Use "goths" in a sentence

1. However, the Goths had adopted Arianism.

2. Goths broke through the Roman frontiers in the fourth century C.E.

3. Theoderic and his Goths were now masters of Italy.

4. A lot of historical data of Dacians and Getae were wrongly attributed to Goths.

5. The Roman army continued to follow the Goths during the spring and summer of 270.

6. Goths attacked Sarmatian tribes on the north of the Danube in Dacia, in what is today Romania.

7. If we pull legions from the west, the Goths will pillage us instead.

8. The ensuing battle was indecisive: the northward advance of the Goths was halted but Roman losses were heavy.

9. These same Goths then rose in rebellion and defeated the Romans in the Battle of Adrianople in 378 AD.

10. Kniva's horde apparently included Goths, Taifali and Vandals, as well as some renegade Roman army veterans.

11. He succeeded Rusticius as magister militum per Thracias (464), and had several successes against the Goths and Huns (466 or 467).

12. Greeks, Romans, Goths, Tatar-Mongols, Ottomans, Russians, Brits and Frenchmen during the Crimean war,… Read more stories

13. Jordanes claims, however, that Aemilian's troops plundered Roman territory, rather than keep the tribute of the Goths.

14. The Khazars also exacted tribute from the Alani, Magyars, various Slavic tribes, the Crimean Goths, and the Greeks of Crimea.

15. The Goths have left behind the only text corpus of the East Germanic language type: a 4th-century translation of the Gospels.

16. Jocks, nerds, stoners, goths—high school Cliques can seem like timeless categories, reflected in John Hughes movies and countless teen dramas

17. He lets the history of the Goths commence with the emigration of Berig with three ships from Scandza to Gothiscandza (25, 94), in a distant past.

18. The dragging war with the Goths was a disaster for Italy, even though its long-lasting effects may have been less severe than is sometimes thought.

19. Unlike whisk, whore has a reputable etymology, going all the way to Indo-European (among its cognates are Latin carus and Old Irish cara "friend"); Goths called a prostitute hors.

20. Alaric was a traditional name for the kings of the Ostrogoths, the most famous of whom was Alaric I, the King of the West Goths who sacked Rome in 410.

21. The first is that Haflingers descend from horses abandoned in the Tyrolean valleys in central Europe by East Goths fleeing from Byzantine troops after the fall of Conza in 555 AD.

22. On the following day, finding the battlefield was "piled high with bodies and the Huns did not venture forth", the Goths and Romans met to decide their next move.

23. Carolingians Gascon Breton Caesar & Marian & Allies Norse Irish Ottoman Germanic Tribes, Goths Alans Warlord Games Black Powder Napoleonics French British Napoleonic 28mm Books Hail Caesar Boxed Sets Imperial Romans Blister Packs Imperial Romans …

24. It was not what he wanted to do: In addition to being a king of the Goths, Alaric was a Roman magister militum ' master of soldiers,' making him a valued member of the Roman Empire.