Use "godly" in a sentence

1. Godly Training Pays Dividends

2. Jehovah Blesses Godly Zeal

3. Godly Devotion —A Key Factor

4. Godly Training Bears Good Fruit

5. Godly sadness and repentance (8-16)

6. A godly spirit wins respect.

7. 1996 “Messengers of Godly Peace” Convention


9. With godly fear, so can we.

10. Godly Obedience in a Religiously Divided Family

11. Why does godly wisdom lead to happiness?

12. Pursue Godly Peace in Family Life

13. Jehovah blesses his godly zeal too.

14. A Godly Quality More Precious Than Diamonds

15. A Godly View of Sex and Marriage

16. Set a fine example of godly conduct.

17. 28 A Godly Quality More Precious Than Diamonds

18. Godly qualities are imperiled by improper sexual desires.

19. 1996 “Messengers of Godly Peace” District Convention

20. • How can we improve in showing godly wisdom?

21. 151 17 Practice Godly Devotion at Home

22. Such love gave rise to Jesus’ godly fear.

23. Why is accurate knowledge essential in developing godly devotion?

24. What can we do to build such godly patience?

25. 20 min: “1996 ‘Messengers of Godly Peace’ District Convention.”

26. As a result, we flourish and produce godly fruitage.

27. “He made sure that we associated with godly children.

28. What role does faith play in our exercising godly subjection?

29. By our preaching activity, we display godly justice

30. The king too was struck with godly fear.

31. Godly fear is loving and trusting in Him.

32. How was Hannah rewarded for her godly devotion?

33. Maintaining integrity calls for godly fear and wisdom.

34. We also need wisdom to apply godly principles properly.

35. 118 13 Why Living a Godly Life Brings Happiness

36. Holy spirit inspired godly men to write the Bible.

37. These mannerly traits will beautify our lives as godly people.

38. Their godly friendship was based on true appreciation and affection.

39. What are “holy acts of conduct” and “deeds of godly devotion”?

40. □ What is the key to being a person of godly principle?

41. Eliezer was primarily interested in a woman with a godly personality.

42. At all times we need to cultivate godly devotion.

43. Godly wisdom rises above racial prejudice and national pride.

44. Godly wisdom rises above racial prejudice and national pride.

45. A person with godly patience endures with a purpose.

46. The emphasis is on godly devotion, not self-sufficiency.

47. He set the perfect example of conduct manifesting godly devotion.

48. 15 The pursuit of pleasure can crowd out godly devotion.

49. Charmless, rigid, a bore, yes, but not a godly man.

50. 10 Godly women avoid being like Jezebel or any of her kind.

51. □ What are some godly qualities imitated by those who support theocracy?

52. But pursue righteousness, godly devotion, faith, love, endurance, mildness of temper.”

53. Good communication helps us to pursue godly peace in family life

54. Godly courage coupled with love for the sheep was needed.

55. Solomon possessed an abundance of both riches and godly wisdom.

56. How to Protect Your Children by Means of Godly Wisdom

57. Consider the experiences of some godly women of the past.

58. How did Barzillai display godly devotion despite his changed circumstances?

59. Godly Families of the Past —A Pattern for Our Day

60. Give some highlights of the “Godly Devotion” District Conventions in Poland.

61. What indicates that the members of Noah’s family practiced godly devotion?

62. An elderly father who serves Jehovah delights in his godly children.

63. A godly woman who has true charm will surely receive glory.

64. Thus, his looking after elderly parents is an expression of godly devotion.

65. It exacts people’s time, strength, and abilities; and it chokes out godly devotion.

66. His godly devotion as an adult reflected well on his early training.

67. 18. (a) What helpful tool was released at the “Godly Fear” Conventions?

68. 24 Soon the first “Messengers of Godly Peace” District Conventions will begin.

69. Calvary University is committed to the task of creating godly leaders for tomorrow

70. Godly parents are not unduly influenced by local cultural views about child-rearing.

71. Hannah’s godly response to Eli’s accusation provides a sterling example for us today.

72. Paul warned against “thinking that godly devotion is a means of [material] gain.”

73. 18 Be determined to “render God sacred service with godly fear and awe.”

74. Seek the fellowship of godly men, harken unto their words and remember them.

75. (b) Christ’s message to the Thyatira congregation helps godly women to do what?

76. Rather, Jesus condemned their wickedness as being the very antithesis of godly devotion.

77. 15 What will help us to manifest godly subjection in these various areas?

78. Three, his attack speed, dodge ability and critical strike ratio is disgustingly godly.

79. 10 Obviously, elders administering discipline must themselves be examples of godly subjection.

80. Peak attendance at this “Lovers of Godly Freedom” International Convention was 74,587.