Use "gouging" in a sentence

1. Non-woven Abrasives reduce undercutting and gouging of

2. The only prohibitions were eye gouging, scratching, and biting.

3. It acts as a geologic rasp , scratching , gouging and generallythe surfaces the glacier rides.

4. It acts as a geologic rasp , scratching, gouging and generally abroding the surfaces the glacier rides.

5. Wrestling, golf, footraces, bowling, cockfighting, pitching quoits (like horseshoes), gouging (no holds barred combat), billiards, and Cudgeling were widespread

6. The propane and Oxy/Acetylene torch kits and plasma cutting and gouging kits offered here include all the essentials you need in one convenient package

7. British newspapers accused German soldiers of a series of crimes including: gouging out the eyes of civilians, cutting off the hands of teenage boys, raping and sexually mutilating women, giving children hand grenades to play with, Bayoneting babies and the crucifixion of captured soldiers.