Use "going up" in a sentence

1. Transatlantic airfares are going up.

2. New houses are going up everywhere.

3. Their recovered losses are going up.

4. We were going up the stairs.

5. Look! It's going up that tree.

6. The cost of living is going up.

7. The price of corn is going up.

8. She is going up to Oxford in October.

9. I remembered going up in a gilt elevator.

10. 4 The cost of living is going up.

11. The prices of food, the prices of energy products have been fluctuating very violently, going up, then slightly going down, then going up.

12. The temperature is going up; will the snow melt?

13. A new ore - dressing plant is rapidly going up.

14. Engine two has been hit, temperature gauge going up,

15. what about all the buildings going up around the place?

16. That's the smell of your theater going up in flames!

17. You're going up against a bunch of battle-hardened barbarians.

18. I'm going up, introducing myself to every cop in the pueblo?

19. " Landlord, " said I, going up to him as cool as Mt.

20. The telescope, going up in space, it unfolds in two places.

21. We're gonna be going up... but I'm taking you boys down.

22. He begins going up into heaven, as you can see here.

23. It seems like new beachfront hotels are going up every week.

24. I heard the clump of Ralph's boots going up the stairs.

25. Why are aluminum-related diseases going up and affecting all of us?

26. The search views started going up as more Botted views came in

27. I'm going up around the corner here, to roust out my driver.

28. As of next month, all the airline's fares will be going up.

29. I kept going up and down steps in search of a skylight.

30. He keeps on going up to his uncle and almost killing him.

31. Aluminum Is Going Up Again, Copper Steady – 3/10/21 March 10, 2021

32. You'll need to change into a lower gear when going up this hill.

33. An early start is being made, in fact scaffolding is going up already.

34. Going up century 80 time metaphase, coke Cola did large - scale taste test.

35. Lots of hands going up, a moment, let me do a head count.

36. And they're going up these giant escalators on their way to their jobs.

37. The price of petrol is going up and down like a Yo-Yo.

38. And here he is, flapping with his ears and very gracefully going up.

39. All his hard work seemed to be going up in a puff of smoke.

40. We've got bubbles going up there, then suds at the top with lumpy tiles.

41. Witnesses going up to the highlands found a cool climate but a warm welcome.

42. Zenordth said: The search views started going up as more Botted views came in

43. After going up for six months, the cost of living leveled off in September.

44. 12 After going up for six months, the cost of living leveled off in September.

45. I'm this close to going up there and going postal on the whole goddamn administration.

46. Lillian, age 15, admits: “Going up to strangers for the first time was really scary.

47. In fact, you might have even seen some cavitation going up the edge of the limb.

48. Oh, and by the way, your chances of not going up to the roof just evaporated.

49. He no longer carried on the ruse of going up to the swimming pool every day.

50. Although long-distance phone calls are going up, the charge for local calls will not alter.

51. Sales can't keep going up, but that doesn't mean the industry is going in the tank.

52. And working that squeezer to make the lemonade going up and down and up and down...

53. A Chest is typically about 38 inches wide, with the height going up to about 60 inches.

54. Remember we have Concave Functions going up, but falling off - in both workers and and in machines.

55. Catalans prefer to be known for the airy constructions that are going up for the Olympic Games.

56. 27 After climbing mountains in the Swiss Alps, going up English hills is a piece of cake.

57. Her heart rate is going up, her blood pressure is going down, she's breathing very, very fast.

58. Those numbers have been going up and up, and those are over 50 percent now on both sides.

59. + 13 Taʹmar was told: “Here your father-in-law is going up to Timʹnah to shear his sheep.”

60. Not only the cost of gasoline, but also the bills for heating oil and electricity are going up.

61. 15 The circulation of Good Housekeeping keeps going up and up, which gives us all a great buzz.

62. Ken Gordon, blind flyer, broke into the hangar, stole his plane and is going up after Sheila Mason

63. Right at the end of the 60s, moral ambiguity is going up, inspiration is kind of on the wane.

64. When we're turning, we have the feeling of surfing, and the way it's going up- wind, it's very efficient.

65. And as they whiz by you, it's like being passed by a little iron Raisinet going up the hill.

66. The individual whose own income is going up has no real reason to incur the opprobrium of this discussion.

67. The stock market has been on a roll, going up as everybody knows, and price-earnings ratios have grown.

68. The Zao Palace Antechambers are located below the Dragonblaze Peaks in Zao, and can be accessed by going up here.

69. Aircraft can avoid each other by going up and down, as well as by altering course to left or right.

70. We knew the rents were going up in Tottenham mews and we couldn't find any good, affordable space in town.

71. Going up one flight of stairs to visit the lavatory is not worth recording as exercise for the average person!

72. Going up the complexity scale, a machine language program is a collection of machine language instructions that the CPU executes.

73. I toyed with the idea of going up to her but was embarrassed to do so in my swimming trunks.

74. We offer you after previous agreement possibility to practise on natural grass track with lenght of 200m slightly going up.

75. 12 The individual whose own income is going up has no real reason to incur the opprobrium of this discussion.

76. Unfortunately, Namaqua chameleons know that on foggy mornings, the beetles coming down the dunes are juicier than those going up.

77. (Laughter) And as they whiz by you, it's like being passed by a little iron Raisinet going up the hill.

78. The magic show had a lot of audience participation, with people shouting things to the performers and going up on stage.

79. For the year, Burnet has received 22.05 percent more in sales tax allocations, going up from $621,543.53 at this point last …

80. Starting from 01/05/2016 the price of one IDNI Agoras Tokens will be 20 cents (USD), going up 5% monthly