. Government reforestation targets are not being supported by adequate funding and can not be realised, the report claims.

42. The incumbent is now off in hot pursuit of government funding for the much-enlarged interoperability lab, see above.

43. The Affordability Fund is run by the Affordability Fund Trust and supported by funding from the Government of Ontario

44. Academies are independent, state-funded schools, which receive their funding directly from central government, rather than through a local authority.

45. And the government continued to use the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act to restrict access to foreign funding for domestic organizations.

46. Congress Passes $1.3 Trillion Government Funding Bill, Averts Shutdown The Senate gave final passage to the bipartisan spending plan early …

47. A new plan provides for loans to students, but to make the system workable more government funding will be needed.

48. Funding for this program provided by additional funding provided by

49. In Budget 2005, the Government set out the flow of $5 billion in federal gas tax funding for cities and communities.

50. District Agencies; Grants and Funding; DC Council; Laws, Regulations and Courts; Open Government; Official Documents and Records; Tickets and Fines; Visitors

51. We are pursuing an aggressive outreach strategy targeting our stakeholders - industry, other government departments, other levels of government and academia - to explore new collaborative arrangements, funding models, and investment opportunities.

52. The federal government, through funding provided by the Bonneville Power Administration, Bankrolls a wide-ranging regional effort to restore salmon runs

53. (New York) – The Indian government blocked foreign funding and escalated pressure on media and civil society groups critical of government policies, Human Rights Watch said today, releasing its World Report 2017.

54. 15 Government funding to Social service departments who pay 230-pounds for each resident each week will be cut substantially in April.

55. In 2010, research funding from the government, industry, and business sectors surpassed RMB1.13 billion, the second highest of any university in China.

56. 17 The furore among providers about current government-funding policies which challenge the latter assumption suggests that this is a real danger.

57. ABC considers funding from another government department specifically for a project to be "other project financing" and does not treat it as equity.

58. • What are the views on AAP funding criteria and the level of funding?

59. the allocation of funding;

60. Funding of traditional Agencies

61. The funding is discretionary.

62. The work of funding officers and administrative staff was greatly simplified, reducing funding errors.

63. The primary purpose of the Arra was to provide government funding and impetus to get public works projects and related jobs off the ground

64. Acknowledging Funding in Papers

65. Additional funding provided by

66. Model 3 (Shared Funding): – – – There is some central funding Libraries contribute to match central funding Prices reflect greater discounts because of larger aggregated purchasing power

67. National organizations are not eligible for ACAP Operational Funding What are the ACAP Funding Approaches?

68. Alternative Funding Arrangements (AFA): is an optional funding mechanism which qualified recipients may enter into.

69. The funding arrangement must follow the Treasury Board rules or "funding authority" as defined above.

70. ERF Funding = amount of ERF Funding per action as forecast in the approved annual programme.

71. Data Sources Funding Agency Institutional

72. The guidelines will facilitate the State Government entities to directly borrow from the external bilateral funding agencies subject to fulfilment of certain conditions and all repayments of loans and interests to the funding agencies will be directly remitted by the concerned borrower.

73. Landfill tax can be crucial in funding projects that fall outside the guidelines of lottery funding.

74. • Model 3 (Shared Funding): – There is some central funding – Libraries contribute to match central funding – Prices reflect greater discounts because of larger aggregated purchasing power Recommended Model

75. *Recipients obtain funding through a variety of arrangements including Contributions, Flexible Transfer Payments and Alternative Funding Arrangements.

76. *Recipients obtain funding through a variety of arrangements including contributions, flexible transfer payments and alternative funding arrangements.

77. Auspice In a funding context, an Auspice is an organisation who manages grant funding on your behalf

78. Here are the funding credits for Assistances, a show that aired on PBS Kids from 1994-1997 (with reruns from 1997-2000) 1 1st Funding (January 17, 1994-September 29, 1995) 2 2nd Funding (October 2, 1995-February 28, 1997) 3 3rd Funding (March 3, 1997-September 26, 1997) (Reruns) 4 4th Funding

79. The topics addressed are free education, freezing university tuition fees, the loans and grants program, the method of selecting university students and cutbacks in government education funding.

80. SNAP, Sol Cover Brainchildren receive funding