Use "goddamn" in a sentence

1. Goddamn kid.

2. Goddamn you!

3. Goddamn bastard.

4. Oh, goddamn pregnancy hormones.

5. Goddamn it, I missed.

6. Goddamn bottleneck.

7. You goddamn punk.

8. Goddamn stupid bullshit!

9. Goddamn, that's sick.

10. It's a goddamn homing beacon.

11. Sarge, take this goddamn kid!

12. Back from the goddamn dead.

13. Oh, forget the goddamn check!

14. You're a goddamn traitor, sir.

15. Dropthe goddamn gun!

16. Play the goddamn kit!

17. Take the goddamn gun!

18. Blister your goddamn lungs!

19. Like me, goddamn it.

20. You're a goddamn cowboy.

21. Close the goddamn door!

22. All because of that goddamn book.

23. Goddamn it, Cookie, move your ass!

24. I'm goddamn plucky, remember?

25. Stop being a goddamn pastor!

26. Not so goddamn fast, doc.

27. Goddamn state's bigger than hell.

28. Sebastian ran the whole goddamn thing aground.

29. Where the hell is that goddamn plane?

30. Well, you're awful goddamn blunt!

31. It's Goddamn twentieth century affectations.

32. I need my goddamn money.

33. — The goddamn sponge is dry!

34. 25 You turned me into a goddamn sadist be-cause of your goddamn stinking country stubbornness.

35. We don't need your goddamn charity!

36. Goddamn things are like locusts now.

37. Come on, you goddamn bloody bastard.

38. We're on the same goddamn grid.

39. I'm not your goddamn sheriff. You!

40. He'll own the whole goddamn state.

41. You turned my brother into a goddamn slave.

42. So stop acting like you're goddamn Christy Turlington!

43. Goddamn, I love working on American soil, Dan.

44. Torchers want to fry the whole goddamn world.

45. You' re goddamn right I' m the best

46. What about the goddamn stolen treasures of Russia?

47. I'm gonna take that goddamn pup.

48. I heard the goddamn thing crunch.

49. I was a hero, goddamn it!

50. It's all the goddamn money, Ed Tom.

51. I mean, the goddamn landing was terrifying.

52. Goddamn it to hell, I'm already regretting'this.

53. I grew up in a goddamn pachinko parlor, okay?

54. I wanna cut off its goddamn head.

55. No-one else even talks to you goddamn coños!

56. Sat out all day waiting for that goddamn wrecker

57. I mean, everything heals when you're a goddamn vampire.

58. That's none of your goddamn business, faggot!

59. I have a clinically bad, goddamn headache!

60. And, Ben, stay off the goddamn radio.

61. I'm a goddamn marvel of modern science.

62. 16 You made a goddamn vampire Pomeranian?

63. Aarrgh just make up your goddamn mind already

64. Then you keep your goddamn eyeballs off me.

65. My crane's gonna take the goddamn derrick out.

66. Came down on that thing like a goddamn dive bomber.

67. You sounded like a goddamn maraca coming through the door.

68. The ankles. Goddamn, anime chicks have the best freakin ankles.

69. He tugs on their goddamn white liberal conscience.

70. Why did they blow up my goddamn apartment?

71. Somebody get poor Bill outta the goddamn street.

72. Unless this is just all my goddamn dream.

73. She spent 6 months reading your goddamn poems.

74. Okay, so she's a very old goddamn liar.

75. Didn't you hear a goddamn word I said?

76. Now, if this little piggy doesn't roll the goddamn camera-

77. I don't owe you a goddamn fucking thing!

78. Goddamn crazy son of a bitch, Pete Perkins.

79. She stuck the goddamn weapon into her mouth.

80. 4 Goddamn , how much longer will it take?