Use "gobbledygook" in a sentence

1. Yeah, it's made of debris and other rocky bits of gobbledygook.

2. Synonyms for Bafflegab include rigmarole, rigamarole, gibberish, gobbledegook, gobbledygook, double-talk, song and dance, nonsense, balderdash and drivel

3. 8 Plain-language advocates and practitioners will nibble at the iron curtain of the tenacious legalese and other forms of gobbledygook .

4. The bio I used for guest posts is the one I’ve quoted above—it’s relatively short: Henneke Duistermaat is an irreverent writer on a mission to stamp out gobbledygook

5. Airlessness dire gobbledygook streamlined rudder kickstand on a bike food quality masamang babae genetostratigafske jedinice esperanto ділити (розділити) на складові частини Bedienpult native perfecto, sin falta poprawna praca mimo usterek rail sveglia Medievalism gigolo cale …

6. The theory of anti-access, area-denial asymmetrical strategies -- gobbledygook that we sell to Congress, because if we just told them we can kick anybody's asses they wouldn't buy us all the stuff we want.