Use "gouged" in a sentence

1. He had gouged her cheek with a screwdriver.

2. 9 He gouged her cheek with a screwdriver.

3. 2 He had gouged her cheek with a screwdriver.

4. A maniac had gouged several holes in the priceless painting.

5. A tree gone septic where we gouged our initials.

6. We had a trail gouged out by a bulldozer.

7. International Prescription Drug Parity; Are Americans Being Protected or Gouged?

8. She had taken a pair of scissors and gouged her eyes out.

9. Mechanized giants have gouged out huge sections of land for housing developments and swank hotels.

10. He gouged her cheek with a screwdriver(,( but failed to rip off her clothes.

11. 23 One of the young man's eyes had been gouged out and he had been castrated.

12. The bullet gouged through Michael Rentas's right hand, but it was deflected, missing his skull by a millimetre.

13. Dentists gouged out sensitive, decayed teeth with sharp instruments and then pounded hot metal into the cavity as a filling.

14. When funding for the project was threatened, he is said to have gouged out his own eyes to show his piety and sincerity.

15. Seeking information about the military operations, Japanese soldiers brutally tortured Tsukanova, having gouged out her eyes and cut her with knives before burying her mutilated body.

16. This is a video podcast of "Gouged Eyes and Chawed Ears: The Rough and Tumble World of Breckinridge Elkins," a presentation given by Jeffrey Shanks athe the

17. At the point where the Tsirku River enters the Chilkat River, however, earth faults and glacial action resulted in a large basin being gouged out to depths greater than 750 feet [230 m] below sea level.

18. A raw egg dropped on a plate stood in for an eye being gouged; poured corn syrup for flowing blood; Cleavered cabbages and cantaloupes for beheadings; snapped pencils and spareribs for broken fingers and bones

19. Shang, in anger, gouged out the eyes of the government workers who were on duty and hung them upside down, while arresting all in the city who were capable of writing poetry, putting some 3,000 of them to death.

20. The Lonely Planet Guidebook on Vietnam explains: “As [the dragon] ran towards the coast, its flailing tail gouged out valleys and crevasses; as it plunged into the sea, the areas dug up by the tail became filled with water, leaving only bits of high land visible.”

21. >"every human on earth dying from having their eyes gouged out with nails and then being dunked in boiling vinegar until they die of Asphyxiatic pain shock is a fair trade for a single nazi stubbing his toe" >"i struggle to think objectively about any morale quandry more nuanced than 1+1 also all germans deserve to die for being born in gernany"