Use "gonadal" in a sentence

1. Hatching success, Survival Gross- morphology, VTG gonadal histology, Genetic sex, Sex ratio

2. Hatching success, Survival Gross- morphology, VTG gonadal histology, Sex ratio

3. Stage 5 typically represents maximal gonadal growth and adult hormone levels.

4. Sex Determination, Gonadal Sex Differentiation and Pl--Asticity in Vertebrate Species Physiol Rev

5. Total “ovarian” gonadal dysgenesis in individuals withmale nuclear sex is postulated as the cause of the hitherto so-calledgonadal agenesis (Turner's syndrome), as there is some evidence that the “gonadal streaks” in these cases represent rudimentary ovaries.

6. There were no detectable effects of density or cover, but feeding accelerated spawning time and promoted gonadal growth.

7. There are three distinct phases in the life cycle of amphibians when this axis is especially active: (1) gonadal differentiation during larval development, (2) development of secondary sex characteristics and gonadal maturation during the juvenile phase and (3) functional reproduction of adults.

8. In this case, the androgen insensitivity syndrome or the adrenogenital syndrome, as well as gonadal dysgenesis (e.g.

9. Aspermia and recovery of spermatogenesis in cancer patients following incidental gonadal irradiation during treatment: a progress report Radiology

10. 14 The ureter and gonadal ein packet are dissected en bloc and lifted antero- laterally off the psoas muscle towards the renal hilum.

11. Of all the depots in the mouse, the gonadal depots are the largest and the most easily dissected, comprising about 30% of dissectible fat.

12. Chromosome aberrations, XX and XY gonadal dysgenesis, mutations of the gonadotropin receptor genes, disorders of steroid hormone biosynthesis, agonadism, and autoimmune diseases have to be considered.

13. During the EU-funded FSHS (Fetal adrenal and gonadal sex hormone synthesis in health and disease) project, researchers identified a novel androgen pathway in the foetal adrenal cortex.

14. The gonadal blastema in 4.5-week-old embryos appeared formed by poorly differentiated somatic mesothelial cells, and by specialized germ cells (PGCs) with signs of Ameboidism, cellular structures suggesting active protein biosynthesis and mitotic activity

15. In addition, they employed a mouse model of 21-OH deficiency to investigate the impact of the foetal adrenal-gonadal hormonal cross-talk on the development of testicular and ovarian adrenal rest tumours – the most common cause of infertility in 21-OH CAH.

16. Destruction of the testicular tubules by the adrenal rests and longstanding suppression of the pituitary-gonadal axis can lead to infertility. The presence of testicular adrenal rests must be investigated in any man with CAH due to 21-hydroxylase deficiency and infertility.

17. Intersexuality is an umbrella term for a multitude of diagnoses having different causes, different disease patterns and different developments. Some of them are described in this article, such as the adrenogenital syndrome showing virilisation phenomena with a 46,XX chromosome set or reduced virilisation with a 46,XY chromosome set in the case of an androgen insensitivity syndrome, disturbances of androgenic biosynthesis or gonadal dysgenesis mostly with a feminine gender role.

18. However, adequate androgen secretion alone does not ensure normal sexual hair development in many patients with gonadal dysgenesis. Moreover, in children with a lack or delayed adrenarche long-term treatment with DHAS at dosages such as to restore normal levels for age, failed to induce growth of sexual hair or any change in growth rate, bone maturation velocity, or to advance puberty.