Use "goner" in a sentence

1. She's a goner, just as dead sure as Muff Potter's a goner.

2. That man is a goner.

3. I reckon he's a goner.

4. He was a goner after that stroke.

5. I'm a goner if this plan doesn't work.

6. Biter Be Goner is a nail biting deterrent

7. He thaws out a little... he' s a goner

8. We were frantic. We thought you were a goner.

9. With the old man goner the Family power is cut at least in halt.

10. When his parachute failed he thought he was a goner.

11. She fell so heavily I thought she was a goner.

12. Suffice to say keep your skis parallel or you're a goner.

13. It was past it, a goner, way past its sell-by date.

14. Someone hit me from behind and I thought I was a goner.

15. The table a really goner, we should get rid of it now.

16. I'm afraid that my fish a goner. he hasn't been swimming normally for days.

17. I thought I was a goner when I saw that car heading towards me.

18. This table is a goner. We should really just get rid of it now.

19. When one of the plane's engines went out, I thought I was a goner.

20. Too much ornamentation on the frame, or garishness in the pattern, and you're a goner.

21. Good thing, too. Just 2 minutes in the elements, and the chick would be a goner.

22. Colmon Chan, manager of Datacom Systems, believes the fish is a goner -- all because of a tree.

23. In 19 Major again appeared to be a political goner when inner-party squabbling threatened to bring his government down.

24. How the pueros thou Beguilest! Pueri think non plus of Caesar, Go ad Orcum, Shalmanezer, Take your laurels, cum the honor, Since ista possum is a goner! Rate this poem: Report SPAM

25. Beneath Lyrics: Posted by the corner, caught that gas / Changin' every day with that sight from the past / Damn, my bitch say I’m a goner, she say I’m blessed / To tell me that I’ll never

26. How the pueros thou Beguilest! Pueri think non plus of Caesar, Go ad Orcum, Shalmanezer, Take your laurels, cum the honor, Since ista possum est a goner! Categories Guest Posts Tags Calhoun County Mississippi, Caremen Possum, Josef Nix, Latin language, possum hunting.

27. Indeed, two species of Curlew may already be extinct; the Slender-billed Curlew Numenius tenuirostris, last spotted with confidence in 1995, which once migrated between the Mediterranean Basin and its breeding grounds in Siberia; and the Eskimo Curlew Numenius borealis, which once travelled between Canada and South America, and is almost certainly a goner, having not been seen with certainty

28. How the puers tu Beguilest! Puers think non plus of Caesar, Go ad Orcum, Shalmanezer, Take your laurels, cum the honor, Since iste possum is a goner! For Teachers and Students: Printable Carmen Possum; Printable vocabulary list; Feel free to print out, distribute, and use these as handouts! Please keep the "edited by" + link back to this page