Use "good for him" in a sentence

1. The role he proposed for Ken was too good for him to pass up.

2. Don't pander to the child, it's not good for him to have everything he wants.

3. But, bad for idle schoolboys, it did so happen that they were passably good for him.

4. 1991 Gillian Slovo The Betrayal And so he Bided his time, waiting, plotting, planning, looking for the signs that would be good for him.

5. He is the first to accuse Job directly of wickedness; Averring indeed that his punishment is too good for him (11:6); he rebukes Job's impious presumption in trying to find out the unsearchable secrets of God (11:7-12); and yet, like the rest of the friends, promises peace and restoration on condition of penitence and putting away iniquity (11