Use "good form" in a sentence

1. Hes in good form.

2. Leconte showed good form.

3. She is in good form.

4. He is in good form.

5. What good form he's in.

6. I was in good form today.

7. 9 Finally, form good living habits.

8. I was in good form that night.

9. Swimming is a good form of exercise.

10. He looked on good form to me.

11. Books are a good form of escape.

12. At least he is in good form again.

13. He's been in good form all this season.

14. Abigail was “good in discretion and beautiful in form.”

15. It is not good form to brag about winning.

16. Form drills like Carioca help build athleticism, coordination, and good running form!Form Cues cheat sheet: form drills are exag

17. Both horses have shown good form over the last season.

18. Pastures form a good percentage of the land in Jamaica.

19. 23 It is not good form to brag about winning.

20. The whole team was on good form and deserved the win.

21. The plural form in English is a good example of Allomorphs.

22. Good Accessioning practices form the foundation for all further processes undertaken by

23. At least Jeremy had the good form to go back and apologize.

24. Paul was on good form at the wedding and kept everyone entertained.

25. 5 It is not in good form to brag of your learning.

26. Good form dictated that she should dress more casually in the country.

27. Both teams are on good form, which should make for a great game.

28. It states what is good form and what is expected of a Scout.

29. Echeverias are softer in form, many having good flowers and subtle leaf coloration.

30. Thus, thre·skeiʹa may be translated either “religion” or “form of worship,” good or bad.

31. And so give you comfort in form of a quick and good heated accommodation.

32. He added: " We a very side and we are going there in good form. "

33. That is our strength and our forwards are in good form at the moment.

34. Office manager is on holiday this week., and assistant manager are in good form.

35. Colander is a good basis for form generation systems, data description systems, and configuration systems

36. Some blood Clots form inside your veins without a good reason and don't dissolve naturally.

37. Take this form up to the front desk on your way out and good luck.

38. Aldol Condensations are important in organic synthesis, because they provide a good way to form …

39. 12 Office manager is on holiday this week., and assistant manager are in good form.

40. This is a good thing, because the water-insoluble form of Beryllium can cause much less harm to organisms than the water-soluble form.

41. (Matthew 11:29) His humility was not superficial, a mere matter of form or good manners.

42. The floor plates provided with elastic bands form a good antiskid floor and have noise absorption properties.

43. A good example is Au(CN)2−, which is the soluble form of gold encountered in mining.

44. Aquinas argued against any form of cheating and recommended always paying compensation in lieu of good service.

45. Such blends also have good form stability and visual transparency, making them useful for low-end packaging applications.

46. A deed of grant executed and delivered in proper form is supported by a presumption of good Consideration.

47. The inter-provincial championship went to Ulster for the sixth consecutive year, and Munster have shown good form.

48. A good example of using Computations can be illustrated by a page containing form fields for entering phone numbers

49. But here, in the heart of rural Stirlingshire and surrounded by the party faithful, he is in good form.

50. Baristas must do all of these tasks quickly and efficiently while also making sure to form good customer relationships.

51. Corporal Discipline would take the form of a good Birching, caning or whipping on the naughty female’s bare bottom

52. Gratitude is more than a mere display of good manners or a form of etiquette; it stems from the heart.

53. This is in agreement with a narration attributed to Muhammad which says "every good deed is a form of sadaq."

54. Some manuscripts use “Ram” here in Luke’s account, but there is good manuscript support for using the variant form “Arni.”

55. It also ensures that the waste that is ultimately disposed of is in a good form for long-term storage.

56. Renewal Applications ← Online Only: Form 224a, Form 225a, Form 363a, Form 510a: New Applications: Form 225, Form 363, Form 510 (Form 224 unavailable in PDF)

57. The manufacturer shall determine the form and extent of the distance and service accumulation for engines, consistent with good engineering practice

58. The manufacturer shall determine the form and extent of the distance and service accumulation for engines, consistent with good engineering practice.

59. Provided that the other House now passes the Bill in the same form, it will have finished with it for good.

60. Good stomach, good legs good posture.

61. It can also be used as an adjective in the form of Civilized to describe something as polite or having good manners

62. The manufacturer shall determine the form and extent of the distance and service accumulation for engines, consistent with good engineering practice.

63. Neither of these extreme dogma is applied rigorously today, but it is certainly still accepted that 2-D form makes good pattern.

64. And to get straight into the good stuff, fill out the quick-quote form above to get a quote for Couriers online!

65. 6 Neither of these extreme dogma is applied rigorously today, but it is certainly still accepted that 2-D form makes good pattern.

66. Look good, feel good and do good with Bobs

67. Once again it was the Club Secretary Eddie who came to the fore maintaining his good form and romping home a clear winner.

68. Conclusion Azithromycin has good effect for non-gonococcal urethritis and ineffective for multi-form merger syphilis, cutaneous deficiency regression after use Benzathine Benzylpenicillin.

69. Good tweet, good tweet.

70. Good luck, good luck.

71. Good for good is natural, good for evil is manly.

72. 7 Good painter, maybe. Good runner, good reader, you bet.

73. Good fences make good neighbours.

74. Good fellowship – a practice centred on recreational drinking in Alehouses – was a widespread, meaningful, and potent form of social bonding in early modern England

75. Both Butterscotch and caramel can come in sauce form, candy form, pudding form, cake form, etc.

76. "Bulliest" is a superlative form of "bully" (good): having desirable or positive qualities, especially those suitable for a thing specified

77. A GOOD recipe and a good cook make for a good meal!

78. Ten good horses, 10 good guns.

79. Such buds containing re-aggregated cells do not develop normally but they can form jointed cartilage elements and sometimes very good-looking digit-like structures.

80. An unwed father often cannot win Custody over a mother who is a good parent, but he can take steps to secure some form of