Use "gossiping" in a sentence

1. Gossiping and lying go together.

2. 2 Gossiping and lying go together.

3. She is above petty gossiping.

4. Not a nice habit, and we know perfectly well the person gossiping, five minutes later, will be gossiping about us.

5. 8 She's been gossiping about you.

6. 6 She is above petty gossiping.

7. And a gossiping tongue brings an angry face.

8. 12 They sat gossiping in the afternoon.

9. 5 The whole town was gossiping about them.

10. 13 Employees were gossiping about the latest rumors.

11. 7 I can't stand here gossiping all day.

12. 4 Stop gossiping and get on with some work.

13. Gossiping and lying go hand in hand. 

14. 1 Gossiping and lying go hand in hand. 

15. Stop gossiping and get on with some work.

16. “My friends and I have a problem with gossiping.

17. Make a commitment to stop gossiping, and then do it.

18. 2 Gossiping and lying go hand in hand. 

19. If your friends are gossiping, nicely change the subject.

20. 16 He passes time gossiping, fingering worry beads and sipping ouzo.

21. The women stood in the marketplace, gossiping about this and that.

22. It vexed me to think of others gossiping behind my back.

23. 19 I wasn't doing anything important - just gossiping with a neighbour.

24. 3 It vexed me to think of others gossiping behind my back.

25. 11 She's been gossiping and hasn't done a stroke all morning.

26. 9 She can spend a whole day gossiping with her neighbours.

27. 10 The women stood in the marketplace, gossiping about this and that.

28. Think about how you would feel if someone was gossiping about you.

29. They're always gossiping about so-and-so having an affair with so-and-so.

30. The shopping precinct is full of teenagers gathered in small clusters, smoking, gossiping, laughing, scuffling.

31. He didn't want to sit gossiping in the kitchen with that old slob of a cousin.

32. 29 The shopping precinct is full of teenagers gathered in small clusters, smoking, gossiping, laughing, scuffling.

33. English words for Bavardage include chat, chatting, talking, gossiping, chitchat, prattle, talkativeness, jabber, patter and clatter

34. 18 Gossiping, after all, is an important trade that oils the wheels of other people's industry.

35. 15 Sergeants Camb and Martin were gossiping in the foyer when he emerged from the lift.

36. 30 Her booming voice, very frightening to children, was usually occupied in gossiping to every passer-by.

37. 20 He didn't want to sit gossiping in the kitchen with that old slob of a cousin.

38. 28 From what she had told me, Gail hung around with her girlfriends, gossiping and looking at boys.

39. 26 I came to walk alone during the day instead of staying in and gossiping with the girls.

40. Synonyms for Bruiting about include rumouring, rumoring, circulating, whispering, alleging, believing, Bruiting, buzzing, claiming and gossiping

41. But it all ended amicably and by the afternoon they were gossiping together like old hens.

42. 27 You'd be reported - three charges: failing to work your beat, idling your time, and gossiping.

43. 21 You'd be reported - three charges: failing to work your beat, idling your time, and gossiping.

44. A cursory glance at the literature in this field reveals the importance of suspicions concerning gossiping groups of women.

45. 22 A cursory glance at the literature in this field reveals the importance of suspicions concerning gossiping groups of women.

46. Government memo to pajama-wearing Shanghainese, whether shopping, gossiping, playing mahjong or walking dogs in their sleepwear: Get dressed.

47. 25 Unless Guy came up with an acceptable explanation,( the entire Court would be gossiping about them.

48. 17 But she might walk slowly, gossiping on the way, or even stop off at some other house to drink tea.

49. 23 Maggie had so little to do during the day that she spent much of the time chatting and gossiping with Rose.

50. 21 I elbowed my way through the nosey parkers gossiping in the yard and ran home to tell Dad my good news.

51. 14 Try not to curse when the girls are gossiping at the water fountain and all you want is a drink.

52. I remember not being able to stand outside a phone kiosk any longer and dragging out a man who was obviously gossiping therein.

53. 27 I remember not being able to stand outside a phone kiosk any longer and dragging out a man who was obviously gossiping therein.

54. 24 I remember not being able to stand outside a phone kiosk any longer and dragging out a man who was obviously gossiping therein.

55. Who decided Cussing is cool? Ya’ll, it’s the same guy who decided getting drunk is cool, and that gossiping is cool, and that watching pornography is cool

56. Monsters fall; GAME OF THE WEEK ALIENS: COLONIAL MARINES (XBOX 360) It is doing what people have always done – talking, chatting and gossiping, sometimes in an offensive and Cretinous way.

57. A mission to find a self-realized android may initiate a fascinating look at a futuristic Underground Railroad, but a little side gossiping might let you lie your way to quest completion.

58. He talks of goings on at Victoria and Albert Museum in London, where the Keeper of Ceramics is Broigus with the Under-Keeper of Miniatures after hearing the Director of Engravings gossiping with one of the Secretaries of Stuffed Animals

59. ‘Food is important at ceremonial occasions such as naming ceremonies, Betrothals, marriages, and deaths.’ ‘She had seemed so girlish, chattering on about clothes and gossiping about the recent Betrothals.’ ‘Uncertainty plagued her, following every move she made, surfacing every time anyone mentioned her betrothal.’

60. ‘As a shy, Bookish child, I felt very much an outsider when I was growing up, and the discovery of our secret Romany past was the key which unlocked a mass of possible explanations.’ ‘In this sanctuary he is to be found, his punishing day's tally of work completed, sitting content, smoking endless pipes and gossiping with Bookish friends